Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View
Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Rise of the Rothschilds: The World's Richest Family 2024, September

- Second part -

The "Golden Feathers", which at various times described the history of the Rothschild dynasty, as a rule, were, for well-known reasons, complimentary and one-sided. As a rule, they carried out the order.

But this dynasty, in its own way, of genius financiers made it possible to bare only the visible part of the iceberg - its own deeds. And not only out of modesty, but also for technical reasons: many pages of the history of the dynasty and the new history of the world itself are intertwined in the depths of centuries and are relevant to this day.

One of the main principles of the Rothschilds' activities, whose state has long reached the level when “after money” they seek political influence, has become, relatively speaking, the theory of controlled conflict. This is when someone explicitly or covertly supports both conflicting parties in financial, "cold" or "hot" wars. This is, of course, art. But this is also superhuman cynicism, or composure, if you will.

In addition to the aforementioned "golden feathers" of the past and present, there were also just meticulous researchers who, either on a whim (for example, Dostoevsky, the French historian Michelet), or on duty (head of the Moscow City Duma at the beginning of the century, Shmakov, chairman of the Holy Synod Pobedonostsev, secret adviser Selyaninov), as they say, "dug deeper."

They were probably biased to some extent. But for the sake of completeness, we offer you, the reader, some of the facts that allow you to look at the topic from a different angle, which may seem unusual and therefore interesting. We would like to have in our memory the statement of the second US President Thomas Jefferson: "People read newspapers and die, not realizing that the more they believed them, the less they knew about the world around them."

Taking this opportunity, we will tell only about one of those authors who "dug deeper" - basically our story about the Rothschilds will be based on his materials. This is the major general of the tsarist army, Count Artemy Cherep-Spiridovich. His name is unknown in Russia. But everyone knows the name of the only American world chess champion - Bobby Fischer. They also know his radical views on the financial and political structure of the world. So, the formation of his views, as he himself admitted in an interview in 1999, was highly influenced by the book of the tsarist general, published in a microscopic circulation in the USA in 1926.

Count Artemiy Cherep-Spiridovich was born in 1868 and is the offspring of an ancient aristocratic family, descending from the Rurikovichs.

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Even before the First World War, the count warned the Russian and German emperors that the coming war would not benefit either Russia or Germany. On October 25, 1917, he accidentally learns that he is one of the first on the Bolsheviks' death lists. Wandering began: first he ends up in England, where he has been working for a year and a half at the Library of the British Museum, trying to answer the question: what is the power behind all human wars and revolutions.

The study of thousands of tomes resulted in the book “The Invisible Hand” with the subtitle “Hidden in History. 100 Historical Mysteries and Their Explanations”. It is of exceptional rarity. It was bought up and destroyed. The author was hounded in every way. In the end, it cost him his life. Count Cherep-Spiridovich was killed in 1928 in New York. "Gas poisoning" was staged …

Such a price is paid for the truth, and, as one sage said, "hushing up the truth, the evidence of which is obvious to us, is like a stone that will fall on us again and again until it is crushed into powder."

So, let's follow with a cursory glance the course of some events in Europe and the world with the participation of the Rothschilds, according to the version of half-forgotten and not "gilded" authors.

What is interesting to characterize democracy as such is that the main figures who promote it, in principle, always remain in the shadows. This speaks to the profound depravity of democracy itself. And when, by the way, our publicists put this word in quotation marks, then quotation marks are unnecessary, however, as, probably, such publicists are. The implication is that democracy in its purest form is something beautiful to strive for …

Someone Reeves in the "forgotten" book "The Rothschilds, Financial Kings of All Nations", wrote: "For society, the family archives, which can shed so much light on their history, are absolutely secret, a book with seven seals."

And most of the archives containing details about the Rothschilds were simply burned during the Paris Commune in 1871, funded by Rothschild IV. ("La libre parole", May 27, 1905).

