Russian Gods. Karna And Jelly - Alternative View

Russian Gods. Karna And Jelly - Alternative View
Russian Gods. Karna And Jelly - Alternative View

Video: Russian Gods. Karna And Jelly - Alternative View

Video: Russian Gods. Karna And Jelly - Alternative View
Video: Армия России - "Боги войны" || Их Боятся Даже в НАТО 2024, September

On the seventh day of the month of bloom (April 7), from time immemorial, and until the creation of the Soviet state, ordinary people in Russia celebrated the day of the Goddess Karna (in some regions she was called Karna or Kruchina), and her sister Zheli. In the culture of the Western Slavs, they were known as Karina and Gela. In Scandinavian and Germanic mythologies, they are also present in the form of Valkyries.

The ancient Roman poet Ovid Nason dedicated his poems to her. In the Roman pantheon, Karna is known under the "foreign" name of Cordia, and magnificent temples were erected in her honor.

The father and mother of Karna and Jeli were Chernobog and Mara-Morena. And they were the guides of the souls of dead people to the world of their ancestors. But, in no case should you consider them as dark forces. Karna was famous for the fact that she was the only one who could mourn the sailors and warriors who died in a foreign land, whose ashes could not be mourned and buried in their homeland.

The reference to the Goddesses of mourners is in the "Lay of Igor's Host": -

“Oh, far off the falcon, bird bya, to the sea! And Igor's brave regiment cannot be crushed! Behind him I will click Karna, and Zhlya will run along the Russian land, I will smack my lips in a flaming rose. The wives of the Ruska burst into tears, arkuchi: "Already we have our dear tones, neither thought of sense, nor thought of thought, nor eyes to look at, and pat the gold and silver!"

(Oh, the falcon flew far, beating the birds, to the sea! And Igor the brave regiment can no longer be resurrected! Karna clicked on him, and Zhelya galloped across the Russian land, sowing fire from a fiery horn. The Russian wives cried, saying: the way, neither thought to understand, nor thought to think, nor bewitch with eyes, and you cannot hold gold and silver in your hands!”).

Jel's name is undoubtedly the same root with the words "pity" and "regret". This Valkyrie mourner expressed sympathy for all the dead, incl. orphans, and lonely old people who have no one left on Earth who could feel sorry for them.

But with Karna (Kara), the situation is more curious. Many researchers are sure that the concepts of "reincarnation" and "incarnation" are directly related to the name of the Goddess Karna. This follows from her leading role in the host of Slavic Gods. She not only translated a person into the world of the dead, but was responsible for his new birth in the explicit world of people. The sources recorded from the words of the inhabitants of villages and villages during ethnographic expeditions of the thirties of the last century, directly say that the heavenly Goddess Karna is the patroness of all new births and human reincarnations. Those. there is an absolutely exact coincidence of the worldview of the Slavs and Indians in this matter. In addition, in the pantheon of Hindu gods, there is a fearless knight named Karna, whose exploits are described in the Mahabharata.

Promotional video:

The original meaning of the word "punishment" also leaves little doubt. This is not just a punishment for sin. This concept is spiritual, not physical. Kara is karma. That is, the purpose of Goddess Karna is much deeper than being just a mourner and a guide to the world of the dead. She helped a person correct the mistakes made in the previous incarnation, so that he could fulfill his main purpose, which was assigned to him by the Main God - the creator Rod.

On the night before the day of Karna and Jelly, it was customary to leave kutya made from wheat or barley with honey and dried berries on the dining table. And throughout the next day, it was forbidden to perform any work, except for the urgent, associated with force majeure circumstances. In the courtyard of each house, bonfires were lit, which clearly indicates a close connection with Arianism, and they danced in round dances by playing ceramic pipes called ocarins. Those. this musical instrument was created as a cult, in honor of the Goddess Karna.



Then, everyone went to the churchyard, continuously playing the ocarinas, and carried dried red berries and flowers to the graves of the dead. Culturologists and ethnographers, not without reason, argue that this custom formed the basis of our modern tradition, to lay red carnations on the graves of the dead.

Please tell your friends and, most importantly, children about this. We have no right to consign to oblivion the cultural traditions of our ancestors.

Continuation: "Russian Gods. Semargl".

Author: kadykchanskiy
