Prophecies Of Ra: 2027, "the Door Will Close", The Disappearance Of "homo Sapiens", The Appearance Of "raves" - Alternative View

Prophecies Of Ra: 2027, "the Door Will Close", The Disappearance Of "homo Sapiens", The Appearance Of "raves" - Alternative View
Prophecies Of Ra: 2027, "the Door Will Close", The Disappearance Of "homo Sapiens", The Appearance Of "raves" - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of Ra: 2027, "the Door Will Close", The Disappearance Of "homo Sapiens", The Appearance Of "raves" - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of Ra: 2027,
Video: 【155歲老婆婆精靈體預言!】2027年要出大事! 人類滅絕時間給出了!? 西方靈性出東方? 世界分崩離析? 天王星人已經出現!拉烏拉胡預言!【飄哥講故事】(字幕) 2024, May

A man named Ra, who had been living as a vagabond by January 1987 for several years on the island of Ibiza, had an extraordinary mystical experience from January 3 to 11, which he later described as an intrusion into himself by what he called "The Voice."

Absolutely all of the subsequently developed Ra Uru Hu system of Human Design is based on the information introduced into him by the "Voice".

In the knowledge transmitted by Ra by the “Voice”, we can single out several of the most important information blocks for us today:

- genetic mechanics of human beings, - Design of transpersonal forms (Pent, groups from 3 to 15 people, and VA, - from 16 or more) and

- information about 2027.

This article is devoted to information about 2027. Let's start a little from afar. (THEORY)

The "voice" "said" to Ra that in our mechanics of coming into this world and living life, we are subject to programming by neutrino flows coming from the stars and filtered by the planets of our solar system.

Promotional video:

In contrast to the astrological knowledge that has existed for many centuries, dividing the celestial sphere into 12 sectors, the Human Design divides the celestial sphere into 64 sectors (hexagrams).

Each of the 64 sectors of the celestial sphere is divided into 6 more subsectors (lines), each of which is divided into 6 more parts (colors), each of which is divided into 6 more sectors (tones), each of which is divided into 5 parts (bases).

Thus, Human Design brought the human world the opportunity to concretize to the limit the significance of neutrino programming for us in the Universe.

The Human Design System splits the celestial sphere into 69 120 sectors, from where neutrino flows emanate. The sun passes through one such sector of the sky in about 5-6 time minutes.

So - not 12 sectors, extended in time for almost 30 days (in fact, a person born on December 1 and a person born on December 5 had a similar picture according to the zodiacal description), but 69 120.

At the same time, all these 69 120 sectors are thematically organized at the same time into 64 global sectors.

The “voice” gave Ra the knowledge that there is a correspondence between the knowledge of the I Ching, the system of so-called “hexagrams,” and the division of the celestial sphere into 64 sectors.

The “Voice” also gave information about which hexagram corresponds to which sector, because the hexagrams denoting the sectors of the celestial sphere follow not in order, but according to a completely different logic associated with the Gate of the Bodygraph and with the logic of trigrams within hexagrams …

So Human Design brought to the world the knowledge that the codon groups that make up our DNA (designated in the Rave Card Bodygraph as "Gate") have a definite connection with certain sectors of the celestial sphere.

Thus, depending on when and where a person was born on planet Earth, certain codon groups are either “activated” in him, or remain in a “passive” state, which determines the program of behavior and life of a born human being.

It is from this relationship that we can "read" Type, see inner Authority, certainty, disconnection and everything else that we analyze in the Rave Map.

But besides this, "Voice" gave knowledge about how the life and development of not only each individual human being, but the entire human species and civilization built by this species occurs.

This knowledge is about "Global Cycles".

And here the information is based on dividing the celestial sphere into 64 sectors and passing through these 64 sectors of the Earth's axis as a result of such a physical phenomenon as precession.

So, the Earth passes through one of 64 sectors (hexagram) in about 412 years, and each of six subsectors (line of the hexagram), respectively, in about 70 years.

Thus, according to the information given by Golos, every 400 years everything moves in a certain global program, which, of course, is very easy to “track” through the prism of human history.

The Cycle of the Planning Cross that we all live in today began in 1615.

The themes that define this Cross have dominated the past 400 years. These are the themes of collective security, these are the themes of altruism with the simultaneous presentation of the value of everyone regardless of race and social belonging, these are the themes of the focused mastering of the skills necessary to develop a safe life.

In this sense, it is obvious that over the past 400 years there are several very important things that distinguish this period of history from all others: these are technical and social revolutions.

All the revolutions of the last four hundred years have been focused on two points: improving the material living conditions of all people and the development of the concept of the value of each person, regardless of status.

This is the essence of the Planning Cross program in which we live. Altruistic, technical, scientific, “caring”….

And it ends.