It is noteworthy that all the main barricades were erected to cover the main palace of the Rothschilds, namely, in the place where Rivoli Street goes to Victory Square. The palace, which previously belonged to Talleyrand, was never visited by the Communists in 1871, who appeared in Paris only to intimidate the French government and force him to turn to Rothschild with a request to pay the overwhelming indemnity to Germany. Likewise, the communists guarded all 250 Rothschild houses. Bismarck was also located in his palace on La Ferrier. Between the anvil (Bismarck) and the hammer (communists), France was forced to surrender in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. and pay such sums as her enemies demanded. And France almost "ended" as a nation state.“Almost” - because it finally happened after the “Dreyfus affair”.

The war was going on strangely. Despite the legendary heroism of the French and their high military equipment, Prussian weapons are accompanied by amazing happiness, and, finally, with Metz and Sedan, Prussia deals a crushing blow to France. But it has long been proven that the very declaration of war on France, and the successes of the German command, and its triumph under Metz and Sedan took place with the decisive assistance of the supreme center of the Lodges in England. The defeatist suggestion made by the lodges on the French commanders, by the lodges, and by the nominated, was decisive. High French officials were taught that in the name of the lofty ideals of universal peace and human brotherhood, they should contribute to the fall of the empire of Napoleon III and help the enemy. The oath to the lodges was and is more important than the state oath. Finally, the French military ranks who were Masonic lodges,a direct order was given to surrender to the German command, which was headed by even higher officials of the international lodges - Wilhelm I, Moltke and Bismarck, to whom, according to the charter of these lodges, they owed blind obedience and submission.

It is interesting to recall the symbolic scene of the “end of France”. Its participants are the French Prime Minister in 1906-1909 and in 1917-1920 Clemenceau and the "French" Rothschild. When the head of state seemed to be somewhat dismissive of the Jews, Rothschild jumped up from his chair, banged his fist on the table and shouted: “Be quiet, Clemenceau, respect for Jewry! The Jewish people are the greatest in the world! " This fact was reported with affection in 1939 by the newspaper "Jewish Life".

"R. F." - The French Republic or "RF" - "Rothschild Frere", the Rothschild brothers?

By the end of the 1930s, according to the French newspaper "Free Voice", founded by Drumont and existed until 1939 (in recent years - in Algeria, where it was ousted from the metropolis by democratic "freedoms", out of 90 members of the Blum government (then Prime Minister) there were 40 Jews and 45 Freemasons. In addition, according to data published in 1939 by the newspaper "La Vita Italiana", the French army was the only army in the world with many Jews in the highest command posts. The result of its combat effectiveness became known throughout the world in 1940 year.

“Only 300 people, each of whom knows everyone else, control the destinies of Europe. They choose their heirs from their own entourage and … hold in their hands sufficient means to do away with any state that they deem "unreasonable" (Walter Rathenau, December 24, 1912 in the "Wiener Presse"). This German politician stated that "these 300" are the invisible rulers. When these revelations of Rathenau began to be repeated often, he was killed, just as “unexpectedly”, like all others who exposed the notorious “three hundred”.

“We, the French, believe that we know everything about the forces that dominate the planet. But we know nothing about the worst of them. They are in the hands of 7 people, whose names our man in the street is unlikely to be able to spell. They, with more power than Napoleon or Caesar, rule the world. They rule the heads of state, control and subjugate the rulers, generate or suppress revolutions (Stéphane Lausanne, editor of the Matin, Paris, January 6, 1923)

Let's make a reservation that we cannot, and do not need to, describe the entire history of the venerable family. The main thing is to outline the principle of governance and the degree of influence of the Rothschilds on European politics. And the place where they got stronger financially on this scale, of course, was England.

The first of the Rothschilds began on a gigantic scale recruiting young men, drugged with alcohol and enchanted by the specter of glory, equipping them for their assigned role as cannon fodder and selling them to any government wishing to start a war. This was especially true of England, which was then at war with France and the future United States, for the war with which 16,800 young Hessian recruits were sold by Rothschild to the service of George III, the sovereign of England, a German by birth.

These seven at that time were Rothschild V, his nephew Sassoon-Rothschild, etc. Since about 1770, all the main threads of European politics were held by the "committee of three hundred."

