About School And Education - Alternative View

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About School And Education - Alternative View
About School And Education - Alternative View

Video: About School And Education - Alternative View

Video: About School And Education - Alternative View
Video: 6 Problems with our School System 2024, September

Why do we send creative, versatile healthy kids to school, and after eleven years we get illiterate infantile ignoramuses unfit for military service?

Each of our next generation breaks new records of illiteracy, ignorance, inability and physical weakness. Our children, school graduates, simply do not speak Russian; there is no end in sight to this flywheel of degradation. What do we want to eventually bring up the generation of Mowgli, which will finally lose the power of speech and human form?

In fact, society has already come to terms with the fact that it cannot teach its children anything worthwhile, and this is with a giant auxiliary army of speech therapists, psychologists and tutors. We have already forgotten that in the post-war period, without this entire army and with minimal participation of parents, we built the world's strongest educational system, and thanks to it we were the first to fly into space. At the same time, there is no real discussion of educational problems, and the fact of degradation, if it is recognized, is blamed on the children themselves - ignorant, unable, physically undeveloped, as if they taught themselves, treated and spoiled themselves.

I tried to understand these issues and tell you exactly the opposite of what you are used to hearing, because there is no other way to explain what is happening. I have no pedagogical education and experience, I am just a dad, who suddenly took care of school affairs, read the primer of his first grader, got acquainted with school programs, educational standards and their criticism.

Initial acquaintance with the primer of the program "School 2100" did not cause me any special questions. It cannot be said that it differs like the earth and the sky from what it was 20 or 40 years ago. Only two things caught my eye. First, it does not give an idea of the structure of the alphabet. There are no tables with capital and printed, capital and small caps at all. The letters are studied in an incomprehensible sequence, and at the beginning I did not find capital letters at all in the primer.

But the second moment strained me more. On the front side of the primer, the name of the compiler Pronin is written through a nonexistent letter - instead of A, O with a stick is written. Taking into account that this document will be more important than the Constitution, it is the same as if the word Russia would be printed in it with a spelling error. The substitution of the letter A in the author's autograph for a symbol that does not exist in the language due to the imaginary font variety gives the final goal of the compilers, to which we will return.

Having rummaged through the Internet for criticism of general education programs, I came to the following conclusions based on the lectures of the teacher Yasyukova. The main problem of modern schoolchildren is that they are taught the Russian language incorrectly.

In the Russian language, as you know, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the sound of a word and its spelling. That is why it is impossible to write by ear, "as you hear", this is the difficulty of teaching literate writing. Until the mid-80s of the last century, elementary school curricula used a visual-logical method of presenting information. The children were first introduced to the letters, taught with the help of letters using visual patterns to compose words and read them. After the children mastered reading, they were introduced to the rules of the Russian language, and they began to write dictation by ear only at the end of the third grade.

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The visual teaching method was aimed at making children get used to writing in accordance with what they saw, and studying the system of rules allowed them to master the logic of the language. Education from the first days was aimed at the formation and strengthening of visual skills, so high school students of the 60-80s of the last century, even if they did not remember specific rules, wrote correctly. The overwhelming majority of students in the final grades of ordinary general education schools wrote an examination essay, making no more than 2-4 mistakes per 10 pages of text. (Today, such results are achieved only by individual students of gymnasiums, and there is no need to talk about general education schools.)

In the second half of the 80s of the last century, the educational paradigm changed dramatically, and curricula were developed based on sound analysis of speech. Modern programs based on the phonemic method teach, first of all, the sound analysis of speech, the definition of the sound composition of a word. And only then the children are introduced to letters and show how to translate a sound image into a letter notation. Modern software teaches children to write as they hear. All these programs are labeled "Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation", there are simply no other recommended programs.

In the middle of the last century, this was taught in grade 5, and the children got acquainted with the basics of theoretical linguistics, while maintaining a competent writing.

It is surprising that neither teachers, nor speech therapists, nor psychologists question the quality of curricula, but are unanimous that the reason for illiteracy is the lack of development of the phonemic hearing of modern children. Therefore, a lot of time and effort is spent on the development of this hearing from the older, and sometimes from the middle group of kindergarten. Modern children, even before entering school, perform various exercises for 2-3 years in order to learn how to distinguish phonemes and analyze the sound composition of a word. When children, not seeing letters, for 2-3 years work with the sound composition of a word, they develop an auditory dominant: the sound image of the word becomes the main, "primary" for them, and the letters that they subsequently begin to use to write words are secondary. When a teacher in the 1st grade tells the children about the letter "a",wrote it on the board and asked what word with the letter "a" they know, then hears from the children - "agurets". Even while learning the rules at school, students continue to write illiterately, because it simply does not occur to them to check the spelling of familiar-sounding words.

On the other hand, if speech therapists have proven that modern children do not have developed phonemic hearing, then why use programs based on phonemic analysis with such persistence in teaching them? The school must solve a very specific task: to teach those children who come to study. Even if the programs are great in themselves, but do not provide the quality of education for today's children, why use them? Wouldn't it be better to return to the programs of the 60s and 70s of the last century, which allowed the vast majority of children to master literate writing?

