The Existence Of Guardian Angels - Alternative View

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The Existence Of Guardian Angels - Alternative View
The Existence Of Guardian Angels - Alternative View

Technogenic disasters, natural disasters, accidents, fatal diseases …

In the life of any person, a situation can occur when it seems that it is impossible to be saved. But a miracle happens. It is as if someone from above extends his helping hand to us and helps us stay alive and sometimes unharmed.

Who comes to the rescue of a person and can these facts be scientifically explained?

Amazing stories of saving people

October 2012. Busy highway near Kaluga. The driver of the 7th model Zhiguli decided to overtake the bus, but lost control and flew at full speed into the oncoming lane right under the wheels of KAMAZ. But the tragedy did not happen.

The driver, rubbing his bruised head, independently gets out of the pile of iron, which was his car just a moment ago. The guy doesn't have a single scratch. Such a miraculous salvation can hardly be attributed to mere luck.

“The higher powers saved”, - this is the opinion of the family of residents from Pavlodar, whose daughter survived with zero chances of salvation. In June 2011, a thirteen-year-old girl nearly drowned.

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She was under water for more than 11 minutes, despite the fact that a person without oxygen can live no more than 5-7 minutes. Then irreversible processes occur, brain cells die and resuscitation measures become powerless. Anesthesiologist Nurlan Rakhmetov took part in her rescue. He did the girl for 7-8 minutes artificial respiration and at the same time indirect heart massage.

Not seeing the result, Nurlan raised his eyes to the sky, mentally called for help from all the Saints, and began to shout, addressing the breathless Natalia: "Come on, Natasha, let's wake up!" Everyone around him picked up his exclamations. And then the incredible happened - she opened her eyes, her heart began to beat, her pupils began to react.

The girl was immediately taken to the hospital. Surprisingly, such a long oxygen deprivation did not affect her health, and after a couple of days she returned home completely healthy. In medical practice, this case is considered unique, beyond reality.

In the 90s of the last century, an incredible story of rescue took place at the Mir orbital station.

The station was preparing for work in open space. On the eve of this task, one of the crew members had an unusual dream. A certain voice warned that when the cosmonauts went into outer space, the handrail system would be undocked. After a while, the dream was repeated, and the voice again reminded of the danger.

Imagine the astonishment of the cosmonauts when, performing a mission in open space, in a precisely indicated place, they found a disconnection in the handrails. If the astronaut had not paid attention to this problem, then tragedy would have happened.

An amazing voice began to accompany Valentina Polyntseva even in her youth. A male voice told her in detail how to act in a given situation. At his prompting, Polyntseva changed her place of residence, got married and divorced. 2 years before marriage, a voice told her that in marriage she would have a son.

It all started with an accident. At the age of 14, Valentina fell into the water and began to sink. There was no place to wait for salvation, at that hour she was alone on the shore. Valentina recalls: “When the soul separated from the body, there was a click, I felt that I was no longer drowning in this pool. Around - bright white, whiter than white light. I realized that he was thinking."

Polyntseva literally prayed to this bright light: why is she dying so early? And then a miracle happened: from somewhere on the shore of a deserted reservoir there was a young man. He went into the water and pulled the girl out. Since then, the guardian angel has not left Valentina for a second. “All my life I felt that I was being led, a voice sounds in me, it says what to do”.

Spoken from death

“According to the theory of probability, not a single person in the world can survive in five or six deadly situations, since this probability is less than the number of people on our planet. It turns out that such “unkillable” lucky ones should not exist in our history”, - Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of UNIO“Cosmopoisk”, expressed his opinion.

However, they do exist. A surprising conspiracy from death was inherent in some famous politicians of the last century.

Adolf Hitler was attempted 41 times, and the attempts to kill him were made by highly qualified professionals.

Vadim Chernobrov believes that “someone was on the coast of Hitler until a certain moment, while he was allowed 42 attempts - he shot himself.”

Fidel Castro broke all records. Only according to official information, they tried to kill him 240 times. Behind the scenes, the number of assassination attempts exceeded 630!

The Comandante was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as a survivor of 638 assassination attempts, including poison in cigars, poisoned pens, a bomb in a baseball, and disease-causing bacilli. Nothing takes him.

The version of who or what protects Castro was expressed by the famous Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. He thinks that Caribbean magic was not without. Cubans also firmly believe that their leader is protected by African gods and their apostles.

“Someone, for a reason unknown to us, decides which of the people, be they ordinary people or people from the highest political ranks (prime ministers, presidents, etc.), should leave in their prime, and who will live to old age, to that the moment when he fulfills his mission in this life. Vadim Chernobrov.

How angels help us

Each nation has its own ways of cheating death. Someone believes in the miraculous power of amulets, amulets or talismans.

