Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View

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Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View
Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View

Video: Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View

Video: Russian Conspiracy Theories: From Myths To Science - Alternative View
Video: Ilya Yablokov - Russian Media and Conspiracy Theories 2024, September

Conspiracy studies is a young science engaged in a comprehensive study of secret, latent, behind-the-scenes mechanisms of power. Her focus is on the themes of the world behind the scenes and secret societies, and not the doctrine of conspiracy and not anti-Semitism, as some think.

More recently, 25-30 years ago, they laughed at the conspiracy theorists. They believed that they were telling fantastic tales about the "Zhidomason". After the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, the dissolution of the CMEA, the fragmentation of Slavic states such as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, and a whole series of new local wars initiated by NATO, including the current military conflict in Ukraine, the attitude towards conspiracy theories changed radically. Nowadays, only uneducated people do not know about such influential organizations as the Bilderberg Club, the Rotary Club, the Trilateral Commission, the Committee of 300, such closed orders as "Opus dei" or "Skull and Bones". Today, the list of literature on the topic of the world behind the scenes is hundreds of books, thousands of scientific articles in many languages of the world. More and more documentaries are coming out, new sites, portals are opening on the Internet,news agencies, etc.

What about this sea of information? Where is the truth and where is the lie?

To get reliable facts and scientific conclusions, you need:

  • an objective, unbiased approach to the problem as such, without mania and prohibition;
  • adherence to the principle of historicism (conspiracies did not appear in our time, but many centuries ago;
  • studying the experience of previous researchers, so to speak classics of the genre, both domestic and foreign.

Following these principles, I did a lot of work, published and commented on several books on a chosen topic: a series of fundamental studies by American conspiracy theorist Anthony Sutton on the hidden mechanisms of wars and revolutions, the power of the dollar and the US political establishment; essays by the Spanish Generalissimo Franco on the history of Freemasonry and its international influence; as well as selected works of the Russian historian Yu. K. Begunova "Secret Forces in the History of Russia". As a result, I came to the conclusion that an independent school of conspiracy theories has developed in Russia.

Freemasonry and revolution

The study of the world behind the scenes began in our country long before the collapse of the USSR and before the start of the socialist revolution, apparently from the time when Russia appeared as a subject of international law. It was associated with military strategy and the study of secret diplomacy, which was used not only by large states, but also by religious centers.

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One of the first prominent domestic conspiracy theorists can be considered Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, who deliberately opposed the antimonarchic conspiracy of the boyars and the machinations of the Vatican. This conservative, church line, aimed at combating heresies and Westernizing reforms, after the beginning of the bourgeois revolutions was continued by the loyal subjects of Emperor Nicholas I, General A. A. Arakcheev, philosopher M. L. Magnitsky and Archimandrite Photius-Spassky. At the center of their criticism was liberal Freemasonry, which led to the Decembrist uprising.

A look at the revolutionary movement in Russia from a conspiracy point of view opens up new facets of generally known facts. The founder of the Communist International, Karl Marx, appears as a Germanophile and Russophobe, the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin as an anti-Semite and Slavophile conspirator, and the Narodnaya Volya underground workers, followers of S. G. Nechaeva, P. N. Tkacheva, D. V. Karakozova as agents of British influence.

After the assassination of Tsar Alexander Nikolaevich by terrorists, which took place after the brutal suppression of another Polish uprising, Russian society rallied around the new Tsar Alexander III. The most loyal monarchists formed the "Sacred Guard" to fight the internal enemy.

Despite the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Empire came out on top in many areas of life: science, technology, culture, and its economy developed at a rapid pace, the Marxist revolutionaries deliberately fanned class contradictions, reaching the point of mass strikes and workers' riots. They argued that the class struggle of the proletariat would inevitably lead to a socialist revolution and the establishment of a working class dictatorship throughout the world.

It is well known that as a result of the struggle between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, the radical part of the RSDLP was headed by V. I. Lenin. But at the same time as the internationalists of the Leninist wing, the Zionists were secretly acting in the party. While the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff, sponsor of the Society of American Friends of Russian Freedom, was financing Japan in its war against Russia, the Jewish revolutionaries Parvus (Israel Lazarevich Gelfand) and Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) headed the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies during the 1905 uprising … Their doctrine of "permanent revolution" was no less explosive than the conspiracy of the populist terrorists. That is why both rebels attracted the attention of German intelligence, which recruited them, along with Lenin, in their military and political interests.

