Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View

Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View
Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds - World Rulers. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Rise of the Rothschilds: The World's Richest Family 2024, September

- Part one -

Recall that Napoleon at Waterloo was sick, Soult took command - and deliberately lost the battle. It is interesting that Mrs Bismarck, the mother of the "iron chancellor", was Soult's mistress, and it is possible that the Marshal who "handed over" Napoleon, who died in 1851, was his father …

The Rothschilds bribed all the guides of the French army. Countless spies scurried about all over Belgium, and all of Napoleon's plans were known in detail to all interested parties.

Nathan did not dare to rely even on his brothers Solomon, Karl and James, and considered it necessary to come to Waterloo himself. He understood that if Napoleon succeeds in winning again, then the money that the Rothschilds loaned to governments could be lost due to the final bankruptcy of all of Europe. He also feared that Napoleon would eventually arrest all the "tigers," as the Rothschilds were called in Europe.

By the start of the battle, Nathan's excitement had reached such intensity that he got close to the front line so as not to miss a single moment during the battle. As soon as he saw that the Prussian troops under the command of Blucher rushed to the aid of the British, while the help from Pear, expected by the emperor, never arrived, Nathan realized that Napoleon was defeated!

While the Royal Guard was dying in a rain of bullets, Rothschild jumped on the fastest horse he could get his hands on.

Arriving in Brussels, Nathan wasted no time hurrying to Ostend, but the sea was so stormy that not a single fisherman would agree to ship it to England for any money. Nathan, in despair, began to tear his hair out of the national habit, but then he noticed a sailor who seemed to him more desperate and braver than others. He decided to take a chance, and for 2 thousand francs ferried Nathan across the strait. Amschel's son arrived in Dover, and the next morning the bankers saw him leaning on the exchange counter with a pale face and the look of a man who had just received the news of a gigantic disaster.

The stockists, who knew that Nathan had just arrived from the continent, bombarded him with questions.

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Nathan pretended not to understand what he was being asked about. He remained silent with a sinister face; rumors spread through the hall, spread by people loyal to him, that Blucher's army had been defeated and that Wellington had also been defeated. You can imagine what began to happen with stocks and securities.

Nathan only warmed up the situation by offering everything he could for sale while prices were still attractive enough. In fact, his agents were buying everything on offer at the lowest prices.

It was a gigantic robbery of the British.

The next morning, the joyous news of Wellington's victory arrived, and the stock rose to a level unheard of until then. The "honest" Nathan made a colossal fortune with the help of robbery.

Leo Tolstoy ("War and Peace") and Victor Hugo ("Les Miserables") were engaged in the mythology-canonization of 1812 and Waterloo, respectively. Geniuses have described genuine feats and passions. But by and large, these are all lyrics that have conquered the minds of generations and in some way blocked the opportunity to look at events with an unclouded gaze of literature.

The defeat of Napoleon was a real triumph for the Rothschilds. But in 1815, Alexander I, Habsburg and Hohenzollern signed the Holy Alliance - the League of Nations of that time, recognizing Christ as their supreme leader. The signing of this union became the reason that the Rothschilds intensified their activity against these three dynasties, which they dealt with in 1917 and 1918.

Alexander I in Taganrog was poisoned with the poison "aqua tofan", but it was officially announced that he contracted typhoid fever. The poison acted slowly. Finally, after terrible torment on December 1, 1825, the tsar died. His face turned black from the action of the poison. The emperor was buried in a closed coffin. Then, "as usual" in such cases, false rumors were spread, among which there was a rumor that the tsar had allegedly retired in Siberia and lived there under the name of Fyodor Kuzmich.

In 1818, France, forced to pay 1.5 billion francs in indemnity, fell prey to international financiers from Frankfurt, Paris, London and Vienna, who "as one" began to profit from its troubles.

"I will open fire on anyone who fires first!" - declared Nicholas I in 1850 and this then prevented the war.

Following this statement, the main agents of James Rothschild III were mobilized against Nicholas I: Disraeli, Napoleon III and Bismarck.

They provoked the Crimean War of 1853. The "anti-hero" of this war was the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops, Prince Menshikov. He waited until the end of the Anglo-French landing, and the famous, of course, heroic defense of Sevastopol began when the ratio of forces was 30 to 65 in favor of the aggressors.

But, not being able to win the coalition victory in it, the manipulators of world events organized the poisoning of Nicholas I in 1855.

The list of non-accidental deaths that had specific political reasons also includes the deaths of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley. When Wilson stopped following orders, he, like the President of the Orange Republic Stein, was poisoned. When President Harding decided to free America from the Guggenheim, he dies “suddenly”.

The Crimean War devastated England and France. England owes $ 4 billion. Europe found itself on the brink of poverty.

