Mongul And Tartarus. Completion Of The Investigation (clear Location Of Cities) - Alternative View

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Mongul And Tartarus. Completion Of The Investigation (clear Location Of Cities) - Alternative View
Mongul And Tartarus. Completion Of The Investigation (clear Location Of Cities) - Alternative View

Video: Mongul And Tartarus. Completion Of The Investigation (clear Location Of Cities) - Alternative View

Video: Mongul And Tartarus. Completion Of The Investigation (clear Location Of Cities) - Alternative View
Video: ЭКОНОМИКА ТРЕТЬЕГО РЕЙХА: Крупп 2024, September

Beginning: "Once upon a time there were Mongols and tartars in Chukotka."

At the end of the topic: here we can see in more detail on a more ancient map, the location of the guards (cities) Mongul and Tartarus, and other glorious guards (marked in red). And also to feel the trembling from the contemplation of the great and terrible peoples of Gog and Magog (in blue) that they were driving horror on the representatives of the civilized society of antiquity. Even Alexander the Great himself fought with them, and locked them in some kind of giant cave (according to legend) by ordering a specially copper gate (for his own money) Because it was an indemnity, a payment for the fact that he and his army left alive the ancient Rus, some tribes to which he poked with the war … Alexander was left with an army on the condition that for this he would "deal" with the Gogs and with the Magogs..

Read more about Alexander's relations with the peoples of Gog and Magog in the article: "Alexander the Great's Siberian campaign".


Here they are, these ancient guards, on old and modern maps, with an accuracy of several kilometers, it was possible to "spot" Tartarus, it was more difficult to make a mistake, the rest was approximately.

Note, the map is 1290, and in the title material, the map is 1600. Consequently, the gap is almost 310 years … And how long this country and this people existed before Western cartographers reached them and recorded the presence of such, for their layman - the question is certainly interesting! On the map above we see - the coast of the Chukchi (now) sea, covered with forests, fenced off from the sea by mountain ranges (the remains of them can be found on the coast) - a great place! Otherwise, the cities, blown by icy winds for most of the year, would not have resisted here - it is clear that the climate was different..

It was possible to find the exact location with the help of suddenly acquired excellent old maps, and the bed of the once-dry, once glorious river Tartar, naturally with the help of the GUGL service … You can clearly see the almost perfect repetition of the river bed on the map, you can see the former dry lake (highlighted in yellow lines) now the area is swampy (it is better to look for yourself on the google-map, with the possibility of increasing) you can see how three rivers converge (in purple) into a lake (in fact, just an extension of the floodplain) and then one channel went from it into the ocean.


Promotional video:

Considering that there were no special changes on the maps of the 13th century and on the maps of the 16th century, we conclude that this is a real sunset of Tartary, since glorious guards (cities) have not been found on the maps of the 17th century. Tartary is still written here and there, but the country of Mongol and the guards Tartarus and Mongul, as by agreement, disappeared from European maps.

One can only assume when these guards were laid, when people began to settle there, where they came from, etc … There is an assumption that the Tartars are immigrants from the territory of Hyperborea, the land that was located at the North Pole. Some circumstances forced them to leave there … Who are they - there can be many options, from forced migrants to outcasts (do not forget that on earth there are always communities of intelligent beings of various levels of moral and technical development)

The fact that the giant territory of ASII was almost all called Tartaria, suggests that it was the inhabitants of Tartarus who inhabited the entire continent. They built cities, mastered territories, enlightened the peoples … They streamlined the mess, established IGO which means ORDER … And all this is not one thousand years … that we do not have written evidence, the chronicles of the Tartar kings - so it was all scattered by falsifiers in antiquity, and there may not have been a transfer of events in time - it was just that the actions did not take place where I was carefully lying to us from the Torah.


This is an ancient culture, unknown to us … A magical land where miracles took place - materiality was different, pressure, climate, ecology, nature, the very geophysics of the planet, atmospheric electricity and much more … Animals and plants of which there is no trace … Yes, yes, they grew strawberry trees, and they ate pumpkins, hollowed out windows, doors and lived in them - these are not fairy tales … The same is true for sorcerers, wizards, magicians, mermaids and wood goblins, wolves and talking birds and so on and so forth - all this was once … And now we have only skepticism about everything that does not bring material benefit - and this is the God of this world, and a dollar coming out of nowhere is the only magic and magic of this world …

Unfortunately, the fact that the city of Tartarus, which gave the name to all this land, was not marked as a capital on the last maps, or otherwise highlighted separately, speaks of the decline of Tartaria as a power - it has already begun to decompose into parts … Considering that the official chronology with its antiquity - the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, Etruscans and Sumerians, ancient Rome and Troy, with their many thousand-year history there is an artificially lengthened falsification, the conclusion suggests itself that the events of almost all historical myths took place on these lands. Later, in the 16th century, they were rewritten, the names of the participants in the events, time, place, circumstances, etc. were changed.

Something went wrong..

Further - more, splitting into an ever smaller fraction is happening now, the DIVIDE AND RULE algorithm works. You and I, too, are the heirs of Great Tartary, and we have the honor to live in a time when this decay will be stopped, because the night has passed and the morning has come … how exactly the onset of the galactic night, the "night of Svarog" was due to the beginning of the disintegration. The onset of the galactic night caused all those changes, the explanation for which hundreds of years have been trying to find a host of scientists and researchers. These are restrictions on the use of human inner resources, this is a restriction on communication with forces of nature directly. This is the decline of paganism (populism) and the arrival of hard Christianity with a herd regime of faith and ignorance - all this and much more was introduced at night … All this is for the good,he who has reason, let him understand … This time was at the mercy of the forces of Divine inversion, the "second will" of God (Dia Vol - the second will, indirect providence)

The tightening of the conditions of existence is directly related to the moral choice of a person - that for the sake of which we incarnate.

In harsher conditions, the daily, hourly choice in favor of morality has a higher price than in fat, prosperous years. Therefore, everything is for the good for the pure in heart, and striving for righteousness. Souls incarnated in such periods - in difficult times, testify to the height of their spirit, and increase their status in eternity, where the higher intelligence of each of us is located. We and our higher intelligence increase unity and understanding throughout the entire period of incarnation. Merged with our higher intelligence, becomes a God-man. All restrictions are removed from such a person and all possibilities are open. … Apparently, God-men lived on earth earlier, united with God, living by nature and by conscience. And they will probably live as before, for the night has passed and the morning has come.
