Acambaro - Traces Of Egyptian Gods Found In Mexico? - Alternative View

Acambaro - Traces Of Egyptian Gods Found In Mexico? - Alternative View
Acambaro - Traces Of Egyptian Gods Found In Mexico? - Alternative View

Video: Acambaro - Traces Of Egyptian Gods Found In Mexico? - Alternative View

Video: Acambaro - Traces Of Egyptian Gods Found In Mexico? - Alternative View
Video: Out of Egypt - Mexico's Pyramids 2024, September

In the first half of the last century, Waldemar Julsrud, a German merchant, became famous for having found strange stone and clay sculptures in Mexico near Acambaro for almost two decades, depicting amazing creatures - dinosaurs, dinosaurs together with people, hybrids of humans and animals, extinct mammals, sea monsters, as well as a complete set of racial types of mankind: Caucasians, Mongoloids, Africanoids, Caucasoids, etc. In total, about 37-37 thousand sculptures were found, dating back to the 2nd-5th millennium BC. Numerous examinations have recognized the authenticity of the sculptures, although it is incredible: dinosaurs together with people! Nonsense!

The American John Tierney, who has studied Acambaro's materials for almost forty years, wrote many works about these findings. Curiously, very strange dinosaur bones were found near Acambaro. After examining these bones, Tierny published two articles on the possibilities of cloning (well, like in "Jurassic Park" …). His articles have been published in World Explorer magazine. Tierny believes that the value of the find may be more important than the treasures found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Is it so? The famous Soviet Egyptologist Isidor Savvich Katsnelson published a wonderful book "Tutankhamun and the Treasures of His Tomb" (1976). Some information can be gleaned from this wonderful work.

On November 22, 1922, the day that will forever go down in the history of science, the English archaeologist Howard Carter and his companions for the first time in the entire century and a half history of archaeological research in Egypt managed to find the almost completely preserved burial of the pharaoh, along with a huge number of magnificent monuments of ancient art. How did the tomb of Tutankhamen enrich science? The final results, although almost a hundred years have passed since its opening, have not yet been summed up. Until now, there is no complete scientific description of both all the items found and the tomb itself. But something (and even a lot) is clear now. To the deep regret of researchers (especially philologists), neither documents nor new texts were found in the tomb. On the other hand, it is difficult for historians of religion and especially historians of art to overestimate the significance of all that the tomb gave for science. Before its discovery, many objects were known only from images, others - from miserable fragments, and some turned out to be completely unknown to scientists.

The three-volume description of the discovery of Howard Carter, published over ten years (1923-1933), was later reprinted several times and was translated into many languages.

We know very little about the discovery of Dzhulsrud. Once upon a time, the items found in Acambaro were located in twelve rooms, and in a packed form. Later, these items were tightly locked in a special storage facility. But those who saw the exhibits up close, told truly amazing things. Many of the objects found bore a pronounced Egyptian look. Some of the exhibits impressed the visitors so much that nightmares stifled them at night. Of course, drawing parallels with the so-called "curse of the tomb of Tutankhamun" is not worth it, but Dzhulsrud himself was amazed at the objects he found. He was particularly struck by one amazing statuette found in a cache among the cliffs. It was surprising that an unknown ancient sculptor adorned the head of the statuette with urey - just like the ancient Egyptian kings. Urey is the figure of a sacred viper or cobra on the headdresses of the ancient rulers of Egypt. There were also diadems - urin, like the mummy of Tutankhamun, "Guardians on the forehead of the Pharaoh" … Images of the sacred cobras-Ureis were found by Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamun - and on a statuette recovered from a cache in Mexican soil, from under the boulders that filled up the burial sites mysterious items. The dignitary in this portrait figurine wore a characteristic beard, like the statues found in Egyptian tombs. Historians will still encounter a similar "beard" on the face of the Semitic type depicted on the stele in La Venta, on the island of the "Jaguar Indians".recovered from a cache in Mexican soil, from under the boulders that filled up the burial places of mysterious objects. The dignitary in this portrait figurine wore a characteristic beard, like the statues found in Egyptian tombs. Historians will still encounter a similar "beard" on the face of the Semitic type depicted on the stele in La Venta, on the island of the "Jaguar Indians".recovered from a cache in Mexican soil, from under the boulders that filled up the burial places of mysterious objects. The dignitary in this portrait figurine wore a characteristic beard, like the statues found in Egyptian tombs. Historians will come across a similar "beard" on the face of the Semitic type depicted on the stele in La Venta, on the island of the "Jaguar Indians".

