The Old Mirror Case - Alternative View

The Old Mirror Case - Alternative View
The Old Mirror Case - Alternative View

Video: The Old Mirror Case - Alternative View

Video: The Old Mirror Case - Alternative View
Video: Xiaomi Mi A2 Smart Case - бесполезная хрень 2024, September

In 1904, a young girl from a noble family married an officer of the Russian army by the name of Nechiporenko. It happened a few days before the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war. The husband was forced to send his wife to his parents on the family estate, and he himself departed for distant Manchuria.

Once a young wife was lying in the hall on the sofa in some kind of half-oblivion, mechanically looking at the mirror that hung in the wall between the windows.

Suddenly, the girl's attention was attracted by strange pictures "emerging" from the mirror-like depths: hills overgrown with trees and covered with snow. Then she noticed a strange movement.

Looking intently, I recognized my husband and his orderly. They crawled, looking around. But then two more figures appeared from the depths, moving also secretly. The girl shuddered - they were clearly Asians.

The first of them crept up to ours, took out a knife and held it over her husband. Seized with horror and poorly understanding what she was doing, the girl grabbed the first object that came to her hand from the table and threw it at the enemy. There was a sound of broken glass.

Households who ran into the hall found her lying in a deep swoon. Later, the girl told about her vision, and her father-in-law wrote everything down in detail in his diary.

And just a few weeks later, the husband of a young woman came to the estate, who received a short leave from the army. And he immediately told about a truly mysterious and unaccountable case that happened to him in the war.

According to the officer, one day, together with the orderly, they went on reconnaissance. Secretly we made our way through the hills to the enemy's rear. Suddenly there was a woman's scream and the sound of broken glass was heard. Jumping to their feet, the soldiers saw from behind two Japanese lying in the snow with knives in their hands. Both were dead!

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The vacationer, bewildered, began to look from his father to his wife. Then the father brought a diary describing that very vision of the girl.

Since then, this story has been passed down in the Nechiporenko family from generation to generation and has survived to this day.

From the book “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Curse of things and cursed places"