Sumerians - Alternative View

Sumerians - Alternative View
Sumerians - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians - Alternative View
Video: Nabonidus Last of the Sumerians | Academics Stupefied By Centuries Old Puzzle Stumble On Major Clues 2024, October

An unknown people appeared in the Southern Mesopotamia. It happened in the VI millennium BC. No one knew where his roots were and where he came from - all this is an age-old mystery. All that is known about them at the moment is that they had a very high level of organization of public life.


The strangers called themselves Sumerians, they quickly scattered across the territory of ancient Mesopotamia, and in the blink of an eye cities began to grow on its noble lands: Larsa, Nippur, Uryuk, Lagash, Ur, Eridu, Ushma, Kisi.

All cities substituted a separate state from themselves and were not united into an administrative entity. Each settlement was fenced off by a high wall, on its central square there was a temple of the patron god. About 50-60 thousand people lived in such a city.

These people turned out to be quite technically competent in relation to. A lot of useful things were invented by the Sumerian peoples. Their inventions include: beer, geometry, wheel, cuneiform, fired brick, arithmetic, lunisolar calendar. They also knew very well how to use the ternary counting system, in addition to this, they were very well versed in agriculture. They built many irrigation canals.

Fifteen Sumerian city-states were numbered in the Southern Mesopotamia in the first half of the 3rd millennium BC. e. The cult center of these settlements was the city of Nippur, in which the main sanctuary was located. The sanctuary housed the temple of the single Sumerian god Enlil.

The cities, which adjoined rural settlements, were isolated from the rest, because communication to establish communication with neighbors was quite problematic and difficult. There were many bandits and wild animals on the roads connecting neighboring settlements, which is why it was rather unsafe to move in small groups or alone.

Almost all their lives the inhabitants of the "nomes" were in the city, because the city wall served as a reliable shelter from external threats, due to the fact that practically no one left the settlement; all people lived at the same level of income. The food was simple, but the clothes, made of rough cloth, were reliable and strong. Nobody fattened.

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Wars between cities were quite rare, because there was nothing to argue about. There were rather undeveloped economic relations between the cities, and administrative formations were remote from each other.


Gradually, the stability of the political situation began to change, and already in the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. e. in Mesopotamia, the city of Akkad, which was located on the Euphrates, strengthened. The ancient Eastern Semites have lived there for about 400 years. They gradually began to merge with the local population, after which a new ethnos was formed.

The new people turned out to be militant and quite decisive. By the XXVI century BC, he conquered all Mesopotamia and created his strong warlike kingdom of Akkad, which lasted almost until the end of the third millennium, after which it fell apart into two states. The southern state regained its former name Sumer, and the northern one also remained Akkad.

By the middle of the II millennium BC. e. The Sumerian state was finally absorbed by Babylon. This kingdom soon turned out to be a powerful empire because they took in all the best and most advanced from the peoples who submitted to them.


The Sumerians were aware of the structure and development of the solar system. In the State Museum of Berlin, there is an Akkadian cylindrical seal dating back to the 3rd millennium BC, which depicts a large circle with six rays extending from it, and around it eleven more. An interesting feature of the seal is that Pluto is depicted on it as a satellite of Saturn, and a circle is depicted between Jupiter and Mars, which is four times the size of the Earth.

The Sumerians considered this circle to be the twelfth planet. They gave it the name Nibiru, and in ancient Babylonian mythology the name sounds like Marduk. According to the Sumerians, this planet has a rather elongated orbit, therefore, moving along it, Marduk intersects with the solar system no more often than once every 3600 years.

Another interesting feature is that the Sumerians divided human history into two stages. The first stage was before the flood, and the second began after it. From the Babylonian priest who systematized the mythology of the Sumerians, we learn that ten kings ruled the earth before the flood. They ruled for 432 thousand years.

Zecharia Sitchin is one of those who thoroughly studied the legends and traditions of the Sumerians. He was born in Baku in 1922. He grew up in Palestine, worked for a long time in Israel as a journalist. He knows perfectly the history, Hebrew, Old Testament and archeology of the Near East. Works based on Sumerian mythology were written by him in New York.

In books, he tells that the Sumerian culture originated from the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru, he is the Nifilim, who descended from heaven according to the Old Testament. In another way they are called the Anunaki - the race of gods from the Sumerian mythology. To find out how and why these aliens ended up on our planet and why they decided to intervene in the course of evolution, you need to delve into history.