In other figurines of Acambaro, Egyptian and Mexican features were clearly mixed, as in those, however, that were found in San Juan Teotihuacan, where the giant pyramids were located: and in Tula, the capital of the ancient Toltecs. Miroslav Stingl, a Czech archaeologist, said in his book Secrets of the Indian Pyramids (1971): “To the next Indian pyramids, I went to Teotihuacan, a very large city in pre-Columbian America, located north of Mexico City. The pyramids here literally stunned me with their gigantic size. No wonder - according to the ideas of the Aztecs, who lived in these places a thousand years after their construction, - they were built by the giants-kiname. The Teotihuacan "giants" erected three main pyramids in their magnificent city: the largest "Solar", with a base perimeter of a thousand meters,opposite to it "Lunar" and somewhat away from "Street of the Dead" - the main thoroughfare of this great Indian capital - the lovely pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, decorated with the heads of a feathered serpent. I am not going to describe in detail here the palaces and pyramids of Toltec Tula. I just want to draw your attention to how the monuments of the city can help to clarify the question that I first asked myself in the mysterious "Cave of Wizards" … Climbing the only staircase of the steep pyramid, which - as it seems - was the true heart of the city. In Tula, on the "Mountain of Treasures", two pyramids have been discovered so far - the southern one and this northern one. The Mexican Indians called the northern pyramid Tlahuiscalpantecutli - “Venus”, or “Morning Star.” The local Toltecs adopted the cult of this planet from their northern nomadic neighbors. For them - as later for the Tollan Toltecs - Venus was the representative of the powerful Mishcoatl - a god who requires human sacrifice.

The pyramid - about 40x40 meters at the base - has five steps. It is decorated with stone reliefs - images of jaguars, as well as eagles eating human hearts … Eagles and jaguars were symbols of certain "knightly" orders of the warlike tribes of Central Mexico. Between each pair of eagles decorating the facing of the pyramid, each time there was a symbol of Venus herself, to whom the pyramid was dedicated - the open mouth of the serpent. And in the serpent's mouth is a human head. At the top of the pyramid, obviously, there was a sanctuary, from which now there are only giant human figures hewn out of stone, a kind of Atlanteans with a height of 4.6 meters. Eight of these Atlanteans, representing what I believe were Toltec warriors, in all likelihood propped up the roof of the sanctuary, which had long since collapsed. In the vicinity of Tlahuiscaolpantecuhtli, I visited another remarkable Tolan building. In the Nahuatl (Nahuatl) language, common to a number of Indian tribes of native Mexico, it is called Coatepantli - "The Wall of Serpents". Both on the "Eagle Pyramid" and here, on Coatepantli, snakes (namely rattlesnakes) devour people, human skeletons themselves. The skeletons symbolically depict Toltec warriors who fell on the battlefield. The serpent - two columns like serpentine bodies - I saw on the northern pyramid. Their scaly bodies, carved from stone, guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Serpents connect the floor and ceiling of the main sanctuary of the Toltecs and thus connect the earth (the world of the Toltecs) with the sky (the abode of the Indian gods). "it is called Coatepantli - "The Wall of Serpents". Both on the "Eagle Pyramid" and here, on Coatepantli, snakes (namely rattlesnakes) devour people, human skeletons themselves. The skeletons symbolically depict Toltec warriors who fell on the battlefield. The serpent - two columns like serpentine bodies - I saw on the northern pyramid. Their scaly bodies, carved from stone, guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Serpents connect the floor and ceiling of the main sanctuary of the Toltecs and thus connect the earth (the world of the Toltecs) with the sky (the abode of the Indian gods). "it is called Coatepantli - "The Wall of Serpents". Both on the "Eagle Pyramid" and here, on Coatepantli, snakes (namely, rattlesnakes) devour people, actually human skeletons. The skeletons symbolically depict Toltec warriors who fell on the battlefield. The serpent - two columns like serpentine bodies - I saw on the northern pyramid. Their scaly bodies, carved from stone, guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Serpents connect the floor and ceiling of the main sanctuary of the Toltecs and thus connect the earth (the world of the Toltecs) with the sky (the abode of the Indian gods). "Their scaly bodies, carved from stone, guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Serpents connect the floor and ceiling of the main sanctuary of the Toltecs and thus connect the earth (the world of the Toltecs) with the sky (the abode of the Indian gods). "Their scaly bodies, carved from stone, guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Serpents connect the floor and ceiling of the main sanctuary of the Toltecs and thus connect the earth (the world of the Toltecs) with the sky (the abode of the Indian gods)."