Freedom of speech, conscience and assembly, proclaimed by the Constitution on October 17, 1905, allowed all national minorities in the Empire to defend their rights. Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Estonian and other nationalists began to pull the blanket of history over themselves, forming the right and left spectrum of separatists. Taking advantage of political liberties, the Jews, as the Jews were then called in all Slavic languages (zhyd, zyd, zid, Jews, etc.). Prominent Russian Zionist Yu. I. Gessen published the first collection of his works "Jews in Russia", which was later published in expanded form several times. In 1906, a Russian edition of Theodor Herzel's programmatic work The Jewish State, written by him on the eve of the creation of the World Zionist Organization (1897), was published in St. Petersburg.

Thus, the participation of Jews, both internationalists and Zionists in the revolution, in the revolution is not a myth, not a product of anti-Semitic fantasy, but an absolutely reliable fact. And this obvious fact could not fail to attract the attention of the police, government officials, monarchists who founded the Russian Assembly, the Union of the Russian People and other organizations of a protective nature, which journalists inaccurately called "Black Hundreds".

Exposing a worldwide conspiracy

On the eve of the revolutionary events of 1905-1907, during and after them, the theme of the "Jewish conspiracy" became one of the most popular among patriots. The famous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which set out a plan for the Jews to achieve world domination, attracted everyone's attention. Written at the end of the 19th century in France by an unknown person and translated into Russian by the Russian intelligence agent Yulia Dmitrievna Glinka around 1894, they have been published in several editions. Some of the first commentators were members of the RNC: right-wing journalist Pavel Alekandrovich Krushevan, who published a sensational document in 1903 in the Petersburg newspaper Znamya, as well as the prominent conservative economist Georgy Vasilyevich Butmi (1856-1919), author of the books The Root of Our Disasters (1905), Freemasonry and Treason (1906), Jews in Freemasonry and Revolution (1906),“Russia is at a crossroads. Bondage or freedom”(1906).

On January 3, 1906, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamsdorf (1841-1907), sent to the Emperor the official "Note on the Anarchists", the authenticity of which is beyond doubt. In a secret report, he drew attention to the fact that the revolutionary movement in Russia is not only supported from abroad, but even directed by the leaders of international organizations. Among them, the leading diplomat singled out the Israelite Universal Alliance with its center in Paris. Possessing colossal funds, this alliance helped the Masonic lodges and revolutionary organizations of the anti-monarchist direction. Lamsdorf was also worried that a large amount of illegal weapons came to Russia through secret channels from abroad, which were then used by anarchists and terrorists.

At the height of the revolution, in the autumn of a turbulent 1906, Alexander Dmitrievich Nechvolodov (1864-1938) was sent on a secret mission by the General Directorate of the General Staff to Western Europe. He was tasked with studying the modern financial system and at the same time collecting information about the behind-the-scenes activities of the Freemasons. Nechvolodov detailed his economic report in the report "From ruin to prosperity", where he criticized the system of the gold and foreign exchange standard controlled by the bankers-usurers. In another analytical note, he briefly spoke about the results of personal communication with the leading researchers of Freemasonry in Europe: Baron Liebermann von Sonnerberg, Maurice Talmeir, André Baron, Copen-Albanselli and others. They confirmed that "all the threads of our revolution are concentrated in the Judeo-Masonic hands"which operate through the "Great East" lodge, Zionist organizations, the liberal press, etc.

The Orthodox priest and writer Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus paid much attention to the Protocols. He placed them in his book "Big in Small" (1905), which he republished several times under the title "There is Nearby at the Doors." It dealt with the coming true prophecies of the Holy Fathers of the Church, the secret connections of Freemasonry with Judaism and the coming coming of the Antichrist.

Since that time, the topic of a world conspiracy has always been in the center of attention of scientists, politicians and statesmen of the Russian Empire. One of the first Russian studies of "free masons" was the work "World Society of Freemasons: Essence and Purposes" by Georgy Georgievich Metz, a lieutenant colonel in the tsarist army who served in the Provincial Gendarme Administration of St. Petersburg. In 1908, he was collecting information on secret lodges, their history, ideology and structure. The work of the gendarme was published only in our time. Another author, Alexander Selyaninov (perhaps this is a pseudonym), whose biography has not yet been studied, published in 1911 in St. Petersburg the book "The Secret Power of Freemasonry". It attempts to study the influence of Masonic organizations and Jews on political life in Russia, which made it in demand by later authors.

Three years later, a two-volume illustrated edition of Freemasonry in its Past and Present (1914) was published under the editorship of Sergei Petrovich Melgunov (1879-1880), an outstanding Russian historian and politician. He seriously delved into the history of religious and social movements in Russia and managed to unite specialists on these issues into a single creative group. The collection, objective in style, contains essays by several authors about the activities of the society of "free masons" in England, France, Germany, Poland, the USA, the orders of the Illuminati and Rosicrucians, their rituals and ideology, as well as the biographies of prominent Russian masons: N. I. Novikova, I. G. Schwartz, I. V. Lopukhina, S. I. Gamaleya, M. M. Kheraskova and others.

