Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View

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Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View
Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View

Video: Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View

Video: Radio Frequency Treatment Of People, Psychotronic Brainwashing - Alternative View
Video: Hunting and Tracking Rogue Radio Frequency Devices 2024, September

In this summary of the report, the problem of self-protection from psychotronic processing (PTO) is considered at the level of the concepts of radio frequency coding of the brain, at the level of parapsychology, without taking into account the interaction of lepton biofields.

At the same time, in connection with complex - electrophysical phenomena in the structure of the brain and due to the occurrence of side resonance inductions of high-frequency electromagnetic fields of high harmonics, the symptoms of weak information interaction are noted by many who have experienced intense PTO.

It is appropriate to recall that in the classical formulas of electromagnetic waves, Maxwell gave their longitudinal component, which has been ignored by official physics until now. An essential feature of this longitudinal component of waves is that characteristics such as time and space are unimportant for its description. This component spreads instantly and does not depend on the space-time continuum.

The purpose of civilian PTO, including potential coding for official purposes of intelligence officers and nomenclature, is:

- creating an impression in a person that his thoughts and motives are controlled;

- gaining control over the human psyche;

- the formation of a certain emotional mood;

- introduction of target information into the subconscious;

Promotional video:

- decrease in legal capacity and even physical injury of varying degrees.

The methodology of psychotronic processing by radio technical means is based on the discovery of our compatriot Mikhailovsky, who in the mid-30s established that various combinations of electromagnetic pulses of long duration from 20 ms to 1.25 s, repetitive with a frequency of 25-0.4 Hz and modulated on a carrier radio frequency in the range of medium and short waves, affect individual areas of the brain, which are responsible for both the emotional mood and the work of individual functional organs. Mikhailovsky suggested using the method invented by him for the treatment of certain diseases. In 1937 and. he disappeared and apparently continued his research, but already in the basements of the Lubyanka, which can be assumed from the fact that in the 50s torture with the use of high-frequency radiation in combination with drugs was already used in the mentioned institution.

A phenomenon similar in nature, which became the basis for the development of the method of psychotronic processing, is the "radio sound effect", the reaction of the human body to HF radiation pulses, which is expressed in the appearance of auditory sensations of various timbre colors, which was noticed by members of the personnel of radar stations who happened to be in the area of the radiating antenna. Later it was found that other radiation, for example, laser, X-ray, supplied by pulses, providing an instant step change in the emitted power, can also introduce a similar buildup of individual parts of the brain.

In the Soviet Union, a method of psychotronic processing was developed, and in the Russian Federation, the method of psychotronic processing is widely used, which, due to its technical features, is conveniently called network, since the power of the bioenergy generator is introduced through the Filters system directly into household networks (lighting, telephone, common television antenna, radio network, burglar alarm, etc. etc.) of a residential building. This method of creating a high-frequency radio field inside the building is energetically rational and ensures the covert application of the VET, since the VET signals no longer appear 10 m from the building. According to the developers of network psychotronic processing, it is generally accepted that the radio field created by biogenerators spreads evenly over all areas of the building. In reality,in connection with the specifics of the building structure and the heterogeneous arrangement of household networks and the distribution of the coxial cable of the television antenna, as well as reinforcement structures, the intensity of the em. the fields in individual apartments can be 1.5-2 times higher than the average calculated level. The result of this is that the VET of the coded tenants of these apartments leads to profound irreversible injuries, and for the elderly, to premature death. There are frequent cases when citizens leave their home and become homeless. (Kromkina N. et al. “Why are apartments empty in Moscow?”, Article in the newspaper “41st” N 30, 1992). This phenomenon should not be confused with the concentrated processing of the apartments of human rights defenders, dissidents and members of the opposition, when special portable radio transmitters, microwave emitters and laser installations are located in close proximity.

If you turn on a radio receiver with a range of 1.7 … 4.5 MHz, then the work of the biogenerator and the special radio transmitter of the PTO manifests itself as an audio broadcast of clicks, buzzing, grunting, a repetitive Morse-type signal, and the signal level at night slightly exceeds the signal level of a conventional broadcasting radio station …


What is psychotronic processing (PTO) coding? Psychotronic coding is the acquisition by the recipient of a stable reflex and stable physiological reactions to energy impulses transmitted through a high-frequency electromagnetic field.

It should be noted that the coding of physiological pain reactions and functional disorders is more characteristic of psychoterror technology.

The following types of pulse electromagnetic codes are distinguished.

First of all, the coding process and the codes themselves differ in the frequency groups at which the code is modulated. There are two groups (channels) of frequencies.

The first group of frequencies excites mainly the areas of the brain of the left hemisphere, where the centers of creation, speech, logic, analysis, and working memory are located.

The second group of frequencies excites mainly the areas of the brain of the right hemisphere, where the centers of subconsciousness, feelings, emotions, fantasy, and long-term memory are located. In this case, the left hemisphere of the human brain forms any information in an unambiguous and linear (from the past to the future) context. And the right hemisphere is in a polysemantic context that defies unambiguous interpretation with words or music. However, as the practice of coding has shown, such a strict division of frequencies into zones does not exist, which is associated with the pathology of the recipient.