By the way, Ra in ancient Egypt is the name of the sun god. In the Old Kingdom, in the era of the pyramid builders (2780-2100 BC), the "state" god was the sun god Ra, who was worshiped in Heliopolis, not far from the capital, Memphis. "Great Seer" - the title of the high priest of Ra. "Sacred height" - in ancient Egyptian "terem": hence the "pyramid". Tutankhamun's head, hidden by several layers of bandages, is wrapped in a diadem - a gold hoop decorated with carnelian circles. In the center of each is a golden knob. Gold ribbons and a bow are attached to it at the back, and the heads of a snake and a kite, symbols of the goddesses Boots and Nehebt, are attached to the front. The latter, with the help of fasteners, could be removed and put on. Such diadems - one of the most ancient symbols of the king's power - have already been found three times in the burials of the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom and the Seventeenth Dynasty. Under the next layer of bandages, a wide (up to the ears) ribbon of polished gold wrapped around his forehead. On the back of the head were the same emblems - a kite and a cobra, made up of gold plates. All the same symbols of birds and snakes … In ancient Sumer, the word Lahamu - the name of the planet Venus - meant "mistress of battles."

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It must be said that, according to many historians and researchers, our civilization is rooted in ancient Sumer, and not in Egypt. Appearing hundreds of years later than the Sumerian civilization, the Egyptian owes a lot to Sumer: its culture, architecture, technology, writing and even its deities. But figurines from hiding places near Acambaro are similar precisely to the ancient Egyptian ones. And yet we will return from time to time to the chronicles of Sumer.

Perhaps the strangest object found near Acambaro strongly resembled a pyramidal object worshiped by the ancient Egyptians - as a symbol of a spaceship ("solar barge"), on which the sun god Ra descended to Earth. Zechariah Sitchin (Israeli archaeologist, writer, polyglot, scientist, esotericist, author of the "Earth Chronicle") gives us a detailed description of such an object in his wonderful work "The Twelfth Planet": "… thanks to the ancient monuments that were called" poison "and are still in To the Holy Land, we learn that they were characterized by tops shaped like a pyramid … it began as an imitation of the "heavenly chamber", the vehicle of the gods to ascend to the Eternal Dwelling. " In ancient Egypt, pious believers made pilgrimages to a special temple in the city of Heliopolis,in order to see and bow to ben-ben - a pyramidal-shaped object on which the gods have come to Earth since ancient times. Professor Brasted, the famous Egyptologist, argued that the real, true pyramids were, in fact, the embodiment of the symbol of the sun god, which was revered in Heliopolis. This symbol was the "pyramidon", a small pyramid called "ben ben". The texts of the pyramids contain the following words: "A ladder to heaven has been erected for him, so that he could climb to heaven along it."so that he could ascend to heaven along it. "so that he could ascend to heaven along it."

The ancient Egyptians idolized the bull, which was associated with the solar deity Ra. On the Hill of the Bull in Acambaro, a sculptural image of such a bull was found.

Official science is convinced and staunch and adamant in its conviction: non-Indian peoples had no influence in the Western Hemisphere until Columbus arrived here in 1492. The discovery of Dzhulsrud destroys elegantly honed scientific theories. Therefore, the scientific establishment was hostile to the message about the authenticity of the items found in the cliffs near Acambaro. However, all attempts by skeptics to stick the label “fakes” on the found items have led nowhere. They searched for the "cheaters" but did not find them. They made pseudo-analyzes of ceramics, rigged in one laboratory the process of determining the age of the objects found - but all this was revealed. Tierny took advantage of the FIA, the freedom of information law, and found out some interesting details. Officials of the renowned Smithsonian Institution, funded by American taxpayers, spread false information about the items found, and handed over official dossiers to the chief prosecutors, opponents of the authenticity of the items.