The American Indians were protected from death by objects in which magical power is hidden: a sacred bow, a headdress with feathers, a shield.

Among the Europeans, various crystals, stones, a cross and holy water were endowed with protective power.

For protection from bullets and death in Orthodox Russia, mothers and wives gave soldiers body crosses, amulets, icons, into which a leaflet with a written prayer was sewn.

Sometimes unexpected obstacles help to avoid mortal danger. For the sake of saving their protégé, guardian angels are ready for any measures that, at first glance, may look like a series of failures, total bad luck.

Events that clearly demonstrate this phenomenon have repeatedly occurred in the life of Vitaly Nikolaevich Bogdanovich, a famous psychologist-esoteric.

The most striking case occurred in October 2002. Vitaly Nikolaevich and his wife were supposed to go from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where they were going to go to the musical "Nord-Ost".

But the evening before departure, as they say, "did not work out." My wife's ring had disappeared somewhere, a hard-to-remove stain was found on the output trousers. In addition, the usually calm and peaceful spouses, during the training camp, fought all the time. The apogee of the collection was a completely odd event: Vitaly, along with the trash, accidentally threw away the keys to the apartment. The trip finally fell through. The next day, the couple learned from the news about the terrorist attack on Dubrovka.

“Happiness follows us, but we are stronger and faster. It always seems to us that the obstacle that has happened MUST be overcome,”concludes Bogdanovich.

Guardian angels - who are they?

There are many hypotheses on this score, consider some.

“We always receive help from higher powers in the form of tips and signs. A guardian angel is given to a person in the womb. At 5-7 months of pregnancy, the Spirit with a certain karma is read. Whether the guardian angel will help a person throughout his life depends on the spirituality of the mother. The higher its spirituality, the more the Spirit is read with the highest karma,”says parapsychologist Anatoly Martynov.

“Either it’s some kind of Higher intelligent force that sends us a signal, or there is a mechanism for the advance formation of the future, from where we are able in some cases to read information,” - the opinion of Sergei Krichevsky, pilot-cosmonaut.

“It's all about the egregor, which protects every person. No wonder the translation of this word from the ancient Greek sounds like "guardian angel". Our unconscious keeps us, guides and kicks us in the neck when we do not obey,”- the hypothesis of psychologist-esoteric Bogdanovich.

Egregors are responsible for the distribution of benefits between people: be it opportunities, money, talent, knowledge. As a kind of investment fund, they give a person what he needs to achieve a specific life goal. It is no coincidence that the most secret knowledge or amazing discoveries are given only to a select few.

It turns out that the fate of a person and society as a whole is in the power of another world, or rather its representatives, who are extremely far from earthly incarnation. After all, scientists have already found out:

egregors are nothing more than information and energy supreme essences. They are of different types: personal, which protect a person, and more global, designed to protect entire nations.

Vitaly Bogdanovich: “Take Napoleon or Hitler, for example. As soon as they collided with the interests of another people, a nation, they invariably lost (Russia)."

Skeptics are sure: guardian angels live inside us. A person himself can suggest a way out of the most incredible situations. This is the work of the subconscious, and if you learn to use it to its fullest, then everyone could become God. But not everyone is able to receive prompts from the inner "I".

We often ask for advice from those who have proven their righteousness and wisdom with their entire lives. They are revered as Saints. Even after death, they perform miracles on people.

“When a person finishes his reincarnation, works off karma, he goes into the category of guardian angels and helps other people,” says the parapsychologist Anatoly Martynov.

Ufologists have put forward their hypothesis: numerous UFOs arrive on our planet for a reason. They deliberately show us the path of technical progress and warn us against troubles.

There is strong evidence that guardian angels are alien guests. Numerous places of worship, belonging to different confessions, look like interplanetary ships heading into the sky. Scientists suggest that higher beings flew to the ancient people on devices of this form, who helped them, which means that they were rightfully considered Gods. In their honor, monumental majestic temples in the form of space rockets were built.

As proof of this hypothesis, ufologists cite the Indian Brahman pagodas. They are placed on "vimanas", large wooden platforms with wheels, and mean "God's chariots." They resemble spaceships and temples Sumerian structures, and ancient Hindu stupas, and Muslim minarets, and Orthodox, and Catholic bell towers.

Aliens have not left us without their help today. Perhaps their merit is the still-maintained parity between countries in matters of nuclear confrontation.

Whatever the nature of the guardian angel, it is nice to know that there is a force that can help and support, guide you on the right path.

My opinion: you should look for and create a guardian angel first of all in your soul, with your pure thoughts, learn to hear your “I” and coordinate all your actions with it.

Have you ever felt the help of a guardian angel?