The axis of the Earth "daughter" the last minutes and seconds in this sector. This is the 37th Hexagram, "Family", the Gate of tribal friendship, loyalty and the need for a contract, in a contract.

And in 2027, the axis of the Earth passes into the 55th hexagram, this is the Gate of Spirit.

Along with the transition of the Earth's axis to a new hexagram, the Cross completely changes, which in the next 400 years will determine the program. This will be the so-called Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

How will the themes of the new Cross differ from those in which we live now?


For the past 400 years we have lived in collective-tribal programs.

This means that without any awareness of this, every person on this planet, living his life, is somehow forced to take into account other people (his relatives, neighbors, residents of his city, his country, his mainland, his planet).

As a result of our own evolution in the themes of the program of the last Cycle, we got all possible safety and security systems.

What phone numbers do we all know from the cradle? Correctly - 01, 02, 03. Ambulance, firefighters, police. This could be called a symbol of our Cycle.

Ra says that in the history of civilization and our species there have never been, and there will no longer be such comfortable "cozy" programs for the development of self-reflective consciousness.

And we are moving on to the integration-individual cycle of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, where the main theme of the program will be preoccupation with one's own survival in the moment and attempts to find the spirit in the spiritless conditions of survival.

"The voice said" to Ra that the time of people is coming to an end.

From 2027, children of a new species will begin to be born. NOT "Homo Sapiens".

"The Voice" called them "RAVES".

They will be different from us in the same way that Neanderthals were different from Cro-Magnons.

They are different species, and Raves will be born by us, but they will be a different species.

They will embody the end result of mutation, which in the life of our biological species is "rolled" by such phenomena as autism, prostate cancer and many other things.

Raves will be creatures who will come for completely different tasks.

Raves will replace homos sapiens

The program will begin to "roll" on them the possibility of one common consciousness (one Personality) per group.

Single raves will be disabled, and we will perceive them as some kind of "downs".

In addition, they will be very different from us physically. Not in the sense that they will grow horns on their heads, but with facial expressions (or rather, lack of them), the "quality" of the skin, movements …

If the Raves are combined into a group, then according to the "Voice", they will instantly become something else. Which has never happened in the history of this planet.

Being "inferior" alone, in a group, they will become a new level of consciousness. And what they can do, being this consciousness, according to Ra's description, goes beyond any framework of the coolest science fiction.

However, there will be no confrontation.

Raves will not be so interested in us - neither in our material values, nor in our spiritual values, nor in our scientific values, nor in our territory, nor even in our food - that we humans will not be viewed by them not only as competitors, but even as minimally necessary or interesting partners.

Let's go back to 2027 as such.

The "Voice" told Ra that although in fact people will exist on planet Earth until the end of time, the time of their development has come to an end. Ra calls this "closing the door."

The entire process of the Planning Cross with its scientific and technical progress had one and only goal from the perspective of the impersonal Program of the Universe - the creation of the most variable gene pool so that mutation could occur.

Simply put: the birth of as many people as possible.

But the moment the mutation occurs and the first Rave is born, the Program will no longer "care" about people. She will start to "take care" of the Raves.

Everything that we can call a hundred thousand-year development of human consciousness has come to an end.

Children who will be born to our people (not Raves, but our human children) after 2027 will never ask our questions: “Is there a God? Is there life on Mars? Is it possible to create such a ship to fly to the stars? Is there still a unified field? What was before there was nothing? …"

People have only 19 years left to answer all the questions they care about about the nature of things.

In 2027, the doors for human curiosity, the human attempt to master the world with thought, will close.

On the external event level, this will be the natural course of things.

For, according to the information of "Voice", which Ra gives us, a wave of catastrophic events, technogenic or natural quality, will begin.

The rehearsal for the upcoming events has already begun.

Many of the people feel that something is approaching, which is traditionally called the "end of the world."

"Voice" gave Ra information that over the next hundred years, only 1/3 of the current number of people will survive. That is, from six billion there will be two left.

By all the logic of things, in order for the population of the earth to decrease so dramatically, some kind of catastrophe must endlessly occur.

The most tragic event in recent years in terms of the number of deaths - the Indonesian tsunami of 2006 - claimed the lives of about 200 thousand people.

A simple calculation shows that 20,000 catastrophic events of this magnitude are expected to occur over the next hundred years.

That is, 200 disasters of the order of the Indonesian tsunami per year. EVERY SECOND DAY.

It's just so that you can imagine at least somehow what awaits us when the Earth enters a new cycle …

Of course, every third day there will be no tsunami or earthquakes.

First of all, 4 billion of the population will die CAUSED BY EPIDEMICS, which always follow one or another catastrophic event.

Do you think these are fairy tales? Not at all …

Here are some historical facts.

An epidemic of a certain disease (there is still no consensus on what kind of disease it is) in 430 BC. struck Greece.