All reasonable evidence points to the truly ancient age of the objects. The luminaries of the state Mexican archeology admitted that the excavations, which they led, were carried out in good faith, the objects were extracted by scientific methods, from untouched soil. But being government people, Mexican scientists began to assert: because of the images of dinosaurs found on some objects, someone played a joke on Julsrud. Well, yes, thousands of years ago, the Kiname-Adites-Annunaki and divine jaguars prepared a great joke in their free time from construction, hostilities and entertainment with the natives … And then they staged an earthquake so that the soil near Acambaro became even more untouched, covered with boulders.

Charles Hapgood, professor of anthropology and famous author of works on geophysics and geography, personally excavated dozens of objects. He refuted all claims about the "fake" nature of the finds. Several Ohio State University experts announced that the samples of the items found at the site were indeed ancient. Learning from where the objects were brought from, the Ohio scientists immediately fell silent … The Deabreak Archeometrics Services laboratory, using a thermoluminescence process, determined the age of the objects at about 2 thousand years. And the laboratory, where research was carried out to determine the age of objects by the degree of decay of radioactive carbon, gave a different age of objects - they were made 4500 years ago. Investigated the charcoal deposited during the firing of ceramics supplied from Hapgood. Thus, Tierny believes,The oldest ceramics of the New World were buried near Acambaro. However, let's not rush to find out the exact age of the items. Apparently, Tierny believes, we are dealing with some kind of "dump" or warehouse of objects made by sculptors of different civilizations, in different periods of history and in different places. Visual aids for the "Souls of Ra" in the storehouse (or its branch) of Thoth?

Lewis Carroll once remarked that there are things that "cannot be understood." Will we be able to understand the significance of the huge "dump" (or library?) Of objects on which people unknown to us depicted portraits of long-disappeared giant lizards and strange hybrids? Even Michelangelo argued that "people are eager to see the unseen and what seemed inconceivable to them instead of the well-known." But those who saw images on clay objects four thousand years ago saw dinosaurs, Asians, etc. and did not come up with “unthinkable” explanations.

Arthur League, who financed the expenses of Hapgood's expedition and, along with popular author Earl Stanley Gardner, paid for the expenses associated with chemical analyzes to determine the age of found objects, founded the Consciousness Research Foundation. This foundation began to investigate the circumstances of the burial of the finds and also attracted psychics and mediums.

