Megaliths - Buildings Of Ancient Civilizations Or The Mystery Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Megaliths - Buildings Of Ancient Civilizations Or The Mystery Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View
Megaliths - Buildings Of Ancient Civilizations Or The Mystery Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths - Buildings Of Ancient Civilizations Or The Mystery Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths - Buildings Of Ancient Civilizations Or The Mystery Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View
Video: Architectural secrets of the world's ancient wonders | Brandon Clifford 2024, September

Megaliths, most of which are located on the territory of Kamchatka and Siberia, are huge structures of stone blocks. Scientists cannot yet determine whether they are of artificial origin or extraterrestrial. The question of which of the civilizations could have left them on Earth is also still tormenting the minds of specialists in this field.

Found by tourists a few kilometers from the village of Tigil, located in Kamchatka, the megaliths were cylindrical stone objects. An archaeological expedition set out there urgently.

After studying the stone idols, experts came to the conclusion that their age is about 400 million years. From this it follows that they were erected in prehistoric times in the era of civilizations about which we know nothing.

The same no less mysterious stone structures include the pyramidal structures Sister and Brother in the vicinity of Nakhodka, mysterious steps leading to nowhere in the south of Kamchatka and many other megaliths scattered across Russia.

However, some experts do not undertake to argue that the megaliths were erected by ancient civilizations using an unthinkable mechanism, since this could destroy other scientists' theories about the creation of the world.

Agata Andrianova