In psychotronic processing, the following coding system is used.

Active codes. The purpose of such codes is to excite or inhibit neurons in a specific area of the brain. For example, to ensure the buildup of the center of hearing, to prepare this zone for the perception of an auxiliary, semantic code. At the same time, an active code can be transmitted simultaneously at the corresponding hemisphere frequency that causes inhibition of the brain area responsible for emotions or, conversely, the excitatory center responsible for a certain emotional mood: a feeling of depression, deep satisfaction, etc. A distinctive feature of active codes is that they represent a synchronous sequence of identical pulses, characterized by a large gradient of power rise in each pulse and a large falloff gradient. Another characteristic feature of each type of active code is its identity for a large category of people. There are certain exceptions to this rule that associate (try to associate) with different blood groups.

Auxiliary codes, as a rule, have a subscriber focus; they can be given an individual color only for a given recipient. The distinguishing feature of these codes is that they are repetitive combinations of impulses. The broadcast of the auxiliary codes is carried out after processing the desired area of the brain with the active code and at the same carrier frequency, or parallel broadcast of the active code and the auxiliary code is performed at frequencies differing within ± 10%.

Basic codes. After the activation coding of a certain area of the brain responsible for hearing and speech, and the broadcast of the basic (or calling) code, which is the same in its combination for many recipients, you may have the feeling that you have been called by name; you may hear the words “hello”, “congratulations”, etc. Mat, which, for some reason, is more often heard by women subjected to PTO, is also caused by the same type of basic modulation for many.

Associative (game) codes can be individual in nature and are developed in order to recall a visual image, a topic of conversation or information message in memory after the excitation of a certain center of the brain, by repeating the game code, and thereby direct the thoughts and actions of the recipient in the right direction. The associative code is entered into consciousness uncontrollably for the recipient, unless he turns on the radio receiver and detects a sufficiently strong Morse-type signal at a frequency close to active coding.

The development of the code is carried out while watching a television program and listening to the radio, when talking with a “trusted” person on the phone, during service in places of religious cults, during an “installation” conducted by Chumak, etc.

Associative codes are a type of volatile code; they themselves are gradually erased from memory, since for their re-consolidation it is necessary to repeat the original plot on the basis of which the coding was carried out.

Acoustic coding is based on the natural ability of a certain group of neurons in the human brain, specifically, the thermoelastic center (TTC - Broca's zone area) to vibrate under the influence of energy impulses of a high-frequency electromagnetic field (R. E. Tigranyan and V. V. Shorokhov “Physical basis of auditory affect Microwave”, Pushchino Scientific Center, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, 1992). This vibration occurs at a frequency characteristic of each person: usually these are 3-4 resonant frequencies in the range of 2.0 … 6.0 kHz. The vibrations originating in the center, as some researchers believe, are purely mechanical (acoustic), excite, in particular, the organs of Corti, while the spherical surface of the cranium plays the role of a resonator. The person begins auditory hallucinations on topics caused by the associative code. In addition, special services, due to the developed methods, can give these topics a targeted focus through the use of hidden microtelephones emitting sound waves of very low power. Such a technique will be successful if the acoustic transmission is carried out at one resonant frequency inherent only to a given recipient, if this frequency was determined by the special services in advance, which is done during any harmless tests, at lectures, in an office setting, on all kinds of courses … ufology, extrasensory perception, etc. If, in the general case, your personal resonant frequency is not known, then special reproducing devices play one word in the range of 2.0 … 6.0 kHz or semi-frequency at several narrow frequency groups. Some”” group will touch your resonant frequency and you will receive an information command. This method of acoustic coding is characterized by the fact that words and game phrases, or rather no more than 2-3 phonemes of words, come with a break of 1.5-3 seconds. The words that are heard are devoid of any timbre coloring. For example, you cannot determine whether they belong to a man or a woman, since overtones are not reproduced with this method of excitation of the TCA.

Here are some examples of play phrases used in acoustic coding.

“I have been asking you for a long time…. They will laugh at you…. If you think so…". I suggest…. Well, for God's sake…. You are required …. Well, @that's clear …. We are waiting for you …. You promised…. I do not want to hear (I don’t want to)…. Not everyone agrees with this … “. It is easy to see the ambiguous nature of the semi-phrases. They can fit both into your imaginary "mental" response, and into any context of a psychotronic clip.

Even this, far from being a complete list of possible code tricks, shows what opportunities an experienced “Scenarist” has to compose a psychotronic clip with a political, criminal, everyday and even intimate plot.

It is very difficult to decode recipients who are in a room for more than 5 hours a day, and in which a high-frequency electromagnetic field has been induced using radio transmitters or special generators connected to household networks or hidden antennas.


To conduct self-control and control on the part of your loved ones, it is possible to use a classifier that considers three degrees of signs of coding, compiled on the basis of survey materials and conversations with at least 70 citizens who, in their opinion, are exposed to contactless influence from the outside. The given classification is simultaneously a criterion for assessing the intensity and duration of PTO.