"We are 300 people," the conspirators of the French Revolution exclaimed long before Rathenau's confessions, when in 1770 Balsamo-Cagliostro was received by them as a secret agent at the Rothschild residence near Frankfurt.

The British government is just a screen behind which the world's financial kings hide their financial machinations against the world's population

In the French Revolution of 1789 and in the Russians of 1905 and 1917. there were many "inexplicable" and "incomprehensible" events, as in the European revolutions of 1848.

Nesta Webster, an eminent British historian, wrote in the book "World Revolution" (1921): "In Wilhelmsbad in 1782 it was decided to move the headquarters of the renewed organization of free masons to Frankfurt am Main, which" by coincidence " was the fortress of the financiers led by the Rothschilds. Here the plan of a gigantic world coup was developed, and it was in this place during the congress of 1786 that the assassination of Louis XVI and Gustav III, King of the Swedes was planned "(as well as the Austrian emperor Joseph II) …

The English "ancestral home" of the Rothschilds was conquered by them long ago.

In 1847, Baron Lionel Rothschild was elected to the Parliament of England from the City of London, in 1855 Sir Solomon was elected Lord Mayor of London. And in 1866, for the first time in the history of England, the title of Lord was granted to Baron Rothschild. Disraeli's Jewish origins did not prevent him from being prime minister

Attentive observers could only state that the Rothschild house was (and is) a leading force in Europe, because all political forces were ready to recognize the power of a financial despot and, like obedient vassals, meekly pay tribute to him.

In the imperial archives in Berlin, a letter from Rothschild to Wilhelm II, dated 1911, was found protesting against the Balkan War. Despite the fact that the war was almost prepared and Morocco was chosen as a pretext, Rothschild hesitated to start it. Why? Because at first he wanted to deal with Russian Prime Minister Stolypin, with the help of the ritual murder of Andryusha Yushchinsky to set the whole world against Russia and cause a wave of pogroms, which, in turn, should have served as a pretext for starting a global campaign against Russia. In the same way, the Chisinau "pogroms" were used quite successfully, by the way, staged, to incite Japan to a conflict with Russia.

This cynical style of global planning has persisted before and later.

On July 3, 1914, Lloyd George invited Lord Rothschild to the last decisive council of the British Council of Ministers in order to listen to and direct the debate. The Prime Minister played his game in the interests of the Rothschilds, whose executive instrument he has always been. If England had the honor to declare that she is on the side of Russia and France, there would be no war. The Kaiser would never have allowed her, despite his inner circle …

If we take earlier examples, but which had a colossal impact on the fate of Europe and the world, one should again return to the events of the French Revolution.

Robespierre was a blind instrument in the hands of Amschel Rothschild. And, perhaps, most of the current “leaders of states”, if they have a drop of conscience and courage, signed his words: “It seems to me that we are constantly being pushed by a“hidden hand”against our will. Every day our Committee of National Salvation does what it decided not to do yesterday. There is a faction whose task is to destroy the Committee. We are unable to find the leaders of this faction”.

"Leaders of states", as they say, are silent in a rag. And the fate of Robespierre is a lesson for them. A lesson that seems to have been carefully taught to them.

Robespierre was deprived of his life because he dared to express his indignation at the fact that the aliens, represented by the founder of the Illuminati order Adam Weishaupt and other agents of Amschel Rothschild, turned into real rulers.

He was not killed by the foreign executioner Meda, but only wounded in the jaw. In this way, they tried to inflict unbearable suffering on him, prolong the agony as much as possible and deprive him of the opportunity to speak. The wounded Robespierre was not able to reveal the meaning of what was happening: in fact, not a revolution, but a simple robbery of the French people by the Jews.

Outside France, only two monarchies did not support the revolution: King Gustav III of Sweden and Joseph II, Emperor of Austria. When Gustav decided to intervene in the French Revolution, he was stabbed to death by one of the Masons at a palace ball, and Joseph also tasted sweets during the ball offered by a certain woman in a mask, and died the next day (February 20, 1790).

“An invisible hand controls the crowd,” wrote Lafayette on July 24, 1789, “The more you get closer to the actors who are playing this monstrous catastrophe, the more darkness and mystery envelops you; and it only gets worse over time."

