9 Mysterious Theories - Alternative View

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9 Mysterious Theories - Alternative View
9 Mysterious Theories - Alternative View

Video: 9 Mysterious Theories - Alternative View

Video: 9 Mysterious Theories - Alternative View
Video: Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery 2024, September

The world is full of various theories - and the lion's share of them are riddles

9. Anomaly on Ararat

You have probably already guessed what we are talking about. Theories regarding this anomaly arose on the basis of a single black and white photograph taken in 1949. This image shows the protrusion of Mount Ararat 400 meters from the top, covered with snow, with a strange object above the abyss itself. Many theorists claim that this is the very legendary Noah's Ark. Many images were taken from satellites and airplanes, but the mystery was not completely solved.


8. Suppression of catharism

Cathars is the name given by the theologians of the Roman Catholic Church to the Christian religious movement that was widespread in the 11th-14th centuries in a number of countries and regions of Western Europe. The Catholic Church did not like this trend. At first she tried to convert the Cathars peacefully. When that didn't work, a veritable 20-year crusade broke out. In the capture of one of the cities, the Catholic army killed every man, woman and child - about 7,000 in total, perhaps 20,000. As a result, the Cathars were doomed. So why was the Catholic Church so eager to get rid of them? Because according to the theory, the Cathars had copies of several non-Catholic texts. They say that heaven and hell do not exist, that God from the Old Testament is actually Satan, and the real God appeared only in the New Testament. It is also the central dogma of Gnosticism.

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7. Nibiru

According to the theory, there is a planet the size of Jupiter called Nibiru or Planet X, and it is on its way to collide with the Earth. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of this planet. But according to the theory, it is simply not visible, since it is located behind the Sun. A version was put forward that Nibiru will be visually visible already from May 2011, but it has not been confirmed …


6. London explosion

In 2005, three suicide bombers blew themselves up on 3 different subway trains, killing 42 people. An hour later, a bus flew into the air because of the 4th suicide bomber. As a result, 14 people died. Theorists of the "inexplicable" are convinced that suicide bombers are in fact the same victims as everyone else. According to theory, these were ordinary tabloid photographers.


5. Mission "Alsos"

This theory is associated with Samuel Abraham Goudsmit. He was the nuclear physicist who led this operation. He set up spy scouts to see how close the Nazis came to building a nuclear bomb. According to this theory, Goudsmit discovered that Nazi nuclear physicists actually built the bomb, or at least were on their way to it. Therefore, he offered to bribe German scientists. They, along with all the equipment and projects, moved to America, where they finished the project.


4. Close contact

This theory has collected all the extraterrestrial mysteries and took them to a new level. The central figure here is Stephen Greer, who claims to have had contact with benevolent aliens. He founded the project in 1992, which was a collection of people who also communicated with alien beings. At a new level, it is said about the good news that the aliens shared with Greer and other contactees, namely that they are already on their way to us, they will come in peace to share scientific, medical and cultural knowledge. When, in fact, extraterrestrial beings will arrive, no one knows..


3. Book of Secrets of the President

This theory was used in the movie "National Treasure 2". According to this theory, every President of the United States passed on to his follower a book in which almost everyone wrote the most incredible facts and stories. This book is known only to the President and the State Librarian of Congress.


2. A cure for all diseases

It is more likely that the adherents of this theory drew ideas from Michael Crichton's book "The Andromeda Strain." In this book, one of the heroes talks about a top secret medical project, during which a drug was discovered that not only can kill all bacteria in the human body, but in general all biological and viral pathogens. But because of this medication, the immune system stops working, and as a result, the person dies in a few weeks. This is all Crichton's idea, but the theory of the "inexplicable" claims that the drug exists, that it has been tested in humans, but discontinued for another reason: although the immune system does not really stop working, medical centers stop working.

1. Great Grimoire

This theory is based on the fact that there is a so-called "Grimoire". This book, also called The Red Dragon, describes magical procedures and spells for invoking spirits (demons), and also contains various witchcraft recipes. It actually exists, since the Catholic Church officially announced that the "Grimoire" is in her possession, but has never shown it to the public. The book was discovered in Jerusalem in 1750 in the tomb of King Solomon. The book itself is much older, around 1522. Where do you think the Grimoire might be now? - That's right, where else, if not in the secret archives of the Vatican.