What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View

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What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View
What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View
Video: Старая реклама МММ Инвест с Сергеем Мавроди. 1993 г. 2024, October

Recently, in a Moscow hospital, Sergei Mavrodi, the founder of the legendary financial pyramid "MMM", died of a heart attack in one of the Moscow hospitals, from which thousands of defrauded depositors throughout the country suffered in the mid-90s. At that time, the adventurer was "on horseback": fabulous incomes allowed him to live on a grand scale. Did he leave anything behind?

In debt as in silk

The founder of the most hyped pyramid in the history of Russia went to another world, practically beggars. According to the Moscow Office of the Federal Bailiff Service (UFSPP), Mavrodi left an extremely dubious legacy - debts totaling more than a billion rubles. He was able to pay off some of the money, but most of the debt remained outstanding at the time of his death.

The bailiffs do not exclude that the remaining amount will have to be collected from the heirs of the deceased. If there are any. However, the relationship with the family of the founder of "MMM" in recent years developed very badly. After his death, the brother of the "great schemer" refused to bury him. The legal side of the issue was taken over by the ex-wife, and all participants of the second pyramid of Mavrodi - "MMM-2011" paid for it.

Where's the money?

Where did Mavrodi's billions go? Indeed, in the 90s, he could not deny himself anything: he lived in good apartments, drove expensive cars, and even chose his wife at beauty contests.

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According to him, all the money was seized by the special services after his arrest in 2003. Allegedly, cash was taken out on 17 dump trucks. The Investigative Committee, however, said that the founder of the "MMM" certainly did not pull on the oligarch: no palaces, airplanes, expensive cars and bags of money. All that the "great strategist" possessed then was a house on Lake Seliger and a snowmobile "Buran".

In 2007, the Chertanovsky court sentenced Mavrodi to 4 years and 6 months in prison. In addition, the businessman had to satisfy the claims of the affected depositors of "MMM" - about 110 thousand people.

The combinator, as he himself argued, could not pay these funds. For 2012, the only official item of his income was consulting entrepreneur Pavel Molchanov. The remuneration for this Mavrodi received extremely modest: 15 thousand rubles a month. Moreover, half of the amount went to the bailiffs.

The fate of Mavrodi's apartment in the capital, which was allegedly located at 41 Komsomolsky Prospekt, is unclear. In June 2008, the media leaked information that the MMM founder's apartment would be auctioned off and the money received would be paid to defrauded depositors.

Others argued that Mavrodi did not have his own home. And all that the bailiffs confiscated in favor of the defrauded depositors was the Rubin TV, and the circulation of his book in the amount of 1,500 copies.

However, Mavrodi himself admitted that from 1997 to 2003 (the time he was on the wanted list) he stayed in an apartment on the Frunzenskaya Embankment in Moscow and even kept a bodyguard of two dozen people. It is not known what funds the "banquet" was paid for.

"Spiritual" heritage

However, there are those who argue that Mavrodi's legacy is primarily intellectual, not material. It is believed that it was he who taught the Russians financial literacy, or at least took a step in this direction. After all, the activities of the pyramid of the "great combinator" and the loyalty of its contributors forced the state to come to grips with raising the level of financial literacy of the population.

According to the reviews of people who knew Mavrodi, the schemer had a lively, creative mind and excellent analytical skills, which allowed him to make very accurate estimates and predictions.

So, Mavrodi allegedly argued that all banks in one way or another repeat the MMM model, only operate in a more respectable shell, that stock exchanges are instruments of an international financial pyramid that have nothing to do with the real economy. In addition, say the friends of the creator of "MMM", he predicted the spread of cryptocurrencies and the transition to them as the main means of payment in the future.

While sitting in prison, Mavrodi allegedly proved a certain mathematical formula, over which they fought for almost two thousand years. Well, I wrote several books - "Prison Diaries", "The Whole Truth About" MMM "and" Temptation ".

Ivan Proshkin