Travel Stones - Alternative View

Travel Stones - Alternative View
Travel Stones - Alternative View

Video: Travel Stones - Alternative View

Video: Travel Stones - Alternative View
Video: Why I Kept Building Our Stone House! Update on Bee 2024, September

Legends about "living stones" arose long ago and are not at all groundless. Farmers of the Scandinavian and Baltic countries still seriously believe that stones can not only move, but also grow. Otherwise, where do they constantly appear in fields that have been cultivated for more than one century and are regularly cleaned from them?

These "goodies" of the ancient glacier appear again and again on the surface of the earth, disabling agricultural machinery, although it would seem that even the smallest pebbles should have long been taken out of the arable land. What is the secret of this phenomenon?

Poriomania is a purely medical term. It means a mania for vagrancy, the irresistible desire of a person to change places. But it turns out that the reluctance to stay in one place for a long time is characteristic not only of people suffering from this disease, but also of inanimate objects - ordinary stones.

In some points of our planet, huge stones-boulders have long been recorded, which suddenly, for no reason at all, are removed from their "home" and begin to move independently. The first such case, according to historians, refers to pagan times. According to ancient Russian legends, Sin-Kamen is a legendary boulder, at that time located high on a hill near the village of Gorodishche near Pereslavl-Zalessky, has long been a place of worship for the gods.


The pagan Meria who lived here, who deified the forces of nature, worshiped the Xin-stone. Pagan rituals and sacrifices were performed next to him in honor of the Slavic god Yarila. Where did the old name of the mountain come from - Yarilina Gora, or Yarilina Bald. Many legends are associated with the Xin-stone, telling that a certain spirit lives in it, fulfilling dreams and desires.

Even with the advent of Christianity, this stone was revered by the local population for many centuries, which haunted the authorities and clergy, who considered the presence of a pagan deity near the Orthodox monastery built here incompatible. During the time of Vasily IV Shuisky (1552-1612) and by his order, it was decided to finally put an end to the shrines of the pagan religion.

Deacon of the Pereslavl Semyonov Church, Anufriy, ordered to dig a huge hole and throw the Blue Stone into it. No sooner said than done. But a few years later, the boulder mysteriously again, so to speak, peeped out of the ground, and soon appeared before the locals in full growth.

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After another 150 years, the church authorities of Pereslavl decided to lay a "magic" stone in the foundation of the local bell tower. It was winter. The "Merian god" was unceremoniously thrown from the mountain. With great difficulty, the boulder was loaded onto a sled and taken across Lake Pleshcheyevo. The hard ice broke, and the Xin-stone sank at a depth of five meters. (Current local historians and guides suggest that the stone was deliberately thrown into the lake.)

But soon the fishermen began to notice that the boulder "does not sit still", but slowly "moves" along the bottom. At first they did not attach any importance to this. You never know what happens, maybe the water in the lake has subsided, so a boulder has "surfaced" … But a year or two passed, and people saw that the stone rises already several meters above the water level! Scientists were called. They examined the stone and found nothing special in it, ranking it among the boulders of the Ice Age, which are numerous on Earth.

People just noticed that after the rain this gray stone turns blue and sparkles in the sun like sea pebbles … Moreover, this stone does not look like a familiar glacial boulder, if only because it is not smooth, but as if damaged by "smallpox" - speckled small potholes. It took many hundreds of years to break off pieces of it "for luck" …

Now next to the boulder there is a tower with the inscription: "The blue stone - the embodiment of the god Yarila - was drowned in 1778 and ended up on the shore 70 years later." People said about such stones that "the earth gives birth to them." Geophysicists explained the phenomenon of boulder movement in a different way, they say, in those places where the soil is rocky, under the influence of seasonal changes in the temperature of the earth, the rocks expand and decrease in volume in different ways.

As a result, the stones move, they seem to "float" from the ground to the surface. That is why every spring you have to remove stones from the fields so as not to break agricultural equipment. Another version of scientists: they claim that the "blue stone" crawls out of the lake "by freezing." But this principle is not very clear. And if this is even so, then why did only this stone "come out", while others remain at the bottom of the lake? No, it is no coincidence that the pagans worshiped the Blue Stone!

