New Blood Groups Have Been Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

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New Blood Groups Have Been Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View
New Blood Groups Have Been Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: New Blood Groups Have Been Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View

Video: New Blood Groups Have Been Discovered By Scientists - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

Biologists have discovered that there are not 4, but many more blood groups. It is possible that as many as 15. Perhaps this is a sign of a new round of evolution.

Scientists at the University of Vermont (USA) and the Paris Institute of Blood Transfusion made a sensational statement: two more have now been added to the previously existing four blood groups (I, II, III and IV). They called them "Langereis" and "Junior". The speakers are tens of thousands of Japanese. However, new groups have recently begun to be found among representatives of other nationalities - for example, among European Roma and Americans.

- It is believed that the appearance of a particular blood group is directly related to nutrition, - explained to me a specialist in the biological purpose of blood markers and psychosomatic diseases, candidate of psychological sciences, researcher at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov Yuri Levchenko. - As people migrated and adapted to local food, there were changes in its absorption and in the immune system. After all, we had to fight new infectious diseases. And all this was reflected in the blood. Thus, each group contains genetic messages about the diet and behavior strategies of our ancestors. And we are still influenced by their inclinations and habits.

- But why were there exactly four blood groups at first? - I asked.

- It was associated with four stages of human evolution. The first stage was the appearance of the first people who all had the same blood group - O (I). The second stage - the transition from the hunting-collective way of obtaining food to a more civilized agrarian one - resulted in group A (II). The third stage is the merger and migration of races from the African continent to Europe, Asia, North and South America, as a result of which group B (III) appeared. And finally, with the modern mixing of various groups, the AB (IV) group appeared.

Where did two more - "Japanese" come from, scientists cannot yet explain. But there is an assumption: a new stage in the evolution of mankind has begun. By no means gastronomic. And associated with an increased background radiation and electromagnetic radiation.

According to some experts, the blood could change and acquire new characteristics under the influence of physical fields. The Japanese received radiation during the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the disaster at Fukushima. And the electromagnetic fields created by all electronic devices - from microwave ovens to mobile phones - literally permeate densely built up Japanese cities.

Moreover, six blood groups are not the limit. Japanese scientists from the Red Cross Blood Centers in Osaka and Hokkaido believe there may be 10-15 more blood types. Their appearance, experts predict, will most likely be associated with future successes in the field of life extension and health preservation. That is, with a variety of new generation medicines.

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Doctor of Medical Sciences, transplantologist Boris BALAYAN:

- It would seem that carriers of new groups should have problems with blood compatibility during transfusion. Surprisingly, such cases are rare. It's another matter if their blood, on the contrary, enters the human body of another nation. Then complications cannot be avoided. Even more of them arise during organ transplantation. More than once my colleagues have come across the fact that tissue or a transplanted organ, which seemed to have good compatibility, did not take root, and the donated tissue was rejected. This even led to death. And some pregnant European women who conceived from the Japanese had miscarriages because the mother and fetus turned out to be incompatible. Until now, we did not know what was the cause of these problems. Now it became clear that the new blood groups were to blame.
