Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

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Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View
Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Cholesterol. The Biggest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View
Video: David Diamond on Deception in Cholesterol Research: Separating Truth From Profitable Fiction 2024, September

It was like we had the Great Vitamin Cheating, and now here is another medical theory, which claims that many were mistaken before. Here is what the candidate of medical sciences, doctor O. I. Sineva writes:

The famous Viennese surgeon and scientist Theodor Billroth (well-known for his author's operations to remove part of the stomach in case of peptic ulcer disease) asked his students to conduct an interesting experiment. The thyroid gland was removed from goats and sheep. The result was completely paradoxical. The operation led to a sharp jump in cholesterol levels and total atherosclerosis of the arteries, incl. coronary.

So, herbivores who have never tried animal food containing cholesterol developed atherosclerosis.


It has been suspected that decreased thyroid function may lead to atherosclerosis. Later, these assumptions were confirmed in humans. It is the insufficient function of the thyroid gland, and not animal fats, that is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis. Since the 19th century, atherosclerosis has been successfully treated with low doses of thyroid hormones.

In the second half of the twentieth century, a theory appeared, the consequences of which were tantamount to carrying out mass genocide. The birth of the theory that the cause of atherosclerosis is the consumption of cholesterol-containing animal foods was implicated in the selfishness of narrow-minded scientists and the greed of pharmaceutical companies. Many millions of patients with atherosclerosis were killed. Among the victims was the President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower, who was put on a low-cholesterol diet right after the first myocardial infarction by doctors. Despite the diet, cholesterol levels continued to rise. The more severely the animal fat was restricted, the higher the cholesterol level rose. Together with cholesterol, weight increased. The result of the wrong treatment turned out to be sad: the president suffered several more heart attacks, which ultimately led to cardiac death. Presidents are treated by not the most knowledgeable doctors. If the attending physician of President D. White had listened to the advice of his knowledgeable colleague B. Barnes, then perhaps the course of history and the direction of scientific research would have taken a completely different path.

Many millions of dollars have been thrown into the furnace of futile scientific research in order to confirm the "culpability" of animal fats in the occurrence of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Up to this day, no real evidence has been provided. However, this was not reported to the general public, and the anti-cholesterol drug Lipitor successfully holds the sales lead.

Another remedy that could help President Eisenhower lower his cholesterol levels is eliminating "dense" carbohydrates from the diet. It is sweet, starch-rich and refined foods that are the second most important cause of high cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis of the myocardial arteries.

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Meanwhile, even the father of physiology, Rudolf Virchow, wrote that cholesterol was never the cause of atherosclerosis, but appears only at the final stage of damage to the arteries. Cholesterol comes to "heal the wound," but never caused this "wound," the scientist argued. Elevated cholesterol levels are ONLY a SIGN of inflammation in the body, not the cause. Many factors damage the walls of arteries. For example, elevated blood glucose and insulin levels.

Not surprisingly, half of the people who have had myocardial infarction had normal cholesterol levels. Conversely, people with low cholesterol have a 2 times higher death rate.

There are many proofs of the failure of the cholesterol myth. For example, the population of northern India consumes 17 times more animal fat than the population of southern India. However, the frequency of atherosclerosis of the myocardial arteries in northerners is 7 times lower.

Cholesterol is an irreplaceable substance that also has antimicrobial properties. It is essential for both the intrauterine development of the fetal brain and the normal function of the central nervous system. It's not for nothing that 23% of cholesterol stores are in the brain. If many generations of our ancestors had been on a low-cholesterol diet, then I'm afraid the human brain would become like a jellyfish. Not surprisingly, it is low cholesterol levels that cause memory loss in middle-aged and older people.

I would especially like to emphasize the vital necessity of cholesterol as a building material for the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones, in particular sex and adrenal hormones. It is a low-cholesterol diet that weakens the body's ability to deal with stress.

The lack of animal fats in the diet forces the liver to work with overload. Since cholesterol is critical for life, the liver is forced to synthesize it from what is available - from carbohydrates. Cholesterol synthesis requires the liver to mobilize huge resources. Lack of cholesterol in the diet is a real crisis for the liver! Wouldn't it be better to give her the opportunity to do the detoxification work?


I'm afraid no one knows that cholesterol is an antioxidant. And lowering it increases your risk of cancer, sexual dysfunction, memory impairment, Parkinson's disease, stroke (yes, stroke!), Suicide, and even violent behavior. Is this why there are so many massacre firearms in America's low-fat diet, for example in schools? So my advice to you is: if someone brags that they have low cholesterol, you better be extremely polite with such a person …

No one would argue that gray hair is the cause of old age. Likewise, cholesterol is not a cause of myocardial infarction. The cholesterol myth has led to the extremely healthy food of animal fat being declared the enemy of heart health. It came to an absurd "circumcision": the white was cut off from the yolk, and the most useful part of the egg was thrown away.

It's time for the ceremonial burial of the myth of the culpability of cholesterol in myocardial infarction; and this should be done with a loud military salute. So that as many deceived people as possible hear salutes.

