Hopi Indians Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of The White Brother Pahan - Alternative View

Hopi Indians Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of The White Brother Pahan - Alternative View
Hopi Indians Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of The White Brother Pahan - Alternative View

Video: Hopi Indians Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of The White Brother Pahan - Alternative View

Video: Hopi Indians Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of The White Brother Pahan - Alternative View
Video: Hopi Prophecy by Thomas Banyacya (1995) Part 1 of 2 2024, September

The Hopi are a Pueblo Indian people living in the American state of Arizona.

Sages and healers, they keep ancient knowledge about the history of mankind. In particular, about the cataclysm, as a result of which a huge continent split. Then the gods came to Earth - "kachina". Taking human form, the gods helped to cope with the consequences of the disaster and spread scientific knowledge.


In 1959, the world learned about the Hopi prophecies. First, this information was disseminated among American pastors, and then it became the property of a wide range of the public. According to legend, in the summer of 1858, Pastor David Jung, driving through the desert, took a fellow traveler. After talking, the elderly Indian said that his name was White Feather and told that the people were waiting for him Pahana (I pass the spelling as it is - Pahana, despite the fact that different translators have different options, with the letters "g" and "k") - “the missing White Brother”: “He will not be like those white people - evil and greedy - whom we now know”.


“He will bring with him the lost corner of the table, which is kept by our elders,” continued the old man. (Four stone tablets, "tiponi," depict the history of the wanderings of the Hopi tribe. A long time ago, the corner of one of them was chipped off and given to the ancestor of Pahan. The tablets speak of three previous civilizations that at different times perished from fire, cold and great water.)


Also, the Indian warned that the end of the Fourth World would soon come and the Fifth would begin. But before that, the signs will be fulfilled:

Promotional video:

1. “We were told about the coming of white-skinned people, similar to Pahan, but not living like him. People who will take land that does not belong to them. People who strike their enemies with thunder."

2. “Our lands will see the coming of wooden wheels full of voices. My forefather saw with his own eyes the fulfillment of this prophecy - white people carrying their families in carts across the steppes."

3. "Strange cattle, like bison, but with large, long horns, will cover the earth in countless numbers."

4. "The earth will be entwined with iron serpents" (about railways?).

5. "The earth will be entwined with a giant web" (electric and telephone wires, the Internet).

6. "The earth will be crossed in all directions by stone rivers, which produce different images in the sun" (many believe that they mean highways, on which mirages of cars and puddles appear in hot weather).

7. “You will hear that the sea has turned black, and many living things are dying from this” (in 1958 there were no catastrophic oil spills yet).

8. "You will see how many youngsters with long hair will come and join the tribal peoples to learn their customs and wisdom" (the first hippies appeared only in 1964).

9. “In those days you will hear about houses up to heaven that will fall with a great crash. Soon after, the rituals of my people will end.”


10. “People will forget the great laws of the Creator. Children will stop honoring their parents and elders. Greed and debauchery will cover humanity."

11. "A wife without her husband's help can have children, and everyone will begin to reproduce himself."


What will happen after this? “The earth will start to shake. White people will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have found the first light of wisdom”(Middle East?). “There will be many huge pillars of fire and smoke. They will produce sickness and Great Death. " Soon after, Pahana will return and "sow the seeds of wisdom in the hearts of the people."

Other Hopi describe Pahan as follows: “He will be wearing a red cloak and a red hat”, “he has no religion but his own”, “one day he will take over the whole Turtle Island” (the Indian name for North America); "If he comes from the east, the catastrophe will be small, and if from the west, it will be merciless." In 2003, the Hopi leader Martin said: “The White Brother is already among you. And he will stay with you for another 15 years."


The White Brother will come with two assistants (perhaps he means the peoples allied to him). One will bring with him the sign of the swastika - a symbol of male purity and the movement of the great forces of nature. The other is the sign of the Celtic cross, painted in red, like the color of the blood of the woman from whom life comes.

If the peaceful plan of Pahan and his assistants fails, then the world will perish - "a pumpkin full of ashes will fall from heaven to earth, and many will die from a terrible plague trapped in this ash." And if everything goes well, the world will enter the period of the Great Purification, when there will be no wars and the Earth will bloom again.


The Hopi learned about the signs of the future from Maasaw, the creator and spiritual curator of the Earth. He bequeathed to them to respect all phenomena of the physical and spiritual world and live in harmony with other peoples. Since that time immemorial, representatives of one of the most ancient civilizations of North America call themselves "hopituh shi-nu-mu" - "peaceful people". Maaso is the Indian counterpart of Jesus Christ. Even their commandments are similar. Maaso said that the fate of humanity was planned from the first day of creation.


You can not believe in the predictions of the Indian people. But at a time when the world is once again teetering on the edge, it is more relevant than ever. Prophecies come along with the need to look into tomorrow. If the people believe in the coming of a savior from distant lands, it means that they are disappointed and do not pin their hopes on their own - transit - political leaders. Each person expects stability from the future, and if changes - then for the better.

And no one wants wars, except for politicians who receive great profit from the confrontation of peoples. May God give them wisdom - people, in whose hands the levers of control of the whole world. It doesn't matter what their names are - they must understand that they are not accidental, and be aware of their responsibility for the destinies entrusted to them.

Elena Muravyova for the website www.neveroyatno.info