The first degree of zombies (PTO for up to 3 years) is characterized by:

Exhausting pain reactions. Sensation of a burn along the line of bioenergetic meridians connecting acupuncture points. Tingling. Periodic cramps in the calf muscles. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Periodic internal bleeding: stomach, nose, hemorrhoids, bladder; violation of the menstrual cycle. The emergence of a reaction to basic codes. The head is like "cotton". Headaches in the temporal and parietal region, pain in the eye sockets. The appearance of auditory backgrounds of various heights. Sound clicks. Sharp webbing pains or dull pains in the area behind the ear. Feeling of vibration, inner trembling.

Dreams with details reflecting the current events of the day, colored dreams. The ability to remember a dream remains, to note some of its strange details, which helps to identify a topic that was introduced into the subconscious from the outside. Wake-up on code signal.

The appearance of suspiciousness and depression. The appearance of obsessive themes of thinking, however, the ability to change the theme of thoughts or memories by an effort of will remains, as well as to control the associative development of memories by the method of backward scrolling. At the end of the period, there is a decrease in interest in obtaining information, reading, watching television, etc.

The desire to protect yourself from unpleasant sensations with screens, helmets, grounding, magnets, etc. Attempts are being made to find legal protection. Behavior at home and at work practically does not change.

II-nd degree of zombies (PTO for up to 5 years).

The appearance of the effect of radio sound, the perception of acoustic codes. Visual hallucinations are possible. Very consistent response to all types of codes by the end of the five-year period. Firm conviction that "radio conversations" are bilateral in nature. The appearance of a feeling of depression, decreased performance, drowsiness. Development of religious feelings and even divine “phenomena” or withdrawal into mysticism, cosmogony, ufology, etc. The emergence of the theme of suicide. The emergence of stable two-way "radio conversations" with a complicated plot, as a rule, on a topic abstracted from everyday worries. In the presentation of events, along with the actual facts, episodes appear introduced into the subconscious, as a result of playing psychotronic clips during sleep. However, there remains the ability to separate events and topics that actually took place from the plots introduced during the “radio conversations”.

The emergence of a “theoretical” substantiation of the technique of performing PTO and the reasons for applying it to oneself with a noticeable emphasis on the exclusivity of one's personality. Imaginary offers of special services for cooperation or participation in some unusual research work. The ability to demonstrate previously acquired professional skills remains. With rare exceptions, the ability for any analytical thinking is lost.

The exacerbation of chronic diseases and functional disorders continues; metabolic and immune system disorders. The onset of chronic fatigue syndrome. Disorders in the work of the kidneys, liver, digestive organs, hematopoietic system. Acute diseases, eye diseases. Roth syndrome.

Changes in complexion - dark skin, asymmetric puffiness of the face. Anemia of fingers after sleep. The appearance of violations of the vestibular apparatus. Obsessive odors, unexpected fits of coughing, and urge to defecate. Infantilism in the sexual sphere. Periodic hearing impairment.

Superficial sleep, not full of physical relaxation. Dream themes are not remembered and are presented as something gray.

Conflict situations arise in the family and at work, in communication with neighbors. From the point of view of others, strange behavior appears. There is a desire to “identify” from among the people around him who cooperate with the special services and carry out the PTO. There is a growing conviction that everything can be seen, overheard, and adjusted.

The second degree of zombies is, from all points of view, the most rational for the state. With an insignificant rehabilitation correction, zombies II retain their legal capacity and some control over their actions in everyday life; participate in the simplest production processes, thus not being a burden for the state.

Zombie II is quite disciplined and politically loyal, he can do military service in special units where professionalism and comprehension of the command received are not required. By the way, in American jargon, zombi means a soldier of the penultimate category.

The third degree of zombies is characterized by a loss of interest in "radio conversations", but they do not subside, but are conducted as if by themselves, while the part of the brain responsible for the ability to function independently controls its functional area, which resembles a state of split personality.

Confusion in the presentation of real life events. The interweaving of these events with information introduced from the outside and complicated by associative fantasy. Loss of the ability to think analytically; weakening of the ability to remember, forgetfulness. Weakening of pain reactions, insensitivity. Nevertheless, there is no disturbance in the motor sphere; orientation in space and on the ground is preserved; fussiness appears.

A feeling of lack of sleep, a state of half-drowsiness alternates with vivid visual hallucinations. Carelessness, indifference to your appearance, indifference to the quality and volume of food.

Zombies III are poorly controlled and dangerous to society. Significant decoding and rehabilitation is impossible, due to irreversible processes that have occurred in muscle tissues, bone marrow, in the structure of neurons due to the prolonged action of a high-frequency electromagnetic field and an increased concentration of psychotropic substances. A particularly serious condition in persons suffering from congenital mental disorders, developmental disabilities and age-related marasmus.

This group of zombies is subject to planned destruction through suggested suicides, provoked by em. fields of strokes, heart attacks, internal bleeding, etc.