The famous lawyer Alexei Semenovich Shmakov (1852-1916), who became famous in the course of high-profile political trials (the case of the queen of the thieves' world "Sonya - the golden hand", the Beilis case on the murder of Andryusha Yushchinsky, etc.) in his books "Freedom of the Jews" (1906) and "International Secret Government" (1912) substantiated the thesis of the centuries-old confrontation between the Semitic and Aryan races. The Jews, according to the author, reached unprecedented power by the beginning of the 20th century thanks to their influence in the field of finance, print and politics, which together form what is called the "world behind the scenes".

The fears of Russian conspiracy theorists turned out to be prophetic. The secret diplomacy of Great Britain, as well as the aggressive policy of the Triple Alliance, forced Russia to join the Entente (the defense alliance of England and France). In fact, this was the beginning of preparations for a new big war. And it really started. In 1914, against the backdrop of a deep Balkan crisis, as a result of a political conspiracy involving the Freemasons of France and Serbia, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated. One terrorist shot marked the beginning of the end of three great European empires!

In addition, on the eve of the First World War, the United States entered the world stage, a new international entity that had previously acted within the framework of the Pan American doctrine. In 1913, as a result of a conspiracy of bankers, an important event took place, the significance of which for many became clear only decades later. The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) was founded, which privatized the national currency - the dollar. After a series of legal formalities, the United States received unlimited funding opportunities for any economic and military projects. It was from the moment the FRB was created that the century of American prosperity begins at the expense of other continents.

The intelligence war during the First World War and the semi-underground activities of the Freemasons in Russia led to an anti-monarchist conspiracy that manifested itself during the bourgeois revolution of February 1917. It was prepared by: A. I. Guchkov and P. P. Ryabushinsky, representing the interests of the Central Industrial Committee; lodge "The Great East of the Peoples of Russia", which was headed by A. F. Kerensky, the future chairman of the Provisional Government, as well as the All-Russian Zemsky Union G. E. Lvov, who enjoyed the patronage of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. These behind-the-scenes groups were attempted to be coordinated by the deputy of the State Duma from the cadet party N. V. Nekrasov. The conspirators put forward various projects of a socio-political revolution: from the introduction of a constitutional monarchy to a people's republic in the spirit of the "Decembrists" of 1825.

Foreign "brothers" closely followed the development of events in Russia, pushing it towards revolution. The influence of British diplomacy reached the point that some meetings of Russian Masons were held at the house of Sir Buchanan, the British ambassador to St. Petersburg. Traces of British intelligence were also found in the dark case of the murder of Grigory Rasputin, committed by the hands of V. M. Purishkevich and F. F. Yusupov.

The conservatives and the sovereign loyalists, of course, were against the revolution in all its manifestations. Outstanding writers of that time expressed their rejection of political adventurism and the "coming boor" in different ways in their publications: Vasily Rozanov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Mikhail Menshikov and many others. However, there were also those who were carried away by the “music of the revolution”: Alexander Blok, Valery Bryusov, Sergei Yesenin. Even some of the prominent aristocrats succumbed to the temptation of the slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."

Secrets of the Bolsheviks

With the assistance of the German authorities on the initiative of General Ludendorff in October 1917 V. I. Lenin, hiding from the Russian secret police in Western Europe, was sent on a special diplomatic train (in the so-called "sealed carriage") through Germany and Scandinavia to Petrograd to foment the revolution in Russia. He rode with dozens of other revolutionaries from the RSDLP, the Social Democratic sections of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Zionist Jews from organizations such as the Bund and Poalei Zion.

The pro-German line of the Russophobic revolutionaries, who took a defeatist position in the Great War, was confirmed during the conclusion of the shameful Peace of Brest-Litovsk with Germany on March 3, 1918. As a result of the treacherous collusion of the Communists and the German General Staff, the economically developed western territories of the Russian Empire (almost 1/3 of the population and half of the industry) were rejected. Thanks to this sabotage, Germany was able to occupy the Baltic states, part of Belarus and the Caucasus. The Germans actually ruled in Ukraine, where they put their protege, Hetman Skoropadsky, in power. The Polish army of Pilsudski occupied Vilnius and Minsk, and established control over Galicia. The results of three years of heroic struggle at the front were treacherously canceled out! And the Bolsheviks themselves, fearing a military blockade of revolutionary Petrograd,for security reasons, the capital was moved to Moscow, where the two-headed eagles on the Kremlin towers were replaced by Masonic red stars.