Here are some more misconceptions that have confused us and made us upset for many years about every extra bite of "dangerous" food. Doctors and scientists dispelled them …

Myth one: cholesterol rises due to unhealthy foods

- Recently passed a medical examination, and found high cholesterol - now you have to tie up with your favorite eggs for breakfast, - a friend laments. It is also planned to "impose sanctions" on butter, cottage cheese (except for low-fat), whole milk, fatty sea fish … In general, you will not envy. Of course, not so many heroes withstand such a tough diet, but millions of people around the world worry, worry and worry about "junk" food that increases cholesterol.

- If you refuse eggs, the yolks of which really contain a lot of cholesterol, then you will not receive it … by 10 percent, - Irina Zhegulina, a geneticist at the Atlas biomedical holding, shrugs. - The effect of fatty foods on increasing cholesterol levels in the body, to put it mildly, is greatly exaggerated. In fact, our body is designed so that 80 - 90% of cholesterol is synthesized in the liver - regardless of whether you eat butter or carrots. That is, the diet, of course, can somewhat adjust the level of this substance in the body, but it is completely insignificant - only by those very 10 - 20%.


Myth two: The lower its blood counts, the better

The generally recognized international norm for total blood cholesterol is up to 5.5 mmol / l. However, the principle “less is more” does not work directly in this case, doctors warn. There are several important nuances.

- As a rule, cholesterol circulates in our blood, through the vessels, not by itself, but in the form of lipoproteins - that is, compounds with protein complexes. They have different densities and sizes. Low-density lipoproteins are often called "bad cholesterol", as they are one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis (note, only one of the factors and not at all decisive!). High density lipoproteins are known as "good cholesterol". They not only do not provoke atherosclerosis, but even serve as a means of preventing it - they prevent the attachment of "bad" cholesterol to the walls of our vessels.

- As a lipid (fat), cholesterol is a building material for the membranes of all cells in our body. That is, it is simply vital for us! Including cholesterol is involved in the production of the most important hormones: female estrogen and progesterone, male testosterone. Accordingly, the lack of this "disgraced" substance is fraught with a decrease in male strength, and in women - a violation of the menstrual cycle and an increased risk of infertility. Also, when there is a lack of cholesterol, which forms the membranes of our skin cells, the appearance of wrinkles accelerates.

- The lower limit of the norm for total blood cholesterol for adults is 3 mmol / l. If the indicators are less, then this is a reason to think about serious disorders in the body. The risk of liver damage is especially high, hepatologists warn and advise to examine this organ.

Myth three: the culprit of atherosclerosis

Cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes in our country rank first among the causes of premature death. And one of the most common causes of vascular and heart disorders is atherosclerosis. That is, narrowing of the arteries and other vessels due to unwanted growths and blockage by cholesterol plaques. Traditionally, cholesterol is considered to be the main culprit of atherosclerosis: the higher its values, the stronger, in direct proportion to the risk of disease.

- If your blood vessels themselves are healthy, not damaged, then cholesterol build-ups and clogging plaques will not form for no reason! - geneticist Irina Zhegulina refutes the popular myth, based on modern studies of the work of our body. And he explains: - If a person, say, smokes and resins and other harmful substances enter his body, or the level of glucose is increased in the blood, then under the influence of these factors, damage to the walls of blood vessels occurs. Collagen, from which the walls are built, is exposed, and blood cells, platelets, substances-factors of inflammation and cholesterol compounds rush to this place. And since the vessel is already damaged, the way inward opens for cholesterol. And over time, as it accumulates along with platelets, the very cholesterol plaques are formed.


So cholesterol itself simply cannot be the main culprit of atherosclerosis and the worst enemy of our vessels. Rather, it plays the role of an "accomplice", connecting to the process started by other factors.

Myth four: Lean meals are healthier

Since our liver itself synthesizes cholesterol, then maybe reducing fat in food is still beneficial? For example, those who are losing weight are addicted to low-fat diets, fashionable vegetarianism tells them to avoid animal fats.

“Don't forget that 60% of our brain is fat,” recalls Philip Haytovich, one of the world's leading neuroscientists. - The amount and ratio of fat in the diet seriously affects the state and function of the brain. In particular, studies have proven the benefits of unsaturated fatty acids - Omega-6 and Omega-3. They are known to be good for brain development and therefore must be added to a child's diet. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance: the ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids in food should be 4: 1. However, in fact, many modern people consume too much Omega-6 and too little Omega-3. Such an imbalance can lead to memory impairment, depression, the number of which is growing, and even a suicidal mood.

Myth 5: A healthy lifestyle is the strongest protection against a heart attack

Of course, proper nutrition, sleep, a minimum of stress and bad habits dramatically reduce the risk of earning cardiovascular diseases. However, sometimes we come across sad examples: a person did not drink, did not smoke, did not overeat, but died at an early age from a heart attack / stroke.

“Modern research shows that there is another serious risk factor that damages blood vessels, which few people think about: an increased level of homocysteine,” explains geneticist Irina Zhegulina. This is an amino acid that is formed in our body during the processing of the essential amino acid methionine and the metabolism of group B vitamins. this substance begins to damage blood vessels.

Therefore, people who have signs of cardiovascular problems are advised to be tested for homocysteine levels.