Two Scientists Said They Had Found Atlantis Many Years Ago - Alternative View

Two Scientists Said They Had Found Atlantis Many Years Ago - Alternative View
Two Scientists Said They Had Found Atlantis Many Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Two Scientists Said They Had Found Atlantis Many Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Two Scientists Said They Had Found Atlantis Many Years Ago - Alternative View
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According to two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky, using robotic submarines in the found part of the city, they managed to find several sphinxes, 4 pyramids and other structures.

Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba with the help of a deep-sea robot have confirmed that at the very bottom of the Bermuda Triangle is a city of gigantic proportions.

According to the researchers, the ruins of the ancient city found underwater off the coast of Cuba are 600 feet below sea level. Scientists suggest that Atlantis is more than 10,000 years old.

In the heart of the flooded city are several sphinx sculptures and at least four giant pyramids. Scientists at the very bottom of the ocean, under a huge layer of silt and plants, also found sculptures and buildings of unknown purpose.


According to journalist Luis Fernandez Marian, the city was discovered several decades ago, but access to it was closed due to the Cuban missile crisis.

“The US government obtained evidence of the existence of an underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. The nuclear submarine was then navigating the Gulf Stream deep into the sea, where the structure of the pyramids was discovered. They immediately took the place under their control so that it would not be in the hands of the Soviet Union."

Based on the report on diving and the study of the bottom in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle - Terra Formation of the Cuban underwater pyramids, indicate that this place was once a huge metropolis, which was destroyed as a result of rising sea levels and a catastrophic earthquake. Which fully corresponds to the legend of Atlantis.

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Scientist Paulina Zalitski provides evidence that the island of Cuba may have been part of a once powerful culture.


Using deep sea equipment, scientists discovered pyramids similar in shape but larger in size than Giza in Egypt. They estimated that the underwater pyramid was also built of very heavy stones, weighing several hundred tons. Incredibly, the ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and "stones that are located like Stonehenge," with inscriptions in an unknown language engraved on the stones, "Fernandez said.

Another huge pyramid, which looks like a crystal, was originally discovered in 1960 by a French doctor who led an expedition of divers from France and America. This pyramid is larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

“This new evidence for the discovery of the lost sunken Atlantis could change the whole of human history,” the journalist said.

According to experts, the catastrophe that led to the death of the superintelligent civilization may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. At that time, sea level was almost 400 feet lower than it is today.

Scientists suggest that the technologies of the ancient Atlantean civilization were vastly superior to ours. One can only guess why such high technologies and unique knowledge could not save a great civilization from death.

Exploration of Atlantis, dubbed Project Exploramar, will continue to explore the mysteries of the ancient mega-city better. based on materials from