At the other end of Russia, in the Far East, not far from Lake Bolon, there is another famous "tourist". This is a one and a half ton boulder of almost round shape, which the locals call the Dead Stone.

Another mystical stone is located on an island in the middle of Lake Bolon itself - this is the Shaman stone. A place of mysterious rituals and worship of the spirits of the lake.


He may be dead, but he also loves to travel! The stone lies calmly in one place for several months, then suddenly begins to move.

But, perhaps, the most mysterious stone lives in Tibet near one of the Buddhist monasteries. He does not just “walk”, he freely “climbs” the mountain. Considering that this "pebble" weighs 1100 kilograms, then you will not call his climbing abilities a miracle.

The history of his vagrancy goes back over a thousand years. Moreover, it was found that the boulder "walks" along a strict route: it climbs a mountain 2560 meters high, descends from it and then begins to wind circles. It takes an average of 15 years to go up and down the stone. The 60 km circular route takes 50 years.

Experts who have studied this phenomenon have determined the age of the stone at about 50 million years.

An eyewitness Ivan Bakaev from the city of Orsk, Orenburg Region, tells about a strange and, obviously, unsafe riddle connected with wandering stones: “As a child, I grazed sheep in the foothills of the Alatau. Once I fell asleep by a huge boulder (weighing up to 10 tons). I woke up because the support disappeared - the stone "left" three meters, but not down, as you might think, but up (!) Along the slope - plowed the rocky soil like a plow and stopped. I looked around - no one was around, only sheep huddled together, and a strange fog, thick as milk, hung over the hill. In some daze I went there, but fell and woke up only the next morning in the yurt of the shepherd Amanzhol. He hinted that these boulders (there were about fifty of them) were once more five kilometers down the slope. Once Amanjola, as a child, grazed sheep there. But the "Shaybola basin" arrived,hovered over the hill, and the boulders went up together. Then the "basin" flew away and the stones stopped. " Are the boulders controlled by UFOs?

The mystics say that otherworldly beings live in "wandering" stones. As proof of their case, they cite a sensational story that took place in England during the Second World War in Essex. From generation to generation, legends about an evil spirit that supposedly lived under a granite boulder that had grown into the ground were passed on there. And then one day a bulldozer, widening the road, turned the stone aside. The events that followed led to the fact that reporters from all over the country gathered in a small village.

In magazines and newspapers of that time, you can find a detailed description of the mysterious phenomena that took place. Here are just a few of them: on the church bell tower, which was empty and locked, bells began to ring by themselves, heavy poles and agricultural implements flew through the air … The frightened villagers demanded that the road builders immediately return the stone to its rightful place. This was done while performing the appropriate ancient magical rituals. Only then did this end of the world cease.

But these are all isolated cases. But in the US state of California, stones ranging in size from a small cobblestone to a huge boulder weighing half a ton make strange walks along the bottom of the dried-up Lake Restrake in the Death Valley National Reserve.

A huge, flat, like a table, lifeless clay plateau is the hottest place on Earth. The stones move slowly, sometimes in a zigzag manner, overcoming tens of meters of path, leaving clearly visible traces in the sandy ground. They do not roll, do not rotate, but crawl along the surface, as if someone invisible pulls them along.


Experts have repeatedly tried to visually record the movements of these restless boulders, but so far to no avail: people cannot seize the moment when the boulders go on "travel". However, as soon as observers move a little to the side, away from the objects of their observation, they begin to move - sometimes up to half a meter per hour. And if the stones all over the world "creep" slowly, then the Californian cobblestones in a few days sometimes move more than ten meters.

At the same time, they blow up long furrows in the sandy bottom and push in front of them, like bulldozers, a mass of sand. Moreover, scientists day and night specially track the investigated areas of the desert around the perimeter and have not yet noticed a single "helper" near the boulders. There are also many stones-travelers in the area of the so-called Grand Canyon, where American filmmakers often shoot films from the life of cowboys. By the way, there is practically no vegetation in this canyon, as the "stones" moving back and forth have plowed everything in their path.

Materialists who do not recognize the right to exist for evil spirits are looking for a more realistic explanation of this riddle. One of the popular versions is the influence of rain and wind. The researchers argue that stones move because when it rains, the clay soil becomes slippery and the stone starts to slide, driven by gusts of wind. But the application of this theory to the California "Valley of Death" looks completely absurd.