On the other hand, the Crimean War demonstrated to Germany that Russia is not so "invincible", that it is a "colossus with feet of clay." This discovery spurred the development of militarism in Germany and helped the Rothschilds start a series of wars, including the war of 1914.

Note that the uprisings in South America in 1810, in Italy (after Carl Rothschild arrived in Naples) and in St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825 were not organized by either the inhabitants of South America, or Italians, or Russians. Behind these revolts was the "Great East" in Paris, whose lodges were subordinate to the Rothschild family. From this point of view, the history of the "Decembrist uprising" is highlighted in Tira Sokolova's book "Masonic Action" - the Soviet academician Nechkina was called upon to conceal the true springs of this event.

And the most famous, perhaps, conductors of the "traditions of silence" are Karl Marx, Giuseppe Mazzini. And "our" Alexander Herzen is the illegitimate son of a certain Hertz from the Rothschild clan. All of them, accusing capital, never even whispered the name, while capital personifying - James Rothschild!

Information for non-believers is reported by Cherep-Spiridovich: in the Fortnite Review in November 1920, the authoritative doctor Haberg Wright admitted that James Rothschild III financed Hertz, who took the name Alexander Herzen. This man became for Russian Bolshevism what John the Theologian was for Christianity.

In the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschild appetite spread to the United States. During wedding celebrations at the Rothschild home in 1857, it was decided to divide the United States. (Direct evidence is contained in the book by George Messervi "The Rapid Rise of the Emperor").

A pretext was needed for the war. And on January 3, 1861, the governor of Alabama seizes the arsenal at Mount Vernon …

On May 26, 1865, the last armed formations of the South were defeated, the hope for the aid promised by France and England back in 1861 disappeared with the surrender of General Kirby Smith.

The war cost $ 8 billion 165 million. If this amount was spent on compensation to the southerners for freeing slaves, war could have been avoided. However, the goal of the Rothschilds was different. Therefore, the Unionist army lost 385,245 killed and wounded. At least 100,000 were killed in the Confederate army.

The Russian tsar, with the help of his ambassadors, informed the French and British sides that their action against the North would be viewed as a declaration of war on Russia. At the same time, Alexander II sent an Atlantic squadron under the command of Admiral Popov to the port of New York, and Admiral Lisovsky's Pacific squadron to San Francisco. The order was given to attack any fleet threatening the northern states. The king ordered "to be ready for battle with any enemy forces and take command of Lincoln!"

Incredibly, no one bothered to think that Russia actually saved America during the Civil War described in Gone With the Wind. There are many testimonies of survivors of the civil war, who verbally and in print stated at the beginning of the 20th century: "We Americans must never forget that we owe Russia our salvation in 1863-1864."

But already in 1904 Russia was amazed when the American public sided with Japan in the Russo-Japanese campaign. In 1912, the States unilaterally tore up the Russian-American treaty of 1832. The atmosphere of those years is conveyed by the book of the Russian journalist "Anti-Russian Propaganda in America".

The basis for new conflicts, and even with an expanded circle of potential participants, was ready.

“It is obvious that in the event of a new war, civilization will never recover from it,” stated Viscount Gray, ex-British Foreign Minister after the First World War.

She never recovered …

The Second World War is over. Some saluted the Victory, others perceived the results of the war in a completely different way - this was understandable, these were human passions. But for a few fearless, impassive, the end of the war was only the end of the next phase of the world-historical "pendulum" of controlled conflicts that was swinging a century ago.

The USSR and Germany are bled white. But it didn't make sense for the global manipulators to finish off any of the parties.

Those who had "failed" - even from among themselves - were besieged. The most telling example is with Churchill, who convinced Truman to use the atomic bomb in Hiroshima to intimidate the Soviet Union.

Churchill, worried that Soviet troops could reach the English Channel in a “heat of the moment”, argued the need for a preemptive nuclear strike against the USSR. Eighty out of four thousand (!) Planes had nuclear bombs, each of which was three times the power dropped on Hiroshima. He also suggested using a million German prisoners of war against the USSR. In Norway alone, hundreds of thousands of non-disarmed Germans were concentrated, there were not even disbanded units.

Churchill gave a secret order to the army to be ready for Operation Unthinkable - this was the code name for the attack on the USSR. Three million Muscovites alone were doomed to be slaughtered by a "good-natured fat man."

Then more and more large-scale operations were planned. For 150 nuclear warheads, for 200, and finally for 26 thousand. The former Russia was supposed to turn into a nuclear desert. The minimum "estimated" losses were 28 million people …

All this was born in the inflamed human brain, whose monument stands near the Pont Alexandre III in Paris. "Fat igrune", so to speak …

All this the Russian TV viewer could find out on the first channel on April 27, 2005. Naturally, late at night. Then came a cautious eulogy to Churchill in the spirit that he was a "democratic type dictator," and it was only about him, as if there were no "three hundred" or at least the English queen. (The purpose of such broadcasts is to hide the names of those who actually inspired these events behind one hundred percent truthful factual information about certain events).

