Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View

Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View
Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View

Video: Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View

Video: Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View
Video: Is there any truth to the King Arthur legends? - Alan Lupack 2024, September

So who was King Arthur and where was Camelot? Most people associate it with southwestern England, an area mentioned in the legends of wizards, lords of the lakes and knights in shining armor. This version of the legend has been popular since the Middle Ages, especially among English kings …

So who was King Arthur and where was Camelot? Most people associate it with southwestern England, an area mentioned in the legends of wizards, lords of the lakes and knights in shining armor. This version of the legend has been popular since the Middle Ages, especially among English kings, poets and nobles, who considered Arthur's Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table to be the ideal royal court.

However, among scientists, another version is increasingly popular, that the legend originated north of the Anglo-Scottish border. One of the promoters of this point of view is Hugh MacArthur, a historian from Glasgow. He claims that Guinevere, the wife of Arthur, could have been a representative of the Picts who lived in the north of Scotland. There is other historical evidence that Arthur came from modern Scotland and not from Cornwall or elsewhere. According to MacArthur, the legend is based on the personality of Arthur, the leader of an armed group who ruled Strathclyde, the kingdom of Welsh-speaking Britons in the sixth century, stretching from Loch Lomond in Scotland to North Wales, according to MacArthur. The capital of the kingdom was the city of Dumbarton in western central Scotland. According to the researcher, there are many names in this area,who may be related to Arthur. In Dumbarton itself there is Arthur's Castle, and to the west of Loch Lomond there is Mount Ben Arthur, on which there is a place called the Throne of Arthur. According to MacArthur, this is only one of the seven thrones Arthur found in Scotland. There are about 40 or 50 places in Scotland with Arthur mentioned in the name. And although we are not necessarily always talking about the legendary ruler, in most cases the name is apparently still given in honor of him. And although we are not necessarily always talking about the legendary ruler, in most cases the name is apparently still given in honor of him. And although we are not necessarily always talking about the legendary ruler, in most cases the name is apparently still given in honor of him.

He also believes that the island of Avalon, on which, according to legend, Arthur received his sword, Excalibur, and where he was brought mortally wounded, is nothing but Loch Lomond. Local historians also believe that Arthur's main battles, described by the 9th century Welsh monk Nenius, took place nearby. The researcher claims that the legend of Arthur began to migrate south during the Christianization of Scotland. In addition, the narrowing of the area of use of the Welsh language, its localization in Wales and Cornwall, contributed to the formation of the idea that the famous warrior and ruler lived in the southwest of England.