As we can see, the Germans in Russia supported not only revolutionary-minded Jews, but also national separatists. Even before the start of the war, the well-known ideologist of Ukrainian statehood, a prominent historian and writer Mikhail Sergeevich Hrushevsky found patrons for himself in Austria-Hungary, where he published his political writings. It was Hrushevsky who headed the Central Rada in Kiev, which in 1918 proclaimed the independence of Ukraine from Russia. The national separatists who surrendered to the Germans were defeated by the Red Army with the support of the workers, which led to the creation of the Ukrainian SSR.

One of the first Russian authors who documented the secret cooperation of the red commissars with the leadership of the German army was the aforementioned S. P. Melgunov. In those years he was the leader of the Narodnik Trudoviks and published the magazines Narodny Socialist and Narodnoye Slovo. The Provisional Government instructed the historian to examine the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state institutions with a view to revising. On the basis of the declassified database of the Security Department, Sergei Petrovich published collections of documents about revolutionary events, where the Bolsheviks were shown from an unpleasant side.

On April 19, 1918, the commission to investigate the revolution was liquidated by the Soviet government. They began to persecute Melgunov, conducted 25 searches and 5 arrests, sentencing the truth-seeker to death. Thanks to old acquaintances, the populist managed to escape and emigrate. Abroad, Sergei Petrovich continued active research publishing activities in an anti-Soviet spirit ("On the Way to a Palace Revolution: Plots before the Revolution of 1917" (Paris 1931), "The Golden German Key to the Bolshevik Revolution" Paris, 1940).

Boris Ivanovich Nikolaevsky (1887-1966), one of the leaders of the RSDLP, who had been organizing the Main Directorate for Archival Affairs since 1918, as well as creating a historical-revolutionary archive in Moscow, was interested in the topic of the Bolsheviks' behind-the-scenes connections. Due to ideological differences, he emigrated from Soviet Russia in 1921 with the Mensheviks, where he continued his scientific work. Nikolaevsky collected a huge collection of archival materials totaling more than 800 boxes, which eventually ended up at the Hoover Institution in the USA. Only a small part of them were published, including unique documents on the relationship of the commissioners with the Kaiser's government.

The Bolsheviks who seized power in the Soviets also had their own concept of "conspiracy". Its essence was the fight against counter-revolution, or rather, against the opponents of the communist dictatorship they established. The political organ of this ideological struggle was created on the initiative of V. I. Lenin in December 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK). An experienced underground revolutionary Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, a native of the Polish nobility, was appointed its leader. First of all, the Cheka pursued obvious enemies of the Bolsheviks and active saboteurs, including many representatives of the tsarist regime. At first, those loyal to the Soviet government were not touched. After the suppression of the anti-Bolshevik uprising of the left "Socialist Revolutionaries" (Socialist Revolutionaries) in July 1918, the tasks of the Cheka were expanded. M. N. Tukhachevsky,He openly called for "the fight against political conspiracies and uprisings", used regular troops to destroy the opposition.

A great success of the Cheka was considered the disclosure of the "Lockhart conspiracy", which meant events of different time and order: the murders of Uritsky and Volodarsky, the attempted assassination of Lenin, the uprising of the Czech corps, the Savinkov revolt, etc. It was assumed that all these heterogeneous events were the result of a single conspiracy of ambassadors the Entente countries, who helped the military allies, the White Guards. At the same time, the facts of obvious and secret assistance to the Bolsheviks from the German General Staff, hostile to Russia, were kept silent.

The tightening of the Bolshevik regime, which relied in the civil war on slogans about the need for class struggle and the strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat, led to the Red Terror. A bloody bacchanalia began, the victims of which were representatives of various estates, primarily aristocrats and clergy. In response, the military patriots began to form a volunteer White Army in the South of the country, trying to unite into a single force all those who were dissatisfied with the Soviets. A mass flight abroad of civilians who did not want to live under military communism began.

In addition, the Bolsheviks and their political allies founded the Third International in March 1919 - an international organization that set as its goal the victory of the communist revolution throughout the world and the establishment of the dictatorship of the working people in all countries. The proletarian revolution, whose goal was to destroy the exploiting classes, qualitatively changed the composition of power, not only in social structure, but also in accordance with the national principle. If before the revolution, Russian or Russified Germans and Slavs predominated in the state institutions of the Russian Empire, then after October the leading positions were occupied by Jews, Poles, Latvians and other national minorities, which is confirmed by all documents.

Conspiracy research

The international character of the Bolshevik coup with all its catastrophic consequences made most people think about the external causes of political events in Russia. The theory of the "world communist conspiracy" began to form, where the global ambitions of Marxists, Leninists, Trotskyists and other internationalists were assessed from a conspiracy point of view.

One of its main propagandists after the October Revolution was Heinrich Ford, the famous American industrialist, director of the automobile corporation that bears his name. Under the influence of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," translated into English by the Russian monarchist Boris Brazol, the billionaire became interested in anti-Semitic ideology and, in 1918, began to spread it himself through the purchased newspaper "Diborn Independent". In 1920, Ford published a compilation of newspaper articles in a book called International Jewry. The original world problem”, printed in mass circulation. Her appearance in America caused a major scandal and Jewish protests.