But no nuclear bombing of the USSR happened. I don't think it could have happened. And in July 1945, Churchill, who did not understand the “big game,” was actually fired from his post as prime minister. No one listened to him anymore. The "pendulum" should not get bogged down on either side, but the USSR, it must be remembered, was nevertheless created in the United States, more precisely, "in the United States." And who would need a scorched desert in place of our "forests, fields and rivers"?

By the way, "Great October" was the brainchild of the "Hidden Hand". A purely Masonic script was invented to hide the "ends in the water." British MPs raised a fuss and began loudly demanding a report on the activities of MI6 (British intelligence) operative Sydney Reilly, who did threaten to reveal the role of the Hidden Hand in establishing control over the oil fields of Baku and its crucial role in helping Lenin and Trotsky in time of the Bolshevik revolution. To prevent the truth from being pulled out of Reilly, MI6 decided to fake his death. And during his stay in Russia, Reilly, one of the direct creators of "spontaneous unrest" in two Russian capitals, lived in a luxurious dacha usually reserved for the Bolshevik elite.

Former high-ranking British intelligence officer, honest Englishman John Coleman has published his book "The Committee of 300" several times since 1992 - this is the modern name of the international secret government, which Rathenau and Robespierre talked about. In the list of this government, which is engaged in global planning of atrocities against humanity, we find familiar names: Kissinger, Elizabeth II, Edmond de Rothschild …

Remember the words of A. S. Shmakov - "R. F." means "Republic of France" and also "Rothschild Freres", i.e. The Rothschild Brothers? Shmakov did not yet know that the Russian Federation would emerge on the territory of Russia.

Paranoia? - you ask.

But it was the Rothschilds who were at the head of the geopolitical conspiracy against the USSR in 1991. And the conspiracy is so powerful that in the spring of that year, the then Soviet Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov was forced to publicly declare it. What did this conspiracy look like? Let's denote it by "bold dotted line".

By the end of the 1980s, the “fifth column” was no longer afraid of anything and quite openly privatized the country. In an effort to keep this process under control, Gorbachev authorized the creation in Moscow of a powerful international commercial "Bank for Public Finance and Lending for National Programs" (BNP). Its main shareholders were supposed to be the Swiss bank of the Rothschilds Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild SA, as well as the largest American financial corporations Morgan and Rockefeller. This tick crawled to our natural resources so much that the Rothschilds demanded that the Commission for the Study of Natural Forces and Resources of the USSR Academy of Sciences conduct a total inventory of all continental resources. And then the KGB announced that the leaders of a number of joint ventures involved in the creation of the BNP are connected with the international mafia! In addition, it became knownthat the flow of drug dollars, which flowed in a wide river from drug syndicates with centers in Cali and Medellin, “flowed” into Switzerland. And the lion's share of these funds settled in the banks of the Rothschilds.

Money was laundered at the level of the State of Israel. The banker brothers Guy and David de Rothschild made contributions to Israel through the largest Zionist organization in France - the United Social Jewish Fund, of which they were president and treasurer.

The brewing scandal was, as you might guess, extinguished, and it was decided to invest the drug dollars in Soviet perestroika. Roughness and punctures (remember the "Filshin case"?) In the conduct of this large-scale enterprise put major domestic officials at risk. "HSE" had not yet been canceled, and then a course towards the abolition of the USSR was finally and completely openly taken …

The trace of the Rothschilds in the "newest" history can be noted with only one fact, suitable as information for thought.

As it became known to the British weekly Sunday Times, Mikhail Khodorkovsky "out of custody" transferred his shares (which is 53%) to Lord Jacob Rothschild … Khodorkovsky and Lord Rothschild have known each other for several years …

This means that Khodorkovsky is essentially initially only the nominal owner of Yukos. So … "Declared" at the request of senior comrades …

And shortly before that, the inmate of Khodorkovsky was replaced as head of Yukos by Semyon Kukes, loyal to the Rothschilds, who had previously led the integration of TNK into the oil monopoly of BP controlled by the Rothschilds. Kukes has already stated that the sale of Yukos shares to any other company is not expected in the near future. At the same time, the main contender for the takeover of YUKOS, the American oil concern ExxonMobil, is finally bogged down in litigation on its territory. In the foreseeable future, this company is unlikely to be able to make purchases abroad, as it is dominated by the need to challenge a record $ 11.8 billion fine imposed by an Alabama court for financial fraud and underpayment to the budget.

By the way, Alabama Governor Bob Riley is a freemason, as he proudly announces on his website, and it is possible that Riley received a valuable instruction to attack ExxonMobil through Masonic channels. In any case, the struggle for Yukos is far from over, and the public continues to watch with interest who - the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers - will exploit the wealth of our Motherland.

Dyakov Igor

- Part one -