How Could God Allow This To Happen? - Alternative View

How Could God Allow This To Happen? - Alternative View
How Could God Allow This To Happen? - Alternative View

Video: How Could God Allow This To Happen? - Alternative View

Video: How Could God Allow This To Happen? - Alternative View
Video: If God Exists, Why Does He Allow Evil? - Frank Turek 2024, September

Have you seen Billy Graham's daughter doing the 9/11 talk show? To the question of host Jane Clayson: "How could God allow this to happen?" Anna Graham gave a very deep and insightful answer.

She said, “I believe that God, like us, deeply grieves over what happened. But for years we have been driving God out of our schools, out of our government, out of our lives. And I think that God, being a gentleman, just backed off.

Can we expect blessing and protection from God if we demand that He leave us?"

Let's remember … I think it all started when Madeline Murray O'Hara (she was killed, her body was recently found) declared that there is no place for prayer in school, and we said, "Good."

Then someone said that it would be better not to read the Bible at school (the Bible, which says: “Do not kill”, “Do not steal” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”!).

And we said "Okay."

Dr. Benjamin Spock then said that we should not use corporal punishment on our children when they misbehave, because that would damage their little personalities - we could ruin their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide).

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And we said: "He is a specialist and knows what he is talking about."

And so we said, "Good."


Then someone said that teachers and directors shouldn't punish our children. And the school administrations strictly forbade their teachers to even touch the guilty students, because they do not need bad advertising and even more so they do not want to be held accountable for it before the court (there is a big difference between punishment and touching, flogging, humiliation, beating, etc.). etc.).

And we said, "Good."

Then someone said, “Let's allow our daughters to have abortions if they want to. They don't even have to tell their parents."

And we said, "Good."

Then some wise student council member said, “Boys will always be boys and will always do it. So let's give our sons as many condoms as they want so they can have the fun as they please. And we don't have to tell their parents that they got them at school."

And we said, "Good."

Then one of our chosen supreme authorities said that it doesn't matter what we have in our private life, if we do our job well. And, agreeing with this, we said that it does not matter to us who (including the president) does what in private life, if we have a job and everything is in order with the economy.

Then someone said, "Let's print nude magazines and call it healthy, practical appreciation of the beauty of the female body."

And we said, "Good."

Then some went with this high rating even further and began to publish photographs of naked children, and then even further, placing them on the Internet.

And we said, "Okay, they have freedom of speech."


Then the entertainment industry said, “Let's make films and television programs that promote violence, blasphemy and illicit sex. And let's record music that encourages drug use, rape, murder, suicide and Satanism."

And we said: "This is just entertainment, this music does not have a negative effect, no one takes it seriously, so keep up the good work."


And now we ask ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they cannot distinguish between good and bad, why they, without hesitation, kill strangers, their classmates and themselves. Perhaps, if we think seriously and for a long time, we will be able to figure it out. I think the point here is "reap what you sow."

One young man wrote: “Dear Lord, why didn't You save a little girl who was killed right in your classroom? Sincerely Yours, a worried student."

Here is the answer: “Dear worried student, I am not allowed to enter schools. Sincerely yours, God."