In Europe, destroyed by revolutions, the Jewish theme was very popular. After Hitler came to power, defeating the German communists, anti-Semitism became the state ideology of the Third Reich. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jews were criticized by many Russian emigrants. Among them were: Baron A. V. Meller-Zakomelsky, already mentioned by A. D. Nechvolodov, V. V. Shulgin, A. I. Cherep-Spiridovich (Major General of the Imperial Navy, major industrialist and philanthropist, managing director of the Slavic Charitable Society) and another A. V. Spiridovich (Major General of the Gendarmerie, who served as the head of the Kiev secret police and personal security service of Tsar Nicholas II).

Independently of the Russian school, but taking into account its literature, Anglo-French conspiracy theories developed. Its notable representative was Nesta Helen Webster (1876-1960), a conservative Christian woman who produced a series of fundamental studies on the history of secret societies. In 1921 she published in London her next book “World Revolution. A conspiracy against civilization. " Mrs. Webster saw the origins of the cataclysms of the early 20th century in the philosophy of the "Illuminati" and the great French revolution of 1789. She traced the development of socialist ideology: from the "Babeuf conspiracy" and the political events of 1848 in Germany to the October 1917 coup in Russia. Using many examples, the author proved the internal connection between revolutionary Freemasonry, Marxism and feminism, united in the struggle against the Christian world.

In 1921 in Serbia (Novi Sad) the book “Freemasonry and the Russian Revolution. The truth is mystical and the truth is real. " Its author was Grigory Vasilievich Bostunich-Schwartz (1883-1945), an emigrant from Russia, of German-Serbian origin. He was one of the first to investigate the occult links between Freemasonry and Judaism, and clearly showed how Satanic ideology manifested itself in Bolshevism. Not accepting the October Revolution of 1917, Bostunich became an anti-Bolshevik agitator among the troops of Denikin and Wrangel. After the retreat of the White Guards through the South of Russia, Crimea, Galliopoli and Belgrade, he settled in Berlin, where he married a German woman and became close to the ideologists of the NSDAP. The Baltic German was admitted to the SS, collaborated with the leadership of the "Anenenerbe" and before the start of the war headed the department "Freemasonry" of the V Directorate of the SD. In particular, he oversaw the Berlin Museum of Freemasonry,where the unique library was collected.

In the studies of the first Russian conspiracy theorists, in general, a religious-ethnic, Orthodox assessment of the revolution prevailed. Much attention was paid to Jewry, which was assessed as a racially alien, anti-Christian force. At the same time, it is known that many ideologists of non-Jewish origin acted from anti-church positions: for example, theosophist E. P. Blavatsky, composer A. N. Scriabin, artist N. K. Roerich. The great writer L. N. Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Church for harsh criticism of Orthodoxy in the spirit of Protestantism.

Only a few conservatives of the era of the revolution delved into the intricacies of the occult sciences. S. A. Nilus in one of the last editions of his book "Near is at the doors" paid some attention to Theosophy, in particular, to the "Order of the Star of the East." G. V. Bostunich himself went through a period of passion for the occult and anthroposophy, although later fell out with Rudolf Steiner. In the once popular novel "Satanists of the 20th Century" by Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Shabelskaya-Bork (1855-1917), an active participant in the NRC, many scenes from the life of occultists are shown in artistic form, but it is useless to look for scientific analysis there.

The Antichrist, expected by the apocalyptic Black Hundreds, did appear, but not in the form in which he was prophesied. IN AND. Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat, chairman of the Third International and the ideologist of the Red Terror, who declared a frenzied war on the ruling classes and the Orthodox Church, turned out to be a militant atheist. His mausoleum, built after the death of the leader according to a Masonic project, still remains a vivid symbol of Satan's power.

In this regard, the question arises as to whether the Bolsheviks themselves belong to Freemasonry. Here the opinions of historians differ. Some cite arguments in support of the fact that Lenin, Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Gorky, Krasin and others, either themselves were Freemasons, or were closely associated with them, while others deny the obvious facts. It is reliably known that such well-known Masons as the former Tsarist Minister A. A. Polivanov, Head of the War Ministry of the Provisional Government A. A. Manikovsky, head of the railway department Yu. V. Lomonosov, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, former mayor of Moscow V. F. Dzhunkovsky and others. In essence and in spirit, Bolshevism was a revolutionary, atheistic version of Freemasonry, with the cult of the red banner, the five-pointed star, the International and the aesthetics of Prometheism.