So the hypothesis about the Egyptian origin of the figurines and other objects buried near Acambaro deserves attention. Tierny vaguely mentions researchers of antiquity who published books that defend the hypothesis that the ancient Egyptians visited Mexico. At one time P. Stonehill published in the Israeli magazine "Aleph" (1990) the article "Sailors of Ancient Israel" and also gave arguments in favor of the hypothesis of the journey of the ancient Israelites to the New World during the reign of King Solomon, and was convinced that much later here hit a random ship of the Jews, whose passengers and crew managed to escape death at the hands of Roman punishers: the ship accidentally fell into the waters of the Great Arc and reached the New World. The researchers, whose works are mentioned by Tierny, argued that the ancient Egyptian ships were more navigable than the ships of Columbus. On the wall of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahri, you can see the famous sculptural relief, which depicts the expedition to Punt in every detail. Egyptologist A. Erman described this relief as follows: “In one of the harbors of the Red Sea, there is a fleet that is supposed to transport her majesty's soldiers to a distant country. The vessels are 65 feet in length. There are thirty rowers on each vessel. Giant sails, like the wings of birds, protrude above the sides of the ship. Huge jugs of provisions are transported on rowboats to ships. On the shore, in the shade of the trees to which the ships are tied, they sacrifice to the goddess Hathor, mistress of Punta, so that she may send down a fair wind. " But such ships belong to a later era, to the times of the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC).in which the expedition to Punt is depicted in detail. Egyptologist A. Erman described this relief as follows: “In one of the harbors of the Red Sea, there is a fleet, which must transport the soldiers of Her Majesty to a distant country. The vessels are 65 feet in length. There are thirty rowers on each vessel. Giant sails, like the wings of birds, protrude above the sides of the ship. Huge jugs of provisions are transported on rowboats to ships. On the shore, in the shade of the trees to which the ships are tied, they sacrifice to the goddess Hathor, mistress of Punta, so that she may send down a fair wind. " But such ships belong to a later era, to the times of the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC).in which the expedition to Punt is depicted in detail. Egyptologist A. Erman described this relief as follows: “In one of the harbors of the Red Sea, there is a fleet, which must transport the soldiers of Her Majesty to a distant country. The vessels are 65 feet in length. There are thirty rowers on each vessel. Giant sails, like the wings of birds, protrude above the sides of the ship. Huge jugs of provisions are transported on rowboats to ships. On the shore, in the shade of the trees to which the ships are tied, they sacrifice to the goddess Hathor, mistress of Punta, so that she may send down a fair wind. " But such ships belong to a later era, to the times of the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC). There are thirty rowers on each vessel. Giant sails, like the wings of birds, protrude above the sides of the ship. Huge jugs of provisions are transported on rowboats to ships. On the shore, in the shade of the trees to which the ships are tied, they sacrifice to the goddess Hathor, mistress of Punta, so that she may send down a fair wind. " But such ships belong to a later era, to the times of the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC). There are thirty rowers on each vessel. Giant sails, like the wings of birds, protrude above the sides of the ship. Huge jugs of provisions are transported on rowboats to ships. On the shore, in the shade of the trees to which the ships are tied, they sacrifice to the goddess Hathor, mistress of Punta, so that she may send down a fair wind. " But such ships belong to a later era, to the times of the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC).

The ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor was a deity "borrowed" from the ancient Sumer. Ninhursag, or "Mother Goddess", "Mother of Gods and People" - this was the name of the wise children of Sumer. It is interesting that it was she who among the ancient Egyptians was the mistress of the mysterious Punta. “Lady of the Mountain Peak” - that is how she was also called. Several chronicles of ancient Sumer say that when "the gods divided the territories of the Earth among themselves, Ninhursag received the Land of Dilmun -" a clean place … a clean land … a brightest place. " ? Another name bore this goddess, namely Nin-Ti - “lady-life.” The word “ty” had two meanings: “rib” and “life.” Adam's rib … Among the Sumerian common people she had such a nickname - “mother From here, by the way, it went: "mama", "ima", "mam", "imam" …

Figurines found near Acambaro indicate that embalming in ancient Mexico was not a secret. If the ancient Egyptian colonists left behind the embalmed remains that were not yet found, then the mummies should have been well preserved. The Egyptians were afraid of the darkness and the unknown of death and inhabited the afterlife with fantastic monsters and obstacles that each dead person had to overcome on the way to eternal bliss in the fields of Ialu, as they called their paradise. In order to receive heavenly bliss, the deceased first of all had to preserve the body - the container of the soul. The soul seemed to consist of two principles - Ka and Ba. Ka is a person's genius, the life force given to him at birth. It is invisible, but it has the appearance of the one to whom it is given. After death, Ka, although he leaves the body, nevertheless continues to take care of the deceased and comes, listening to prayers,help him. Therefore, the tomb was considered the habitat of Ka, and he should have made sacrifices to please the deceased and ensure his posthumous well-being. Ba is a less definite concept: the soul that outlived a person and leaves his body at death. Therefore, she was presented in the guise of a bird with a human head. In order for the Ba to return, it was necessary to preserve her container, i.e. body. This is why the Egyptians cared so much about the dead. In the deepest antiquity, they buried bodies in the dry sand of the deserts surrounding the Nile Valley. Later, when the dead were buried in tombs, their bodies were protected from decay with the help of natron and special bandages and bandages. As a result of long experience, embalmers eventually achieved such perfection that they learned to preserve the bodies of the dead for millennia, however,in the extremely dry climate of the country. However, all these measures could be insufficient if the body, the receptacle of Ka and Ba, nevertheless perished. Then it had to be replaced by portrait statues sculpted for this from hard rocks or wood. In the tomb of Tutankhamun, two such statues stood on the sides of the walled entrance.