But in reality the opposite is happening. From the very first pages in any textbooks, children are explained the difference between sounds and letters. Sounds are what we hear and say, and letters are what we see and write. And after these explanations, the children are offered a lot of exercises on sound recording of a word using letters. We cannot make a sound recording of a word on paper, the word will be recorded in letters. An attempt to represent the pronunciation of a word with letters leads to the consolidation of the auditory dominant and illiterate writing. Pupils get used to writing "biroza", "sasna", etc., instead of "birch", "pine", and in the future they are not at all embarrassed by the sight of what they represent.

But there is a second reason for illiterate writing, arising from the first - it is the defective reading skill. Sounding out and interpreting the text are two independent operations that are not fused even by a fluent reading adult.

When children at the initial stage of the formation of reading skills are forced to read aloud and the emphasis is on speed, then only the operation of sounding the text is trained, but its understanding is complicated. Any child will say that reading in silence is easier, but children are not allowed to do this. As a result, there is often a complete splitting of operations: children learn to read texts fluently, absolutely not understanding what they are reading.

In fact, the sound dominant completely suppressed the semantic one in all training programs, all programs of the Ministry of Education in the Russian language are suitable only for training parrots in cages. It is not computers and TV that are to blame for the fact that modern youth does not read, but the programs of elementary school, which do not teach reading as understanding of texts. If a child who cannot read comes to school, then this is how he finishes school, reaching the 7th grade, less often up to the 9th grade.

It would be naive to believe that the officials of the Ministry of Education do not know what they are doing. On the contrary, both the previous and the current ministers of education openly declare that the goal of their work is not a person-creator of the Soviet system, but a person, a consumer, who can only read the name of a product on the label and understand its price. And in this regard, their declarations are absolutely consistent with the educational result obtained. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in full accordance with Orwell's utopian book "1984", became the MINISTRY OF DECOUNDS, which, apparently, is headed by Doctor Evil himself.

In this section, the non-existent letters on the front side of the primer show their ultimate goal: the substitution of the Russian language with a meaningless gibberish. In their immediate plans, the actual abolition of written speech through the introduction of gadgets into the educational process. Printed speech has already been significantly clogged to us, proliferating many fonts that distort the spellings of letters. At some point, they will simply remove the correct Russian letters from the text editors, and we will not notice this.

Millions of children have already been passed through the system of duping, and with each next academic year the breakdown of their consciousness only grows. It is difficult for me to appreciate all the innovations of MinObolva, but from what I know there is nothing bright. Among the latest innovations that have affected our schools, I will focus on two.

Firstly, they began to teach English already from the second grade, like we will get closer to Europe and the sooner the children start, the faster they will begin to speak differently. In the second grade, many children still do not really know our way, they do not know the clear structure of the language, do not pronounce all the letters. And to make it "easier" for them, they begin to put on English language with their own excellent rules and a completely different structure of speech on the unformed Russian language matrix. They add a bunch of non-our sounds to children, distorting the pronunciation of their native language. English teachers have to explain some rules that have not yet been passed and fixed in their native language. The child already has a porridge in his head from the wrong language programs, and they also add an English hodgepodge there and mix everything thoroughly.

Secondly, it is now allowed to enroll children with developmental delays in regular classes so that teachers form special programs for them and combine several programs in one class, which can now be expanded to 35 people. Children with developmental delays used to go to correctional classes, where they did not feel like black crows or black hens. And now they will receive all the delights of socialization as conceived by the Ministry of Crap, and in some classes the difference in the development of children and their huge uncontrollable mass, which is incredibly difficult even for a teacher to control, will turn the educational process into a constant circus, when the strong will constantly mock the weak.

You ask, if all this is true - then why are the teachers silent? Indeed, in our country there are hundreds of thousands of teaching staff, and these are all, as a rule, highly moral and educated people, called upon to sow intelligent, kind and eternal. Why are they silent?

I think because we don't have teachers, at least at the school level. Of course, formally, we have a lot of people who have the position of a teacher or teacher from among the teaching staff involved in the provision of state or municipal educational services. However, are these people teachers in essence, and not in function? The very term educational service implies civil law relations. How do they fit in the existing system the teacher's personal responsibility for the learning outcome? How, within the framework of civil law activities, can the moral categories of a teacher's upbringing of a little person develop?

Previously, the words “take as a student” had a lot of meanings associated with the formation of a new personality and the high responsibility of the master for the professional and spiritual results of students. What now?

Teachers have no right to deviate from the accepted educational program and all their work is reduced only to relaying. They are hard-wired into the stall of federal state educational standards and licensed educational programs developed by the Department of Buck. A scary system in the form of school accreditations and various kinds of attestations makes sure that the teacher conscientiously fools children and observes all the directives of Doctor Evil. All those who disagree are immediately thrown out of the educational system, deprived of their profession and a piece of bread. And to a simple question: why are you silent? The teachers will answer you - what can we do?

The situation will not change until everyone realizes: the modern educational system solves one problem - COOLING our children, and it does it very effectively. Teachers and pedagogical workers, of course, try to sow intelligent, good and eternal, but they are placed in a rigid framework of the system, and can only mitigate the final negative result with their efforts. NO MORE.

Author: Poluichik Igor
