Mom Sees Angels, Children - Ghosts, And Dad - Does Not Trust Anyone - Alternative View

Mom Sees Angels, Children - Ghosts, And Dad - Does Not Trust Anyone - Alternative View
Mom Sees Angels, Children - Ghosts, And Dad - Does Not Trust Anyone - Alternative View

Video: Mom Sees Angels, Children - Ghosts, And Dad - Does Not Trust Anyone - Alternative View

Video: Mom Sees Angels, Children - Ghosts, And Dad - Does Not Trust Anyone - Alternative View
Video: Didn’t see you there meme but different|Daddy not a cheater meme continuation| Elizabeth Afton MY AU 2024, September

39-year-old Kylie Holmes says that in her youth she did not believe in anything at all. At the age of 20, she broke up with a young man and fell into a deep depression. The prolonged blues ended in a failed suicide attempt.

And so, lying in a hospital bed, Kylie saw something. Someone surrounded by blinding light came up to her bed and promised that she would get well soon.

And so it happened. Returning home, Kylie saw that the apartment was filled with shining feathers and light, and realized that an angel had come to her in the hospital.

The girl found harmony with herself and since then began to communicate with the angels. They tell her how to help people solve their pressing problems. The mother of three children claims that she is not engaged in fortune telling, but simply tells everyone how best to do it.

It is not surprising that such a mother and children believe that they have amazing abilities. The strange talents of 11-year-old Jade, 9-year-old Amba and 5-year-old Leo also took a long time to emerge.

It all started when seven years ago, Kylie took her eldest - Jade - from the nanny. Mom and daughter were driving home by car, and suddenly the girl began to tell that she used to be the mother of a "wonderful child" too. Moreover, the details that Jade described pointed to the Victorian era.

Back home, Kylie found pictures of strollers and baby clothes from that time on the Internet and showed them to her daughter. She confirmed that she had dreamed something like that. Since then, Jade has often told her mother about her past lives.

And after a few months, Kylie surprised Amba. The girl told her mother that she saw a cyclist on the street corner (in reality, the road was completely empty). Soon Kylie found out that a cyclist had died at this place a few days ago …

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Amba also claims that he often sees fairies. But neither they nor the dead talk to the child, but only occasionally wave their hand to her - as if greeting.


But five-year-old Leo talks a lot with the dead. Once he told his mother that he knew that she had an abortion, but his unborn brother is not angry - he is now with his recently deceased grandmother and feels good.

The only one deprived of psychic talents in the family is dad Eric. He not only lacks superpowers, but also does not believe that his family members communicate with the other world. But since his wife does no harm to anyone, he only laughs at her kindly and does not interfere with doing wonderful things.

Moreover, most of the time, the kids are busy with the usual things for their age: play a console, watch TV, walk, draw. By the way, children's drawings are also quite specific: instead of suns and houses, young Holmes depict those who come to them. True, not knowing that the little people painted with a child's hand are dead people, angels and fairies, it is rather difficult to guess about this.

Kylie, confident that both she and her children have secret knowledge, has written a book about what it means to live with children who see ghosts. Now the whole Great Britain is making fun of the "masterpiece".

“It is unlikely that Kylie is deceiving people, I think that she sincerely believes in her talents, it’s just that some adults have such a violent fantasy that they often confuse fiction with reality. And what kind of children are dreamers - and it is not necessary to tell,”says psychologist, Professor Chris French.

