So What Is The Human Soul - Alternative View

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So What Is The Human Soul - Alternative View
So What Is The Human Soul - Alternative View

Video: So What Is The Human Soul - Alternative View

Video: So What Is The Human Soul - Alternative View
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In dictionaries, you can find various definitions of what a human soul is. As a rule, it is said about "a special non-material substance, different from the body" and "the immaterial beginning of life." "The soul is the beginning that determines the life of the organism and the ability of sensation, thinking, consciousness, feeling and will."

The human soul is the source of life, the indestructible atom of consciousness, the bearer of a special quality: the ability to be conscious of being.

Soul Nature

At its core, the Soul:

• Light and pure, consisting of light divine energies;

• On the Earth plane, its development takes place at an accelerated rate, with the help of the physical body, in comparison with the Subtle world (much slower);

• The Soul has unlimited potential for development, that is, the Soul has potentially great opportunities to realize its purpose.

It can even be said that the Soul is a cosmic substance that is capable of either connecting with the physical body, then disconnecting again in order to summarize all the variety of thoughts, changes, experience, accumulation of knowledge and reach a new level of energy and self-reproducing life. The purity of the Soul determines which experience is more - light or dark.

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She needs constant search, movement, development, and therefore is attached to the body chosen for these purposes. But she cannot determine the vectors of this movement, she has the ability only to try to direct it and give the opportunity to choose. In addition to the Soul, there are thoughts, intentions, striving for comfort and the occupation of a prestigious status, according to the norms that are accepted in this society.

For full-fledged spiritual development, it is necessary to learn to “hear” your Soul, to listen to your inner voice (intuition) - to have a connection with It.

Everyone knows the expression: "The morning is wiser than the evening." Try asking your mind a question in the evening and ask that you know the answer by morning. After a short workout, some amazing discoveries await you in this area.

Scientific research. Evidence

All people on Earth have a priceless gift of nature - the Soul. Scientists all over the world persistently want to find an answer to the question of what the human soul is.

Numerous studies conducted by American and Canadian scientists show that when a person dies, his body becomes about 25 grams lighter.

In our time, science has discovered the electrochemical nature of biological organisms on our planet. People, as a material creation of nature and at the same time multidimensional beings, in addition to the electrochemical component, also have electromagnetism. That is, a person is essentially an organochemical-electrical-quantum light being. In the light of the latest achievements of quantum physics, a new page is opening in the knowledge of the essence of a person, his energy component.

Material manifestations of the soul

• For example, enlarging a living cell with the help of special equipment approximately 1320 times makes it possible to see the weak emission of light quanta directly from each cell. In addition, a faint background sound is heard emitted by the cells of the human body. Depending on the emotional state of a person, the light component of his cells can decrease to 3% or significantly increase to 25 percent or more. This, without exaggeration, an epoch-making discovery of science makes it possible to measure the state of health and spirituality of a person by the percentage of light in his cells and by the brightness of their glow.

• Russian scientists have conducted a study of the brain of a sleeping person. They affected various parts of the brain with electromagnetic pulses. Neurons, which were affected by an electromagnetic pulse, came into an excited state. However, the neighboring neurons associated with them did not react at all. In other words, the neural connections in the brain of a sleeping person do not work, that is, the brain is simply turned off. And, nevertheless, a person continues to see "himself" in a dream, and this information remains in his memory. The question is: where can this vision take place, and in the memory of "what" does it remain if the human brain is not working at this time?

• Another scientific experiment related to the study of the energy wave body. During this study, Russian scientist Pyotr Gariaev, Doctor of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, irradiated a DNA molecule with a laser. After some time, an energy body appeared next to the molecule. Moreover, after the DNA molecule was removed, the energy body was observed at this place for another 40 days. Namely, on the 40th day, they also commemorate the dead. From this experiment it is clear that the energy body is able to exist independently of the physical body.

The soul leaves the body

The evidence can serve as evidence of those who were on the verge of death (being in an unconscious state) and later were able to describe with amazing accuracy everything that happened to their physical body, as if they could observe everything from the outside. Patients who have experienced a heart attack, victims of disasters, severely wounded soldiers - they all similarly talk about the experience of leaving their own body.

Dr. Michael Sab, a cardiologist at Emory University Hospital, has conducted scientific analyzes of this kind of evidence. He recorded and studied the testimony of 32 patients who reported leaving their body during cardiac arrest. When the heart stopped, the blood stopped flowing to the brain, and the patient is considered to be completely unconscious. But 26 out of 32 respondents reproduced quite accurately the picture of their death and return to life.

The results obtained by Dr. Saboma convinced him of the reality of leaving the body, and they were published in his book “Memories of Death. Medical Research”, published in 1982. The doctor concluded that consciousness is something different from the brain and that in a critical state, consciousness and the brain are separated from each other and exist separately for some time. Sabom wrote: “Perhaps the consciousness that can separate from the brain is the very soul that, according to most religions, does not die, but continues to exist after the physical death of the body?