How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View

How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View
How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View

Video: How Can The "poor" Rothschilds Rule The World? - Alternative View

Video: How Can The
Video: The Rothschild Family and Waddesdon 2024, June

Interest in the Rothschild clan has once again intensified in 200 years in connection with the presidential elections in France - after the little-known 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron bypassed all other candidates in the first round of elections, and the French media began to write about him as the next President of France (however, we will wait for the second round on May 7). Many people associate Macron's rapid advancement to the political foreground with the fact that five years ago this young man stepped into the corridors of power directly from the Parisian bank of the Rothschilds. From this it is concluded that the Rothschilds, these "bankers of kings and kings of bankers", just like in the 19th and 20th centuries, continue to rule France (if not the world).

No one has refuted the formula of capitalist society, according to which the political influence of a person or a group is directly proportional to the capital that a given person (group) has. Accordingly, the most influential people should be people who occupy the first lines in the ranking of billionaires by Forbes magazine. On March 20, 2017, the 31st annual world ranking of dollar billionaires was published. From it we learn that over the past year the number of billionaires on the planet for the first time exceeded two thousand people (increased from 1810 to 2043 people), and the total state of this super-rich community has grown to 7.7 trillion. dollars (by 18%).

For the fourth consecutive year, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is at the top of the ranking. His fortune has grown from $ 75 billion to $ 86 billion. On the second line is the head of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett, his fortune in 12 months increased by 14.8 billion to $ 75.6 billion. In third place is Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, which rose two steps from fifth place over the year (72.8 billion dollars).

Probably, all of them are not alien to politics, but the thought of their decisive influence on political processes usually does not appear. For example, in last year's presidential elections in the United States, there was a heated discussion about the possible influence of anyone on the election campaign in America, but I could not find a single publication in the American media that Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or Jeff Bezos actively influenced the election process. But the names of those who were suspected of actively interfering in the struggle between Clinton and Trump, we will not find in the top ten, or even in the first hundred of the Forbes rating. So, George Soros, one of the "suspects", is only in 29th place with a capital of $ 25.2 billion. David Rockefeller, the only one of this clan to get into the rating (died at 102nd year of life on March 20, 2017.), is listed in 581st place with a "modest" amount of 3.3 billion dollars.

And the most amazing thing: among more than two thousand dollar billionaires, we will not find a single Rothschild! Representatives of this large family have never appeared in Forbes ratings for 31 years! Meanwhile, interest in the Rothschilds is much greater than interest in any of the persons involved in the world list of billionaires. And it does not leave the feeling that the Rothschild empire is invisibly present on the political map of the world.

Let me just remind you of the main assets that are controlled by the members of the "reigning house" in this empire.

Banking sector. 1. Bank NM Rothschild & Son (London). The oldest bank of the Rothschilds, founded in 1811. It is run by Baron David de Rothschild. 2. Bank Rothschild & Cie (France) under the management of the same David de Rothschild. 3. Swiss bank Rothschild AG (Zurich), run by Eli Rothschild. 4. Bank JNR Ltd investing in Russian and Ukrainian companies. Run by Nathaniel (Nat) Rothschild.

London, French and Swiss banks are merged into the Rothschild Group. The group has 57 offices in 45 countries on five continents, with about 3,000 employees. The Rothschild Group specializes in investment banking, especially in the area of mergers and acquisitions.

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Financial holdings and investment funds. 1. Holding company Concordia BV It is headed by the same Baron David de Rothschild. The London and Paris banks are co-owners. He owns a controlling stake in the Swiss holding company Continuation Holdings of Switzerland, Canadian and American banks. 2. Insurance fund Afficus Capital Inc., managed by Nat Rothschild. 3. Societe d'envestisman du Nord holding company. 4. Atticus Capital hedge fund with a capitalization of $ 14 billion.

Extractive industry. 1. The company "Rio Tinto", specializing in the extraction of coal, iron, copper, uranium, gold, diamonds and aluminum. 2. De Biers (Evelyn Rothschild) is an international diamond processing and trading company. 3. Anglo American Corporation.

Energy. Vanco International Limited - works in the energy sector.

Development business, hotels and restaurants. 1. Development company "Trigranit" (Hungary). Nathaniel Rothschild's stake is 12%. Investments were made in Russian real estate in the amount of about $ 5 billion. 2. RLM hotel and restaurant chain, run by Eli Rothschild.

Mass media and publishing. 1. The Economist, Daily Telegraph (Evelyn Rothschild). 2. Paris publishing house "Press de la Cité", French newspaper "Liberation", BBC (headed by Marcus Aegius, son-in-law of Edmund Rothschild) and other mass media.

Other spheres and types of business. 1. FirstMark Communications International LLC and FieldFresh Foods (owned by Evelyn Rothschild and his wife, Lyn Forester). 2. Music company F7 Music in the USA (Anthony Rothschild). 3. Wine production (Chateau Mouton and Chateau Lafite castles, where Chateau Mouton wine is produced). 4. More than 100 parks and gardens in Europe.

