The Mystery Of The Giant Stone Head In Guatemala - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Giant Stone Head In Guatemala - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Giant Stone Head In Guatemala - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Stone Head In Guatemala - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Stone Head In Guatemala - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Photograph of a Giant Stone Head in Guatemala | Ancient Architects 2024, September

Half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, a giant stone head was discovered. The face turned towards the sky had large eyes, thin lips and a large nose. Unusually, this Caucasian-type face does not correspond to any of the pre-Hispanic races of America. The discovery quickly attracted attention, but just as quickly disappeared from the pages of history.

The mysterious stone head was first reported by Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, Ph. D., attorney and notary, who received a photograph of the head in 1987. The photo was taken in the 1950s by the owner of the site where the monolith is located, "somewhere in the jungle of Guatemala."

A small article with a photograph was published in the Bulletin "Ancient Heavens", read by the famous researcher and writer David Hatcher Childress. He tracked down Dr. Padilla, who said that he had found the owners of the site where the stone head was located, the Biener family. The monolith is located 10 km from the small village of La Democracia in southern Guatemala.

Dr. Padilla said that he was in despair when, when he got there, he saw that his head was almost completely destroyed.

“It was destroyed by the rebels about ten years ago, using it as a target. We learned about the statue too late. The face is completely disfigured, like the Sphinx in Egypt, whose nose was shot off by the Turks, even worse,”he said.

The eyes, nose and mouth are completely gone. According to Padilla, the height of the head was 4-6 meters. He was unable to return there due to armed clashes between government forces and rebels in the area.

After the news of the destruction of the head, it was quickly forgotten, but remembered again after the release of the film "The Mayan Revelations of 2012 and Beyond," in which a photograph was used as evidence of contacts between aliens and ancient civilizations.

The director of the film published an article by Guatemalan archaeologist Hector I Magia, who wrote: "I confirm that this monument does not represent the features of the Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre-Hispanic civilization, it was created by an unknown, superior human civilization."

Promotional video:

However, this publication caused the opposite effect on a skeptical audience, many believed that it was just a publicity stunt. Even the authenticity of the photograph has been questioned.

However, there is no indication that the photo is fake. If the giant head did exist, it is unclear who created it and why?

In the area where the mysterious head was located, stone heads were already found looking into the sky. They were created by the Olmec civilization, which flourished between 1400 - 400 BC. Olmecs lived on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, but Olmec-style artifacts have been found hundreds of kilometers from their habitats.

The heads of the Olmec culture do not look like a head above


However, the stone head shown in the photograph does not look like the Olmec heads. Philippe Coppens, a Belgian author, radio and television commentator on alternative history, raised the issue that the head "is an anomaly of the Olmec period or is it an artifact of another, unknown culture that predates the Olmec or existed after it."

Scientists are also wondering if it was just a head, or if there is a body below, like the statues of Easter Island, and if it is related to other ancient structures in the region. Further research is needed to find out the truth about this mysterious monument.