A Strange Virus Was Found On Board United Airlines - - Alternative View

A Strange Virus Was Found On Board United Airlines - - Alternative View
A Strange Virus Was Found On Board United Airlines - - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Virus Was Found On Board United Airlines - - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Virus Was Found On Board United Airlines - - Alternative View
Video: Tucker sounds off on United Airlines latest 'gender, racial' quota 2024, September

In a bizarre and slightly chilling leak from a secret US Department of Defense report less than 48 hours ago, a United Airlines flight over the Russian Federation from San Francisco, US to Shanghai, China was banned under threat of being destroyed by aerospace forces.

Officials claim that the plane was banned from approaching Russia for "diplomatic reasons," however, according to the information leak, there were samples of a particular virus on board the plane, the spectral analysis of which may indicate its extraterrestrial origin.

United Airlines Flight 857 is a scheduled flight between San Francisco and Shanghai and has always been allowed to use Russian Federation airspace, thus reducing the flight from 17 hours with refueling in Japan to the current 13 hours.

According to an information leak from the US military, the Russians have a secret satellite "Angel Halo" (designated by NATO as "Object 2014-28E"), focused on the Pacific region and is busy monitoring the active points of the WSSV virus, causing great damage to the ocean shrimp fishery … Accidentally or not accidentally, but the spectral signature of the board came into the field of view of the satellite's sensors, revealing the presence of certain biomolecules not described in any biochemical databases.


Russia's fears of any kind of viruses (especially viruses of unknown origin) heading towards China are due to the disastrous outbreak of H7N9 in Asian countries. This is the so-called bird flu virus, first discovered in humans four years ago.

Professor Yi Guan of the University of Hong Kong and one of the world's leading specialists in viral diseases has long argued that if the H7N9 virus continues to mutate, sooner or later it will kill the whole world.


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According to Dr. Yi Guan, this virus poses a greater threat to humanity than any other in the past 100 years.


According to the leak, at a meeting between the presidents of the United States and China last week, the situation with this virus, which is being dealt with by all the intelligence services of the world, was also secretly discussed.

Deagel.com recently updated its 2024 population forecast. He predicts that over 6.5 billion people (90% of humanity) will be dead within the next 7 years. And one of the worst predictions for the H7N9 virus concerns the European Union and the United States, which are forecast to lose 400 million and 250 million of their citizens, respectively.


As for why Western countries are projected to be hit hardest by the H7N9 pandemic, the virus mutates rapidly and targets genetic markers unique to European ethnicities. The population in Muslim countries is practically immune to the virus. Countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan will increase their population from year to year, while Europe and the United States will be almost completely destroyed.

Elites have known everything about H7N9 for a long time. That is why they are trying to flood the United States and Europe with Muslim "refugees" who will maintain vital infrastructure while the elites themselves hide in bunkers from the apocalypse that has come on the surface.


Russia, now the second largest immigrant country in the world after the United States, is not lagging behind in its preparations to survive the H7N9 pandemic. It differs from the United States only in strategy: America deliberately agitates the Muslim world with wars in order to generate the flow of refugees it needs. The clock is ticking and everything will accelerate, now by the new "globalist" President Trump. The world is heading for a catastrophe that can no longer be hidden.


As for a virus of almost "unearthly origin" found on a United Airlines flight, due to which Moscow threatened to shoot down United Airlines, the Russians have a suspicion that the virus was modified in American laboratories. However, according to the same leak - all this is nothing more than speculation by the Russians. The information is highly secret and the Russians have no reliable facts other than suspicion.