The book "Wars of the Dark Forces" by Nikolai Evgenievich Markov (1866-1945), which was published twice during the author's lifetime (1928, 1930), received a wide response in emigration. On the basis of many sources, Markov researched the history of Russian Freemasonry and showed how, in the conditions of parliamentary democracy, against the background of the dramatic events of the World War, ambitious politicians betrayed the Tsar, brought the Russian Empire to a state of collapse. In the second part of the monograph, Nikolai Evgenievich placed large fragments from the work "A Legal Conspiracy" (1928) by the English freemason and intelligence agent Herbert Wells (1866-1946), whose fantastic works are known to many since childhood. Strongly impressed by his trips to the USSR, during which the English writer personally met with Lenin and Stalin,a futurist invented a utopia about the creation in the future of a world socialist republic with a single materialist ideology. Knowing well who is behind the scenes of world scenarios, N. E. Markov subjected Wells' fantasy to devastating criticism, and along with him the pan-European projects of the League of Nations, a very real Masonic organization. The NRC veteran was one of the first to deeply analyze the occult teachings of Satanists, including the now famous Aleister Crowley.

In 1935 in Harbin, the center of Russian emigration in China, the accusatory book "The Orthodox World and Freemasonry" by Vasily Fedorovich Ivanov (1885-1944) was published. The professor at the St. Vladimir Institute not only traced the spiritual path of the Russian intelligentsia, gave general information about the secret societies of free masons, but also entered into polemics with modern occultists from the Theosophical Society and sophiologists. In his next work “Secret diplomacy. Foreign Policy and International Freemasonry”(Harbin, 1937), he proved that during the Great War the world behind the scenes used Russia as a ram to crush Germany and Austria, and then threw it into the fire of the revolution, supporting communism.

Nikolai Filippovich Stepanov (1886-1981) was a like-minded fellow of the monarchists-conspiracy theorists. An outstanding Orthodox researcher of Freemasonry, under the pseudonym of Scrolls, released a number of deep studies: "The Great East of France", "Order of Human Rights", "Freemasons in Russian Emigration", and in the last years of his life he revealed the secrets of the "Internal Line" emigration.

The history of Freemasonry was studied from liberal positions by Tatyana Alekseevna Bakunina (1904-1995), who took the name of her husband, the famous writer M. A. Osorgin. Together with her surname, she inherited the archives of the Grand Orient of France belonging to her husband. In 1934, she published in Paris a book dedicated to the Freemasons of the 18th-19th centuries, and by 1940 she had prepared a fairly complete “Biographical Dictionary of Russian Freemasons”, which did not have time to come out due to the outbreak of World War II. A unique publication containing data on 3000 thousand figures was published much later. On its basis, a prominent specialist Andrei Ivanovich Serkov, who was studying the archives of the Great East of France in Paris, published the fundamental “Encyclopedic Dictionary. Russian Freemasonry. 1731-2000.

A work similar to T. A. Bakunina, was done by the emigrant writer Nina Nikolaevna Berberova (1901-1993). She left Russia in 1922 together with the poet V. F. Khodasevich. Since the 1930s, she has been collecting information about Freemasons from various sources, including the archives of France and the United States. Her biographical dictionary includes over 600 names. The famous book by N. N. Berberova "People and Lodges" (1986) tells about the Freemasons of the XX century, including those who took part in the revolution and lived in exile.

Stalin's experience

By the beginning of World War II, when Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy reached the peak of their development, and secret diplomacy led to the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty between the USSR and the Third Reich in 1939, the topic of exposing the world behind the scenes became a commonplace of the National Socialist press during all over the world. They were also adopted by the Russian fascists in the Far East, who created their own party in Harbin under the leadership of Konstantin Rodzaevsky. In 1943, he published his book "The Modern Judaization of the World", where he gave a critical analysis of the role of Jews in the history of events of the 20th century, including in the USSR.

Boris Bashilov (1908-1970) devoted many years of his life to studying the world behind the scenes. The former Soviet writer and officer who was captured by Germany during the war, became a member of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA), took propaganda courses in Dabendorf, and after the end of the war settled in Argentina. Here in the 1950s-1960s he published seven volumes of the History of Russian Freemasonry, which he wrote.

The mutual influence of Russian and German conspiracy theories became a characteristic feature of the intellectual life of the 20th century. The Bolshevik Revolution caused a huge echo in the political life of Europe. The White Guards who took refuge in emigration contributed to the formation of the ideology of German National Socialism and Hitler's totalitarian regime, and the Russian fascists, employees of the Third Reich, including intelligence officers, directly and indirectly contributed to the strengthening of Stalinism.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1878-1953), who began the struggle against his political opponents from the first years of Soviet power, had his own understanding of the conspiracy. He fought first with the Trotskyists, then with the right and left opportunists, then with the kulaks and "enemies of the people", in which the NKVD organs assigned millions of people of different persuasions, nationalities and ages.