At this point, you should plunge into the darkness of millennia and take a look at the structure of the solar system. It will immediately catch your eye that all the planets are still present, but the Earth and the Moon are not there. In their place, between Jupiter and Mars, a completely different planet moves, which now does not exist at all, it has its own orbit and is called Tiamat. The sun goes around it in a completely different way than other planets. It moves clockwise, not vice versa.

Every 3600 years on its way, it meets a large cosmic body - this is the planet Nibiru, which is moving towards. There is a feeling of an inevitable collision, which for the time being is bypassed. Both planets move safely in their orbits. Tiamat, as usual, bends around the Sun again and again, and Nibiru (Marduk) goes further along its elongated orbit.


During the next meeting, the satellite of Nibiru enters Tiamat, and after the planet splits into several parts, one part is sent slightly displaced from the previous orbit, and the other along its previous trajectory only in a new state.

But fortune was not on their side, and exactly 3600 years later, at the next meeting, nothing could prevent the catastrophe. This time the collision was very strong and terrible. Another of Nibiru's companions landed directly in the wreck of Tiamat. A fragment from the former large planet split into two parts again. After that, the former Tiamant changed its direction, and began to move in the opposite direction, changing its orbit. After the last collision, a new planet Earth and its satellite, the Moon, were formed.

Nibiru's fate was not a happy one either. After colliding with the first fragment, she met with the second, from the impact it turned almost into cosmic dust. After that, a belt of comets and asteroids was formed.

The very same huge planet was pretty worn out, but came out of the disaster. After the collision on Nibiru, the planet's protective shield was breached, and intelligent life on it was threatened with extinction.

The planet's population found itself in a rather difficult situation. The Nifilim (Anunaki) had to urgently look for a way out of this situation. And they found him pretty quickly. Gold was needed to restore the protective shield, but in large quantities it was only available on Tiamat. Now, after the collisions, the largest piece that remained of the planet is the Earth.

The task of the nifilim was facilitated by the fact that life had already begun on the culprit of the collision. This made it possible for the inhabitants of the affected planet to settle on Earth and start mining for gold, which turned out to be so important for their civilization.

An expedition is urgently sent to the blue planet, which includes the best specialists. It was they who had to organize work on the extraction of metal so necessary for them.

And now Nibiru (Marduk) disappears into the vast expanses of the Milky Way, and new settlers begin to settle in an unknown world. The world around us was badly damaged after the collision, but rather quickly revived, so the conditions on the planet were quite acceptable for living. They chose South Africa as their place of residence, it was there that the first mines for gold mining appeared.

It should be noted right away that the inhabitants of Nibiru were similar in appearance to humans, the only difference being their great growth and life expectancy. The growth of men ranged from 4-5 meters, and they lived about 360,000 earth years.

As usual, after 3600 years, their home planet appeared in the solar system, and the nifilim brought gold there. The process went smoothly and clearly, but the settlers began to complain about the difficult working conditions.

Then the leadership of Nibiru decides to introduce a rotational method, but this does not help much. Who likes to work at the mine for three thousand years, because the task is quite tedious and, moreover, not rewarding. Therefore, the colonists begin to express their displeasure. Because of this, the best minds have to look for new solutions to this difficult issue.

And now a group of specialists proposes to make biological robots that will have to replace nifilim in mines. To bring this idea to life, they needed a semi-finished product (living material) from which they could make an intelligent creature. It was also necessary that he could perform various jobs, but this was not the case on their home planet. Here the experts turned their attention to the archantropians who lived on Earth. They had two legs and two arms with flexible fingers, walked upright and made guttural sounds. In addition, they had developed cerebral hemispheres and a complex nervous system.

It happened about 300,000 years ago, in South-East Africa (Mozambique), thanks to artificial insemination, a humanoid creature appeared. His foremother was a Nifili woman, and his forefather was an archantropus. Fertilization was described in detail on many Akkadian seals or on Sumerian clay tablets.

So a new biorobot appeared that met all the requirements for which it was created. He perfectly understood not complicated commands, he also successfully coped with any work, in the future he was supposed to become a replacement for the colonists in the states.