Since about 1770, there has been a chain of continuous attacks on the Romanovs ("the angels of justice" as they were called) from the Rothschilds and their many secret lodges, their world press and their billions.

The royal family was too respectable and never went on to attack, while the Rothschilds never missed an opportunity to harm the sovereigns morally, financially, politically or physically.

“There has never been a friendship between the court in St. Petersburg and my family,” said Lionel Rothschild Disraeli.

And six kings from the Romanov dynasty were then killed.

Along the way, we note that the first Romanov was the Roman prince Prus, brother of the emperor Augustus. His descendants settled in the lands now called Prussia, and began to be called the Princes of Russingen. One of them, Glanda Kambilla, arrived in Novgorod in 1287 and took the name of Kabila.

His son Andrei settled in Moscow and became an advisor to the Grand Duke Ivan (nicknamed Kalita), as well as to his son Semyon the Proud. Andrei's son Fyodor, nicknamed "Cat", became regent in Russia in 1380. His daughter married the Grand Duke of Tver. His great-grandson Fyodor became patriarch in Russia, and his son Mikhail was elected Russian Tsar in 1613.

A collision of a worldwide scale lasting more than two centuries can be called the attack of the forces of evil, personified by the Rothschild empire, on the forces of good, personified by the Russian empire.

Catherine the Great and Paul I were the first Russian crowned heads to fall as a result of an international conspiracy. After the assassination of Paul, the question of the blockade of England and the dangerous for her strong alliance with Napoleon was removed. On the agenda was the question of the attack on Russia, the organization of the war, which was destined to become our First Patriotic War.

“I didn't want to start a campaign against Russia. Bassano and Champagne (French foreign ministers) convinced me that the Russian note meant a declaration of war. I really believed that Russia was seeking war,”repeated Napoleon, who owed much of his career to the Rothschilds. “What actually motivated the military campaign against Russia? I dont know; it is possible that the emperor himself knew about this no more than mine, - admitted General Gorgo in the book "Memoirs of Napoleon on St. Helena."

Both are cunning.

The Paris National Archives contains documents confirming that James, Karl and Nathan Rothschilds were involved in smuggling and organizing all kinds of conspiracies. The Minister of Police received a large mail attesting to the activity of the Rothschilds, and Napoleon was directly advised to arrest all Rothschilds crossing the French border. Secret addiction did not allow this to be done.

Similarly, due to the excessive tolerance of Tsar Nicholas II, three agents of the "Hidden Hand" and the executioner of Russia - Kerensky, Milyukov and Guchkov - subsequently caused the deaths of tens of millions of Russian people, the execution of the tsar and the royal family.

The epic of 1812 can be read as a link in the "controlled conflict" strategy. Napoleon entered Moscow, Russia suffered maximum damage, and then the French were defeated. But it was not yet completely - it was too early to put an end (according to Konovnitsyn's recollections, the French emperor could have been arrested several times. It is unlikely that it was accidental. Field Marshal Kutuzov, who had the Masonic name "Greening Laurel", could have had appropriate instructions from the brothers "free masons").

In order for the rates to increase many times over, Bonaparte had to be finished off. A "conspiracy at Waterloo" followed. It is worth dwelling on it in more detail

Nathan Rothschild goes to Belgium and join the British forces. This venture could not turn out to be a very pleasant journey, since the victory could turn into a disaster, do not be 24 hours late for Marshal Grusha "because of the rain", as he later explained his "mysterious" delay. And this despite the fact that he had already heard the cannon fire. Whether he was bribed by Rothschild or deceived by his secretary - who knows …

As Captain Sherwood Spencer, author of the book Democracy or Shylocracy, once stated, he knew people who saw a chest of gold that was sent from London to the Pears camp.

And there was Soult, about whom Napoleon exclaimed: “Soult, my right hand in the battle of Waterloo, could not provide me with the help that he could provide. His people, despite my orders, were disorganized. Soult quickly lost his courage. He was worth nothing during the battle …"

- Second part -