Stalin's worldview developed during the tragic events of the 20th century. For example, he changed his critical attitude towards the Church during the years of the revolution to mercy under the conditions of V. O. V. The leader of the CPSU (b) was strongly influenced by the national socialist ideology of the Third Reich, whose military power was laid with the secret participation of the Red Army. In the late 1930s, Stalin entered into a tactical alliance with Hitler. The NKVD collaborated with GESTAPO. However, the Nazis outplayed the Bolsheviks. Having publicly declared war on the United States and Great Britain, they directed their main blow against the USSR.

Behind the self-confident Hitler were transnational corporations and international banks. The outbreak of the world war was beneficial, first of all, to the largest industrialists and financiers of the United States: Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Lamont, General Electric, Standart Oil, Ford, Life and Company, Chase and Manhattan banks, National City and others. They deliberately pushed Europe and America into military action, knowing that this would bring them super profits.

The victory of the Soviet Union over Hitlerite Germany was dearly paid. The number of casualties and losses in World War II is well known. The Yalta Agreements of 1945 consolidated the successes of the Red Army, but many key geopolitical and economic problems were resolved in favor of the Western allies. NATO, the UN with its center in New York were created. All over the world, the Bretton Woods financial system began to operate with the reference to the American dollar as the currency standard.

After the war, Stalin's attitude towards Jews changed. The almighty leader of the CPSU (b) was not a fanatical anti-Semite and a "Jew-eater", as his opponents sometimes imagine. It is known that since 1935, the third wife of Joseph Vissarionovich was Roza Moiseevna Kaganovich, the younger sister of Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich, a member of the Politburo and Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a close associate of Stalin. Jews in the leadership of the Communist Party and the Soviet government had a clear majority, and no one persecuted them on a national basis. During the Second World War, the Soviet army freed hundreds of thousands of Jews, along with other prisoners, from concentration camps.

Stalin had a negative attitude towards Zionism. It intensified significantly after their attempts to create, with the help of the American organization "Joint" (the same "Bund", only in English), the Jewish Republic in Crimea. As a result, Stalin supported the Anglo-American project of creating the state of Israel in Palestine, implemented in May 1948.

When the Jews came out of the underground and created their own mass organizations in the USSR, the MGB began in 1952 a political process called the "Case of the Zionist conspiracy." It is incorrectly called the "case of pest doctors" or "killer doctors" because a private incident related to the untimely death of A. A. Zhdanov, secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and head of Stalinist propaganda during the campaign "fighting rootless cosmopolitanism", it was only a tragic episode, and the struggle against Zionism in the communist movement has been going on since the time of the revolution.

Anti-Semitism or Anti-Zionism?

From the beginning of the 1950s, the former KGB agent, Soviet emigrant and popular writer Grigory Petrovich Klimov began to specialize in conspiracy topics. He worked with compatriots overseas as part of the Harvard Project under the auspices of the CIA. His "Song of the Winner" (1951) was published in several European languages under the names "Machine of Terror" and "Berlin Kremlin", and was published in parts in the popular American magazine "Readers Digest". As the editor-in-chief of the magazines "Svoboda" and "Anticommunist", Klimov wrote a whole series of books on "forbidden" topics: "The Prince of this World" (1970), "My Name is Legion" (1975), "Protocols of Soviet Wise Men" (1981), Red Kabbalah (1987), God's People (1989), Revelation (2002) and many others that are considered extremist today.

Apparently, Klimov's worldview was influenced by historical research about the “chosen people” of Andrei Ivanovich Diky (1893-1977). A white emigrant, of noble origin, whose real name was Zankevich, was from the Chernigov region. For a long time he lived in Yugoslavia, and during the Second World War, joining the ranks of the ROA, he became deputy. head of the personnel department of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR). Later, Andrei Ivanovich settled in the United States, where he took up research activities, in particular the history of Russia. In 1967, Dikiy's book “Jews in Russia and the USSR” was published in New York, which contains a chronological overview of the most important events associated with Jews: from their appearance in Kievan Rus and Muscovy to the period of Khrushchev's rule. The author analyzes the ethnic origin of the Jews, their religion, social structure,statistics, influence on Russian and Soviet culture. On the whole, objective, although not entirely accurate, Dikiy's research was in demand by later researchers interested in the Jewish topic, including A. I. Solzhenitsin, who at the end of his life wrote the book Two Hundred Years Together.