Here again a problem arose, because artificial insemination is not a simple matter. Therefore, it was decided to let everything go by itself, for this they made another female biorobot, and self-reproduction began to occur by itself, without any outside interference. So soon both sexes of the representatives of humanity began to walk on the earth.

Now the aliens were able to breathe freely. It made no sense for them to be on earth in such numbers anymore. Everyone could go home, to their home planet, the last question to be solved was who would look after the biorobots.

They decided not to ponder this question and left not the best representatives of their planet, because anyone could cope with the role of a supervisor, for this you do not need special qualities. During the departure of the more worthy relatives, the nifilim of which it was decided to leave, gathered near the ship. They were given the last instructions, and there was nothing left to do but navigate the spaceship with their eyes. Then the rest went to settle in the new world.

Of course, their pessimism was premature. During evolution, very beautiful individuals began to appear among the females. “When people began to multiply on the earth, and their daughters were born. “Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as their wives, whatever one chose” - The First Book of Moses. Being. Ch. 6.

It immediately becomes clear that quite serious people wrote it. The estimates are very restrained and without any spicy details. Only the essence of the events themselves is stated. But from this it is possible to understand that the nifilim who had low moral qualities, and feeling their impunity, began to have sexual relations with female biorobots.

Therefore, a new era of promiscuity has begun on earth. Which had a number of positive factors. Thanks to such intimate relationships, intelligent individuals began to appear, entering into communication only with their own kind, those who were conceived in the same way. Now, with each generation, the former biorobots are becoming more and more similar to modern humans.

This is how intellectual, intelligent life gradually appears on the planet. Of course, she is still weak, like a small sprout pouring in with strength. Tens of thousands of years pass in this way and at exactly the appointed time a new batch of precious yellow metal arrives at Nibiru. Sometimes some guilty person is sent from her. Everything is going like clockwork, but the leadership of the Nifilians does not even know what is really happening on the blue planet.

At some point, it was decided to send an inspection to the ground. This event is also reflected in the mythology of the Sumerians. Chief Inspector Anna is the father of the gods, Enki is the deity of the oceans, Enil is the god of air.

When the nifilim were on the planet under their jurisdiction, they were horrified by what they saw. The following picture appeared before my eyes: all biorobots became intelligent people who settled on all continents, and their moral character remained at a low level. They inherited all the base traits from their mentors, who were exiled to earth and abandoned unattended.

The Inspectors met urgently. In Sumerian mythology, it is said that it was the god Enil, in his long speech, who proposed a radical solution to the problem, he proposed to drown everyone in the water of the oceans and seas.


Of course, everyone realized that it was too late to fix something and therefore agreed with Enil's proposal. The Nifilim turned out to be wise and humane, so they instructed one of the assistants, who was the priest of the god Enki according to Sumerian mythology, to choose only worthy people in order to save their lives.

The priest fulfilled the wishes of the leadership and delivered the nifilim, selected representatives of the former biorobots, to the spaceship. It was these chosen ones who were to become the successors of the renewed human race after the flood.

A natural disaster on Earth lasts seven days and nights, according to Sumerian mythology. It destroys all living things. Different civilizations talk about the same date. According to the Egyptian calendar, the Flood occurred in 11542 BC, according to the Assyrian calendar in the same year, and according to the Indian it happened in 11653 BC.

All the efforts of the aliens went down the drain, although life on Earth was revived after the flood, but greed, theft and self-interest, as well as other sins of mankind, were not eradicated. After all, they have already managed to gain a foothold on the planet and put down their roots, as a result of which they bloomed in magnificent color.

Everything that has been stated above is a free interpretation of the works of Zachary Sitchin. The question is whether it is true that the Sumerians had so much knowledge of the past of our planet. After all, it was their mythology that gave rise to new legends and myths in other civilizations. Even the Old Testament is based on the same legends that we inherited from this amazing people.

Of course, all this can be taken for a beautiful fairy tale, but the planet Nibiru is quite material. There are specific, confirming the existence of a secret planet, results from astronomical observations. This planet is clearly visible in the distance of the universe and increases in size over time. Here are just the timing of the appearance of a huge cosmic body in the solar system is predicted differently.

Some are leaning towards 2158, some say 2100, and some say 2085. There is also an opinion that the planet will appear near the earth in 2012. Of course, you cannot say anything. We just have to wait, so we will be convinced in practice who is right and who is not.