Sunken Islands And Continents: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Sunken Islands And Continents: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Sunken Islands And Continents: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Sunken Islands And Continents: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Sunken Islands And Continents: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: 5 Alternate 'Lost' Continents 2024, September

The history of the Earth contains a huge amount of unsolved mysteries even today. One of the most famous, which has been torturing scientists for many years, is Atlantis. Experts are trying to find out whether she really existed and what are the reasons for her death. However, ancient legends tell not only about Atlantis that disappeared from the face of the Earth, but also about a number of continents with advanced civilizations that sank as a result of natural disasters. Several of these continents are most often mentioned: Lemuria, located in the Indian Ocean, and Pacifida, or Mu, in the Pacific. In 1830, the zoologist Philip Latley Sclater suggested that in ancient times, about 100 million years ago, there was a continent in the Indian Ocean called Lemuria, which subsequently sank. However, scientists doubt such a theory,because the age of a person is estimated at only 2-3 million years. Of course, some support Sclater's idea and even believe that Lemuria was the cradle of humanity.

Churchward Research

Colonel of the British Army James Churchward said that he was able to read clay tablets, which spoke about the history of the development of the continent of Mu. About 64 million people lived on the sunken mainland. Their level of civilization was in many ways superior to the modern one. The continent existed in the Pacific Ocean, but a disaster struck that wiped it off the face of the Earth. However, Churchward has never shown these ancient tablets to anyone, so this fact casts doubt on Mu's existence. Everyone who knew and saw the colonel assured him that he was an extremely honest man. Moreover, he spent all his fortune to prove the information contained on the tablets. Despite the fact that no one doubted the existence of the ancient records, many did not believe that they contained information about the ancient continent.


The French scientist Robert Carreau, contrary to various theories, agreed with Churchward's conclusions about the existence of the Mu civilization. In support of this, he mentions the well-known ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, which lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca. They say that a highly developed civilization lived here several thousand years ago. Currently, Tiahuanaco is located at an altitude of 3915 meters above sea level, only on the banks of the canals, the remains of which are preserved in the city, scientists find particles of shells of sea mollusks. Experts are sure that ocean waves splashed under the walls of Tiahuanaco in the past. Perhaps tectonic shifts in the earth's crust, which caused the uplift of those parts of the land where the Andes are now located, simultaneously led to the flooding of Mu.


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Most likely, the most powerful argument that speaks in favor of Churchward's theory is the ruins of various structures that cover dozens of Pacific islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. Without a doubt, they are much more civilized than those that have existed in these places since the 19th century. Among the "remains" you can see the ruins of city buildings, temples, magnificent colonnades, tombs, fragments of statues. Their design, size, architecture suggests that they were created by the hands of a person with extensive knowledge. The ruins of the city of Nan Madol on one of the islands - Ponape - in the Caroline archipelago can be attributed to such ancient archipelagos. Scientists believe that this archipelago is part of the mainland, which has sunk into the ocean.


This is not the only evidence of the existence of sunken continents. On Picairn Island, which is located 2 thousand kilometers from Easter Island, you can see the remains of ancient houses, ruins of statues. But on the Gambier Islands, mummies and the ruins of walls that form a semicircle are perfectly preserved. No one doubts that this is a confirmation of the existence of ancient continents, where highly developed civilizations lived. If you think logically, it turns out that there was a mainland on that territory before, perhaps it was not as developed as it seems to Colonel Churchward, but it certainly was. Moreover, the researcher is sure that the descendants of the people who inhabited Mu were the Mayans in America and the Uighurs in Asia. By the way, the Uighurs exist even today, they live in China (about 7.5 million), Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. In ancient legends, it is said about the existence of a powerful empire of the Uighurs who lived on Earth thousands of years ago. Note that in 1908, archaeologists were able to discover in the Gobi Desert the ancient capital of the Uyghur kingdom - the city of Khara-Khoto. During the excavations, experts came across the grave of an unknown queen, buried 15 thousand years ago.


Later, some scientists expressed the opinion that the Mu archipelago was inhabited by extraterrestrial inhabitants: aliens from the constellation Coma of Veronica. They were the first civilized inhabitants of the Earth, and then, all their knowledge passed on to the inhabitants of Atlantis. It is believed that the Mu civilization died about 700 years ago. Note that many reputable scientists share this point of view. As it is written in the book by Robert Carro: "The fact of the existence of the continent of Mu is based on so many different evidences of archeology and culture that it would be simply stupidity to ignore and reckon with them." True or fiction - this is up to each of us to decide, but there is too much evidence to refute this theory.

Ivanna Naumenko
