The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View

The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View
The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View

Video: The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View

Video: The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View
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Recently modern science has been faced with paradoxes. Some events and phenomena described in ancient religious books actually existed. This concerns the mass of phenomena, including the description of ancient types of weapons. For example - Jericho Trumpets.

According to the scriptures, with the help of the cry of soldiers and blowing into special pipes, the walls of the impregnable city of Jericho were destroyed.

Today it is known that sound effects of a certain frequency can indeed cause serious damage. But the trouble is that thousands of years ago there was no technology that could recreate such sound frequencies.

The scientists of the Third Reich succeeded in this. With manic tenacity, they tried to recreate these pipes. But if in addition to the trumpets the Lord himself also participated in the destruction of Jericho, then the Germans did not have such a form. And yet they managed to create a sound cannon. And the woman did it. Maria Zippermeier, worked in the technical department of the Luftwaffe.

She combined two types of microwave and low frequency waves and received a rather strong destructive effect.

But Dr. Wallauszek came closest to the invention of the tuba. He created a device that, using compressed gas, made such a powerful sound that, when tested on prisoners, the cannon killed people at a distance of 50 meters. She could damage the plane only at a height of three hundred meters. Due to the short range, the work was curtailed.

Subsequently, military developments in the field of acoustics were carried out in almost all countries. The USSR also succeeded in this. In the mid-70s, a fairly powerful acoustic installation was created, which was attached to a combat vehicle. But it rather had a psychological effect. The calculation was to destabilize the enemy. The tests have shown excellent results.

Today, practically in all countries, non-lethal acoustic weapons are being developed. It is created mainly to suppress prison riots and unsanctioned rallies.

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It is known that the United States is actively working on a high-frequency gun program, but its principle of operation is not aimed at destruction, but at heating living flesh. Therefore, it is probably not correct to consider this weapon as sound.