First, rain is rare in those places. Secondly, the footprints left by stones are often directed against the prevailing winds there. A group of employees at Hampshire College tried to test the "rain version" in practice, and nothing came of it. The soil was abundantly moistened with water, the whole group fell on the stone, but they did not budge it. Then they calculated, and it turned out that even on wet clay the friction force is such that a 500-kilogram stone can only be blown away by the wind rushing at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. It is difficult to imagine such a hurricane even theoretically …

In 1978 a special expedition investigated the movement of stones. The meaning of the report made on his return was that stones move during storms, when the soil wetted by rain becomes supposedly "perfectly slippery" and the stones slide under the influence of gravity. It is quite logical, if you do not take into account some "but". Storms in these places happen every few years, and the stones move continuously.

The stones, which supposedly slide along the soil, plow deep ruts. Finally, if they slid under the influence of gravity, then all would have long ago gathered in the lowlands. However, as the footprints indicate, some of them even move up the slopes!

It was also found that the speed of movement does not in the least depend on the weight of the stone. It doesn't fit into any framework at all. If gravity was the driving force, then the more massive stones would move faster. If traction force was the main factor limiting the speed of movement, then small stones would move faster. However, it is not.

There is a version that the essence of the phenomenon is in daily temperature fluctuations. The stones, warming up during the day from the sun's rays, expand to the south. With the onset of night coolness, they begin to decrease, and faster from the northern side, where they were less warmed up. So they crawl southward. And from underground stones move up to the sun and a warm surface … But what about the Xin-stone and the Far Eastern "tourist"? No answer.


There are many hypotheses, the mystery remains. There are very “extravagant theories”. For example, some researchers believe that moving stones represent a different form of life. They believe that life could well have formed on the basis of silicium, or silicon. Ufologists put forward an equally fantastic version: the moving stones are either solid meteorites or their fragments. And they got the urge to change places during their long space travel.

Some scientists believe this phenomenon is the result of the influence of the geomagnetic properties of the planet. Moreover, the stones "roam" in the places of the greatest geomagnetic disturbance. However, no one has been able to explain exactly how the geomagnetic field turns into an anti-gravity field that can move a huge boulder from place to place.

But the most surprising version was put forward by French scientists Richard Demon and Bertrand Escolier. They announced that their long and careful study of samples taken in different parts of the globe finally confirmed their assumption that the stones are living things with a very long and slow process of life.

“The stones breathe, and it takes them from three days to two weeks to inhale,” these scientists say. “They have a pulse that can only be detected with very sensitive equipment. Each heartbeat lasts about a day at the stone, and therefore it cannot be felt or heard without special devices. By photographing with long time intervals, we were able to establish that the stones move independently. One of the stones we observed moved 2.5 mm within two weeks."

Investigations, which have been going on for several years, began after Dr. Demon accidentally discovered the pulsation of a stone he used as a press in a laboratory. The boulder was specially placed in the electrocardiograph, and the device recorded a weak but regular pulsation, the source of which could only be a stone. Richard Demon turned to his fellow biologist Escolier for help.

Research carried out by two scientists allowed them to finally establish that stones not only live, breathe and move, but even, apparently, are able to think. The scientific world reacted with suspicion and irony to the research results. “We are not surprised by the behavior of our colleagues, - writes R. Demon, - it is really hard to believe. And so we want other scientists to repeat our experiments. After all, we ourselves do not know what all this means …"

By the way, stones not only travel on the ground, but also … fly. In 1990, in Ontario, Canada, heavy boulders flew into the sky with ease. A similar situation was repeated in the same year in America, in Arkansas. Well, there are many cases when stones suddenly fell from the sky.

So, in March 1888 in Kesterton, England, a 5-kilogram piece of quartz fell; in 1960, in the US state of Illinois, a weighty cobblestone appeared among a plowed field; in the state of Oklahoma in 1973 there was a real rockfall - several tons of stones fell to the ground in a short time.

An interesting fact: often in places where large stones fall, no noticeable traces of impact are found. It seems that the stones, contrary to the laws of physics, lost their speed when falling, or the height of their fall was insignificant. Here's a dead, cold and soulless, like a stone …