Intuition Helped A Resident Of Novosibirsk To Save Kittens - Alternative View

Intuition Helped A Resident Of Novosibirsk To Save Kittens - Alternative View
Intuition Helped A Resident Of Novosibirsk To Save Kittens - Alternative View

Video: Intuition Helped A Resident Of Novosibirsk To Save Kittens - Alternative View

Video: Intuition Helped A Resident Of Novosibirsk To Save Kittens - Alternative View
Video: Rescued Tiny Kittens Were in Rough Condition Have Amazing Transformation 2024, June

The mystical case of rescue happened to the Novosibirsk citizen Dmitriev Stepanov on Tuesday, August 27. At night he returned from the Altai Territory to Novosibirsk. Out of need, I decided to stop. It was damp outside, it was drizzling with rain, I looked at the place for a long time and suddenly decided to slow down.

“I went on August 27, 2013, that is, yesterday, to Zarinsk (Altai Territory). Left at night, at about 21:00. The road is empty, I flew 320 kilometers sipping "tea-coffee", as they say, in one breath. I did everything I came for, and deciding not to stay until morning, I went straight back. Night. empty track.

"Tea-coffee" in the middle of the way back began … to ask back. Outside the window, damp, slush. You can't even call it rain - it’s fine fine. And I didn’t want to stop. Why I stopped in this place … I DON'T KNOW! Without thinking at all, I turned on the turn signal and pulled over to the side of the road.

Got out of the car. Slushy. I walked around the car and … I saw a KITTEN under my feet! 40 kilometers one way to the nearest settlement, 50 kilometers the other way to the other. SHOCK! But the real shock happened when I called him! At the call of "kitty-kitty-kitty" more rolled out of the darkness !!! four of the same lumps !!! FIVE ABSOLUTELY DRY kitten in the middle of almost 100 kilometers!

It is damp all around, and, albeit fine, but rain. I will not even try to describe my condition. While I thought for several minutes what to do with them, they managed to play with each other, with my laces, and again with themselves. Honestly. I ran away from them. He lost his temper and ran away. I drew their attention, as they were constantly spinning near my feet, jumped into the car and while they were running towards it … eh eh.

I was enough for 5 kilometers. Flying low back, I was afraid of only one thing. So that they would not go out on the road … the rest of the way, to the very River Station, they were asleep. Two blacks. Two leopard. And one gray. And I kept thinking. Well, I could not believe it, in an accident! 100 meters earlier, 100 meters later. I stopped exactly at this place. At a distance of 320 kilometers. Wonderful are Thy works, O Lord!"


Dmitry took the kittens and put them in the car. The announcement of the distribution and the story of the saviors appeared in the group "NskCity - This is Novosibirsk, Baby!" in the social network "Vkontakte". The story was told by the brother of the Siberian Nikolai Stepanov. He also said that only four kittens will receive new owners, the last, the fifth, his brother will keep for himself.

Promotional video:

- After this post, calls began from different TV channels, - Nikolai Stepanov writes, - everyone wants to shoot a plot on this story … My brother (the main participant in the story), being a very modest person, immediately began to "otbryakivatsya" from any filming and comments, motivating this by that I just wanted to put the kids in good hands …