On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View

On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View
On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View

Video: On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View

Video: On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View
Video: Coronation of Emperor Alexander III/ Коронация императора Александра III 2024, October

He was one of the most powerful rulers of Russia, whose reign, unfortunately, was short-lived. He owns many catch phrases, for example: "When the Russian tsar is fishing, Europe can wait." Or: "Russia has only two loyal allies - its army and the navy." It was he who was popularly nicknamed "The Peacemaker". The tsar later recalled his coronation as the happiest day in his life: “We endlessly praise the Lord who blessed this sacred day for us and all of Russia, which with such touching participation and attention waited and met this great event for us and proved to all amazed and morally corrupted Europe, that Russia is the most holy, Orthodox Russia, which it was under the Moscow tsars and which, God forbid, it will remain forever!"

According to ancient tradition, the wedding to the kingdom of the Russian tsars, starting from John III, took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The coronation ritual was meticulously designed and distinguished by extraordinary solemnity. Later, the nature of the ceremony changed somewhat. In the 18th century, not the cap of Monomakh, but the crown was placed on the head of the emperor; instead of the ancient royal robes with barmas, porphyry appeared.

The coronation of Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna was scheduled for May 15, 1883, a year and a half after the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II.


In the early morning of May 10, the imperial couple and their accompanying persons to Moscow, decorated with flags, banners, garlands, state emblems. Crowds of residents accompanied the motorcade along its entire route from the station to the Petrovsky Palace, where the royal family usually stayed.

On May 12, three days before the wedding of Alexander III to the kingdom, the heralds announced the upcoming celebration. Two squadrons of cavalry guards and horse guards in full dress uniform lined up in the Moscow Kremlin. Heralds, secretaries, masters of ceremonies and military commanders gathered on the steps of the Senate. The masters of ceremonies held gilded wands, crowned with imperial eagles. At exactly 9 o'clock, the procession lined up according to the ceremony. Trumpets sounded; the heralds raised their gilded wands, and one of the Senate secretaries read loudly and distinctly the announcement of the upcoming coronation …


The wedding to the reign of Alexander III took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In all events and ceremonies, the clergy played an important role. The rite of sacred coronation was performed by 12 hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church: the first present member of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Finland, Isidor, Metropolitans of Kiev and Galician Platon, Moscow and Kolomna Ioanniki, Exarch of Georgia Yakov, Archbishop of Kartalin and Kakheti of Sergava Jonathan, Theognost of Vladimir, Theodosius of Vologda and others. The rite of anointing was performed. The people were informed of this solemn moment by ringing bells and 101 cannon shots and responding with loud shouts of "hurray."

Promotional video:


On May 16-18, 1883, in the Andreevsky Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the provincial leaders of the nobility, the clergy of the Synod, the generals and other representatives of Russian society congratulated Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna on their royal wedding and brought gifts. The next day, the gifts were displayed in the halls of the palace for viewing.


On the 19th of May, a coronation dinner was given in the Faceted Chamber, to which the highest clergy and persons of both sexes of the first two classes were invited. The sovereign wore a general general uniform, and the empress wore a Russian-style dress trimmed with ermine. For their majesties, grand dukes, grand princesses, distinguished foreign guests and other invited persons entered the chamber. The decoration of the table was striking in its luxury and wealth. Pages served to grand dukes, princesses, princes and princesses. Behind their majesties, in addition, stood the mobs and runners. All those invited were present at the dinner 275 people. At dinner, in front of each device, there was a list of dishes decorated with a vignette depicting an old Moscow grand-ducal feast. But nevertheless, according to the custom established by Paul I, the dinner was also relatively modest. Here is his menu: borsch,stew, pies, steamed sterlet, veal, roast chicken and game, asparagus, Guryev porridge, ice cream. And the duration of the lunch is modest - just under an hour. There are four toasts in total: the first - for the health of the sovereign, the second - for the health of the empress, the third - for the health of the heirs, the fourth - for the clergy and all loyal subjects. At the same time, a dinner was served in the Golden Chamber for the third class, which was attended by 270 people.which was attended by 270 people.which was attended by 270 people.


The coronation celebrations continued for another two weeks. Their program included the opening of the State Historical Museum, the consecration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and everything ended with the royal review of the troops. Simultaneously with Russia, magnificent amusements were held in Denmark. This kingdom was glad that the Danish princess, daughter of King Christian, became the empress of the great and mighty Russia.