The disease destroyed a third of the population of the polis and a third of its armed forces (including the murder of the prominent statesman Pericles). After that, Greece forever lost its position as the vanguard of European civilization, both culturally and technically.

Ancient Rome was seriously crippled by the "plague of Antoninus" - apparently, smallpox, in 165 AD.

It was brought to the Apennine Peninsula by legionnaires returning from the East. Smallpox killed about 5 million people, including the emperor (and thinker) Marcus Aurelius.

In the middle of the 6th century, a plague epidemic began in Ethiopia or Egypt, which spread to most of Byzantium and covered many countries. For 50 years, about 100 million people have died. This epidemic killed 40% of the population of Constantinople.

At the end of the 6th century, the plague returned, but to Europe. Up to 25 million people died there.

Some regions of Europe - for example, Italy - were almost depopulated and became easy prey for conquerors.

In the 14th century, from 1346-1348, the bubonic plague raged in Western Europe, which claimed the lives of half of the population of Europe, also about 25 million people …

(This plague epidemic caused a number of well-known uprisings - Watt Tyler in Great Britain, Jacquerie in France, uprisings of the townspeople in Florence, etc. The total number of victims is estimated at 130-140 million people).

But if these events are so old that they seem to not exist for all of us, then here is an example of a very recent history.

The flu called "Spanish flu" (the causative agent of this flu is the same virus that causes the well-known "bird flu") at the beginning of the 20th century, became a pandemic. It claimed more lives than the First World War.

The Spanish flu epidemic began in 1918 and ended in 1922.

It is now believed that from 50 million to 100 million (according to various estimates) people around the world have died from the "Spanish flu".

The epidemic destroyed 17 million Indians (5% of the country's population), 550 thousand Americans, 400 thousand French, 260 thousand Japanese, 200 thousand English.

Pete Davis, author of The Devil's Flu: The World's Deadliest Influenza Epidemic and the Scientific Hunt for the Virus That Caused, reports that the Spanish flu killed 60% of North America's Eskimos. As a result of this epidemic, some tribes in Africa have completely disappeared, the population of some cities has decreased by 90%. In any case, every fifth person fell ill with the flu, the pandemic destroyed from 2.5% to 5% of the world's population.

Life is very fragile. And it is very easy to destroy it.

Therefore, according to the information given by Golos, starting from 2027, all of us (people) will be very busy in order to SIMPLY SURVIVE.

Survive in pandemics, survive in disasters, survive in military conflicts, survive in the conditions of total criminality of society….

Survive and keep your children alive.

It is clear WHAT FOR THE "DOOR" IS CLOSING. The door of KNOWLEDGE is closing.

And it closes down because we have exhausted our time allotted to us to learn the nature of things.

The relay will be passed on to the Raves. We will have only the task of surviving physically as a species in our own created civilization.

And - God knows! - it won't be easy for us!

As we said above, the rehearsal has begun. And she demonstrates all the horror that awaits most people.

It is obvious that only a few will survive.

Those who have the opportunity to prepare for the new era financially (rich people, that social cut that in New Orleans, after the warning of evacuation, JUST got on airplanes and flew away without "bothering" …).

Those who have a lucky destiny to be born by chance and live in places that will pass the bitter cup (some settlers in the depths of the Siberian taiga, etc.).

And those who KNOW how to behave in order to be always at the right time in the right place. That is, at that moment and in the place where you can stay alive and healthy.

Human Design does just that.

He brings to the world information on how to SURVIVE in this world.

This is a system of knowledge that will enable those units who are lucky enough to move with this knowledge and transform themselves, to survive after 2027.

When the times begin when everything will collapse, and neither the health care structures, nor the police, nor the firefighters will work anymore (I remind you that the program of our Cycle will end in the 27th year), then those who KNOW which behavioral Strategy to follow, how to take decisions when there is no one to rely on for advice, only those who can survive.

“When trouble spreads its wings over any country, everything mixes up and natural disasters are coupled with human mistakes …

The plague, the great plague, which came from the depths of Asia, unleashed its scourge on France … The city streets turned into dead suburbs - into a massacre. Here, a fourth of the residents were carried away, and a third there. Whole villages were deserted, and only huts left among the uncultivated fields, abandoned to their fate …"

Maurice Druon. "When the King Ruins France."


“Now for you everything and everyone is an authority. Your political leader can be an authority for you, your doctor can be an authority for you, your psychologist can be an authority for you, your healer or your priest can be an authority for you, your god and so on.

This program has kept us in this process for quite some time.

This is the time to teach people to be their own authority because the door is closing.

The opportunity to be masters for disciples and leaders for followers is coming to an end.

Therefore, it is so important now to convey to people the importance of individual authority.

Otherwise, we will have terrible times, because soon we will not have a collective-tribal structure that will protect us …”.
