Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View

Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View
Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, September

In the late 1940s, "researchers" from the USSR conducted an inhuman experiment, which in subsequent years became known only through an oral report from an eyewitness, which so far has not been convincingly refuted or documented by anyone. The essence of the experiment was the use of a special gas that had just been discovered by chemists, which allowed them to keep the test subjects for 15 days without sleep.

For the experiment, a special pressure chamber was built with observation windows and a closed air circuit. There were placed furniture for sitting and sleeping, books, food and water supplies were organized. The test subjects were political prisoners who were declared enemies of the people during World War II.

During the first five days, everything was calm and the prisoners enjoyed the comfort that fell from the sky. Moreover, everyone was promised that after the completion of the experiment, during which they would have to perform different psychological tasks, everyone would be granted amnesty and everyone would be released. Therefore, the prisoners tried very hard and the only thing that a little worried the experimenters was that on the fifth day all the conversations of the experimental were reduced to the topic of traumatic incidents in their past.

After the fifth day, the prisoners gradually stopped complaining to each other and generally broke off all contact with each other. Instead, they periodically stepped up to the microphones and whispered compromising evidence against their cellmates: who and what said badly about Comrade Stalin, who, how and when, reviled their native Soviet power. This paranoid affect was regarded as a property of the new gas.

After about nine days, the inmates started screaming. One of the inmates suddenly jumped up and ran around the cell, screaming continuously for several hours until he completely ruptured his vocal cords. At the same time, the rest of the prisoners did not pay any attention to this, continuing to diligently whisper something into the microphones. However, then two more prisoners began to run screaming, and two more suddenly began tearing up books, smearing the pages with their feces and trying to seal the windows with paper.

Three days later, the screams and the whispering into the microphones stopped. Since the view was disrupted, the experimenters suspected that the prisoners had simply broken the microphones, so it was decided to arrange for staff access to the cell to reopen the windows and test the microphones. This could not be done freely, since both the content of the stimulating gas and the amount of oxygen in the pressure chamber were carefully controlled. At the same time, after the fifth day, a peculiarity arose with oxygen: the subjects just lay, sat, or, sometimes, screamed around the chamber, but the oxygen consumption was so high, as if all five were undergoing great physical exertion 24 hours a day.

On the morning of the 14th day, the researchers announced over the intercom that they would go into the pressure chamber for "preventive maintenance" and ordered the test subjects to be quiet. However, no response came, and when the experimenters entered, the prisoners lay quietly as if dead. After checking the equipment and clearing everything, the experimenters told the test subjects that everything would end tomorrow and everyone would be free. And then all the prisoners, as if on command, turned their heads and said the same phrase: "We no longer want to be released."

Further, a discussion arose among the researchers on the subject of further actions. Since the prisoners no longer reacted to the experience and did not maintain contact with the experimenters, on the 15th day it was decided to fill the pressure chamber with clean air and send the staff there again. But as soon as the stimulating gas began to run out, the prisoners immediately felt it and began to wail in their voices, demanding to restore the gas supply, which did not allow them to sleep.

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When the doctors, accompanied by the guards, entered, the prisoners began to yell at the top of their voices, while, as it turned out, one of them was dead, and his body was incomprehensibly partially dismembered, and all the sewer drains of the cell were clogged with fragments. At the same time, there were no metal objects in the pressure chamber at all, and after the first cursory examination it turned out that the dismemberment was done with the fingers of still living prisoners who were injured from a strong load.

However, upon further research, it turned out that the dead subject injured himself on his own, opening the abdominal cavity with his fingers and pulling out the organs and intestines from there - the same manipulations, but at earlier stages other experimental subjects also performed on their bodies. Mainly the liver and intestines were removed, which were scattered around in pulsating lumps. At the same time, the intestines, although they were torn off from the body, were of normal physiological color and continued peristalsis, as if nothing had happened.

At the command of the doctors, the soldiers began to lift and carry the prisoners out of the cell, but as soon as the examination was over and the soldiers approached, the test subjects began to fight. Five soldiers died instantly - one of the experimental tore out his throat with his bare hand, the rest of the groin organs were torn out and the main arteries were torn with limb separation. Another guard, weighing at least 200 pounds, was grabbed by the inmate by the legs and killed against the wall like a doll. At the same time, rushing at the doctors and guards, the subjects demanded that they return the stimulating gas.

It was possible to immobilize the test subjects only after complete ventilation of the chamber and the urgent introduction of unthinkable doses of morphine, after which they were tied with belts to another room and placed on the operating tables. They were given anesthetic drugs continuously and intravenously. If, for some reason, the flow of sleeping pills into the vein slowed down, the subjects instantly came to their senses and tore the restraining straps. At the same time, they laughed hysterically.

An attempt was made to take an EEG, but to the surprise of the experimenters, the encephalogram was almost common, except that when the subjects could no longer fight drug sleep and turned off, the EEG showed a flat line, like in corpses.

Since such a result of the experiment was not provided for either by the past German experience or by other calculations, it was decided to liquidate the prisoners and burn the corpses. However, before that, one of the employees of the NKVD, who, many years later, told all this to Western journalists, decided to personally find out for himself the truth and understand what they faced.

Taking advantage of the moment when no one was in the room with the test subjects for several minutes, he approached one of the bodies tied with belts to the tables and asked: “WHAT ARE YOU? I need to know!"

Then the man on the table suddenly opened his eyes and burst out laughing with an eerie wheeze. He hissed:

“Did you forget everything so easily? We are you. We are what is hidden in your deepest mind and from which you yourself try to hide every night when you go to your beds to sleep."