Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View

Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View
Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View
Video: Particle physicists analyze Shroud of Turin 2024, September

Disputes about the Shroud of Turin have not subsided for centuries. For many believers, this canvas has become an indisputable proof of the existence of Jesus Christ, as well as the miracle of his resurrection. However, there are also many skeptics who believe that the shroud is just a fake. So whose point of view is correct?

For the first time, the public learned about the existence of the Turin shroud only in the XIV century. The first information about this artifact dates back to about 1350, and it is recorded that the owner of the canvas was the French knight Geoffroy de Charny, who participated in the Crusades.


After 100 years, the knight's granddaughter, Margaret de Charny, sold the shroud to the noble family of Savoy. In 1578, the canvas was transported to where it is kept today - to the city of Turin. Only in 1983, after the death of the last king of Italy, Umberto II, the shroud came into the possession of the Catholic Church.


Doubts about the authenticity of the Turin Shroud began over 600 years ago. So, in 1389, the French bishop Pierre Darcy reported to the Pope that the church was profiting from a veil painted in a cunning way.


It is noteworthy that the Catholic Church does not recognize the Shroud as genuine, but at the same time considers it an important reminder of the Passion of Christ. And the position of the Orthodox Church remains uncertain at all.

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Several times the Shroud of Turin was subjected to all kinds of analyzes. Back in 1988, three laboratories conducted independent research, which showed that the canvas with a human print was made in the period from 1260 to 1390.


It would seem that this should have debunked the myth about the authenticity of the shroud. However, recent research by Professor Giulio Fanti has shown that not everything is so simple. Recent analyzes suggest that the canvas was made about 2,000 years ago, that is, at the time of Jesus Christ!


According to Giulio Fanti, the previous dating of the shrine turned out to be incorrect due to the fact that at one time the shroud was damaged by fire. After that, it was boiled in sunflower oil to remove soot!


Another proof of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin can be found in the studies of American scientists, carried out 2 years ago. Chemical analysis showed that the canvas contains a high concentration of creatinine and ferritin, and these substances are produced in the body only when a person experiences unbearable suffering.


However, these studies still cannot answer the main question: was the body of the Savior really wrapped in the shroud? In addition, there are also a number of factors indicating that this is not an imprint of a human body on a shroud, but the work of an artist! For example, the front and back "prints" do not match in size.


It seems that the debate about the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin will never end, because neither side has compelling arguments that would convince opponents.