The large and varied Rothschild clan farm is run by the financial holding company Rothschild & Co, which, in turn, is controlled by the French and English branches of the Rothschild family. Previously, the holding was called Paris Orléans SCA (this company was founded back in 1838 and was initially a railway company). At a general family meeting on September 24, 2015, the holding was renamed Rothschild & Co. The Rothschild family controls about 60% of the share capital of Rothschild & Co. The rest of the shares are in free float on the stock exchange. Rothschild & Co operates Concordia BV. Concordia BV, in turn, controls Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, and that controls the activities of the banking group Rothschild's Group.

And now comes the fun part. The total annual revenues (sales) of Rothschild & Co in recent years, according to its official reports, vary in the range from 1 to 1.5 billion euros. Annual net profit - in the range from 50 to 200 million euros. And here are other indicators. In 2015, the assets controlled by the holding were valued at 9.1 billion euros. Capitalization of Rothschild & Co amounted to 1.85 billion euros. In terms of dollars, it turns out to be a little over 2 billion. Neither profit, nor volume of controlled assets, nor market capitalization are impressive. For comparison, the results of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for 2016 (billion dollars): revenue - 210.8; profit - 24.1; assets - 561.1; capitalization - 360.1.

As they say, feel the difference. The financial performance of the lone billionaire Warren Buffett's company is dozens of times higher than the aggregate performance of the entire Rothschild empire, united under the banner of the financial holding Rothschild & Co! In order to somehow remove the obvious contradiction between the recognition of the real influence of the Rothschilds on world politics and their rather modest property status, experts are forced to put completely different figures into circulation, starting from the amount of capital that the Rothschilds had in the 19th century and on the assumption that their wealth has not diminished since then. So, Nicholas Hagger in the acclaimed book “Syndicate. The history of the creation of a secret world government and the methods of its influence on world politics and economy "(Nicolas Hagger. The Syndicate. The Story of the Coning World Government. O Books, 2004) writes: “And how to evaluate the wealth of the Rothschilds? Dynastic families are usually excluded from the list of the richest people in the world. If the Rothschilds had $ 6 billion (the lowest estimate) in 1850, then assuming that the foundations of their wealth were not shaken, that money should have been invested in such a way as to bring in 4 to 8 percent per year, which gives us the numbers from 1.9 trillion to 491 409 trillion dollars (that is, more of the world's wealth according to our estimates). Let's take the most conservative estimate - that is, about one trillion. For comparison, let's say that Bill Gates's fortune in 2004 was estimated at $ 32 billion. Considering that, with a little more than 300 billion, today you can buy all the gold stored in all banks in the world,and that the US national debt is (for 2004) 7.5 trillion dollars, the position of the Rothschilds in the financial world becomes clear."

In modern literature, the estimate of the real property of the Rothschild clan most often hovers around the $ 3 trillion level. At the same time, it is emphasized that the Rockefeller clan has a capital of about 1 trillion. dollars less. Well, one can agree that the real financial and property position of the Rothschilds is not reflected in the financial statements of the companies and banks they control, as well as in the Forbes ratings. The question arises: how to explain such a discrepancy? I will name three versions.

First version. The Rothschild clan is very numerous, and the inheritance of the modern Rothschilds from the famous ancestors of the 19th century is evenly distributed among all members of the clan. As the patriarch of the Mayer clan Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) bequeathed, the Rothschilds should feel like one big family. Caution and modesty should be exercised in relation to “outsiders”. The personal wealth of any, even the most high-ranking and successful clan member should not exceed $ 1 billion today. In the event of a "surplus", it should be redistributed in favor of other clan members.

Second version. The Rothschilds have long begun to use trusts, which are a reliable means of sheltering capital and assets from prying eyes. Primarily from the eyes of the tax authorities. Secondly, from law enforcement agencies (if the capital is obtained by a criminal method). In the third place, from all sorts of revolutionaries and other radicals, on whom the Rothschild surname acts like a red rag on a bull. It is known that trusts appeared in large numbers in America more than a hundred years ago. The idea belonged to the then Rothschilds, who brought it to life. There are no generalized statistics on trusts in America. Moreover, there is no comprehensive information about their clients. However, if you look closely, you can see examples of how the Rothschilds use trusts. All the assets of the same George Soros are just capital,which the Rothschilds transferred to the trust management of an unknown Hungarian Jew by the name of Schwartz and who also performs the function of the Rothschild's PR service.

Third version. Over the two centuries of the existence of the Rothschild clan, its specialization in world business has been determined. First, it is gold. Secondly, drugs. The drug business is by definition a shadow activity. Neither the drug transactions themselves, nor the financial results of these transactions are reflected in the official financial statements. As for gold, it also actively circulates in the shadow economy. In addition, gold is now more and more removed from the usual financial statements of banks. It is a kind of off-balance sheet asset used by the "owners of gold" (Rothschilds) to solve their commercial and political problems.

I think that to explain why the modern Rothschilds are so "poor", one should use all three versions, which complement each other. It makes sense to talk about each of them in the following articles.