The Mexican state of Guanajuato, where Acambaro has the dubious honor of being the first city inhabited by the Spaniards, is set on amazing soil. In the state capital, the city also named after Guanajuato, there is an old Pantheon cemetery. More than a hundred bodies were removed from the graves and put on display: the bodies were embalmed - not by people, but by nature! Some elements in the soil, coupled with a dry climate, did what the historian Herodotus described at one time, who visited Egypt in the middle of the 5th century. BC. Did the ancient colonists of Egypt come here precisely because of nature? Isidor Savvich Katsnelson said that nowhere in the world, except for permafrost, climatic conditions are so favorable for the preservation of ancient monuments as in Upper Egypt, where the Valley of the Kings is located. The reason for this is dry air combined with very rare rainfall. He didn't know about Guanajuato …

Another bizarre coincidence between the caches of Akambaro and Egypt is that the ancient Egyptians hid the entrances to the tombs, covering them with boulders. Whether people or nature, but someone or something similarly covered the caches near Acambaro with boulders. Most likely, during the earthquake, the boulders fell on hiding places, hiding them even more reliably. True, those who built the pyramids and ben-bens probably knew about explosives, dynamite, and much more … The local population is of the opinion that ghosts live in places where there were hiding places. Human skulls were found among the items hidden in caches near Acambaro.

Tierny wrote that only major excavations and the cooperation of the Mexican government would lead to the discovery of the tomb (he is sure that the tomb exists). Most likely, it is located in a cliff, and the entrance to it is clogged with boulders. The same was stated by the Dutch psychic Peter Hurkes, who was involved in the research.

Dzhulsrud died long ago, but the items he found are stored in a special storage. A real scientific approach to the study of hiding places is needed, new excavations and research of the area are needed. However, professional archaeologists are afraid to investigate Acambaro's hiding places not because of ghosts, but because of the pressure of the same resistance to the inertia and ignorance of the scientific establishment. But professional archaeologists can also be understood. One of the indisputable laws of modern archeology says: nothing can be taken or moved from the place where it was at the moment of discovery, until it is accurately fixed on the plan and photographed, and, if necessary, sketched. Particularly fragile items must be pre-preserved immediately - otherwise irreparable damage can occur. The work of an archaeologist in many ways resembles the work of an investigator and a technical expert of the criminal investigation department at the same time: as the latter, by the smallest traces and signs, restore the picture of a committed crime, so a skilled archaeologist makes things say that, as a rule, tell about events that are sometimes thousands apart, or even and tens of thousands of years from our days. But the story will be true only if all objects remain in the same places where people once touched them for the last time. Or mentors of people. What does the average hard worker-archaeologist know about the finds near Acambaro? Dark rumors. Nobody wants to have a tarnished reputation. But…which, as a rule, talk about events that are sometimes thousands, or even tens of thousands of years from our days. But the story will be true only if all objects remain in the same places where people once touched them for the last time. Or mentors of people. What does the average hard worker-archaeologist know about the finds near Acambaro? Dark rumors. Nobody wants to have a tarnished reputation. But…which, as a rule, talk about events that are sometimes thousands, or even tens of thousands of years from our days. But the story will be true only if all objects remain in the same places where people once touched them for the last time. Or mentors of people. What does the average hard worker-archaeologist know about the finds near Acambaro? Dark rumors. Nobody wants to have a tarnished reputation. But…

Who needed to spend energy and money to make over thirty thousand counterfeit stone and clay objects? For what purpose? What a crazy millionaire in the 30s or 40s. of the last century, would you have engaged in the manufacture of fake statuettes, then to bury them in the ground, fill them with boulders?

And if these objects were really created by sculptors of antiquity, then how did they end up in hiding places near Acambaro? There are more questions than answers, but maybe the official historical science will stop dismissing the obvious and will seriously deal with the topic of intercontinental contacts of the ancients?

The article was prepared based on the materials of P. Stonehill and the Internet magazine