After the Second World War, the realization came that the role of Jewry could not be understood outside of connection with other international forces that created organizations such as NATO, the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the Council on Foreign Affairs, and so on. An attempt to comprehend the development of secret mechanisms of transnational power was undertaken by the author of the brochure "The World Conspiracy" (1975), a Russian émigré, signed by the pseudonym L. N. Kay. This Don Cossack, a native of Novocherkassk, arrived in New York in 1923 along with other White Guards who fled from Russia through Constantinople. He was deeply impressed by the sensational book of General Cherep-Spiridovich "The Hidden Hand", published in English. Retelling its main content, the author compares the theory of the Jewish conspiracy with other similar concepts of Mikhail Studts (“The Suicide of Europe”), A. K. Chesterton ("The Gloomy New People"), Georges Knonfer ("Struggle for Power over the World"). As a result, the Russian emigrant comes to the logical conclusion that a worldwide conspiracy really exists. Only if in the 19th century the financial house of the Rothschilds stood behind the scenes, then in the 20th century Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Warburgs, Rockefellers and others joined them. In the vigorous activity of the Bilderberg Club, which has been meeting since 1954, Henry Kissinger, the leader of the Zionist B'n'Brit Order, plays a prominent role. He is one of those who develop and lobby for many US international projects. Loeb & Co, Warburgs, Rockefellers and others. In the vigorous activity of the Bilderberg Club, which has been meeting since 1954, Henry Kissinger, the leader of the Zionist B'n'Brit Order, plays a prominent role. He is one of those who develop and lobby for many US international projects. Loeb & Co, Warburgs, Rockefellers and others. In the vigorous activity of the Bilderberg Club, which has been meeting since 1954, Henry Kissinger, the leader of the Zionist B'nai Brit Order, plays a prominent role. He is one of those who develop and lobby for many US international projects.

In Soviet literature, Zionism was viewed from the Marxist-Leninist, party point of view. Authors such as L. Ya. Dadiani, L. A. Korneev, A. Z. Romanenko, criticized the bourgeois character of Zionism, its reactionary nationalism and racism. Soviet authors contrasted conservative Judaism with proletarian internationalism. For example, during the Second World War, with a propaganda purpose, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK) was created, controlled by the NKVD. Under the leadership of the CPSU, Soviet Jews even participated in an organized struggle against Jewish fascism. It was this goal that the Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public (AKSO), headed by General D. A. Dragoonsky.

Of course, everything in life is much more complicated than in ideology. Among the Jews of the USSR there were many Jews, Zionists, anti-Sovietists, who were called "dissidents" in those years. Gradually, they left the Soviet Union "to the promised land", to Israel, and from there to the USA or Europe. On the other hand, a party of radical anti-Semites has formed among Russian patriots, exposing Russophobia and anti-state activities of the Jewish lobby. V. Ya. Begun, E. S. Evseev, I. M. Shevtsov, I. R. Shafarevich and many others, including the Bulgarians T. Dichev and N. Nikolov, wrote research papers, articles in magazines and newspapers, and addressed open letters to the government. Some of them contributed to the formation of the national patriotic movement "Memory", and the irreconcilable anti-Semitic VN Yemelyanov founded the World Anti-Zionist and Anti-Masonic Front (WASAMF) in Moscow.

As they say, there is no smoke without fire. The Zionists, indeed, significantly strengthened their positions in the USSR during the period of de-Stalinization, which took place on the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev. The so-called "dissidents" movement, half, if not more, of anti-Soviet Jews, was associated either with Israel or with the United States. Moreover, regardless of the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Presidium of the Supreme Council, the leaders of the Communist Party held personal meetings with influential figures of international Zionism. In 1989, MS Gorbachev, at the request of Henry Kissinger, authorized the opening of B'nai-Brit lodges in Russia.

Alluring secrets

In the last years of Soviet power, scientists were allowed to join the secrets of Freemasonry, thoroughly studied in the West. In large-circulation periodicals such as Pravda, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Za rubezhom, analytical articles on previously forbidden topics began to appear. Lolly Zamoysky, the author of the book Behind the Facade of the Masonic Temple, deeply researched the secrets of the "free masons" (Moscow, Politizdat, 1990). If, according to Selyaninov, Ivanov and Markov, the Freemasons personify anti-Orthodox, and, therefore, anti-Russian forces, then according to Zamoysky the Freemasons are the most reactionary ruling circles of the West, acting in alliance with the Catholic Church. Some emphasize the ties of Freemasons with Jews, while others consider them fascists.

In the early 1990s, when the "perestroika" of the USSR grew into bourgeois-liberal reforms, an information boom took place in Russia. Along with dozens of new newspapers and magazines, new or little-known sources about the past began to be published. Under the conditions of freedom of speech, a whole literature on the so-called "alternative history" appeared, where there are a lot of amateur and frankly fantastic works (G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, A. I. Asov, V. A. Chudinov, etc.). Their pseudoscientific opuses are not as harmless as they seem, and therefore require serious attention from professionals.

Soviet history is full of conspiracy themes. The secret of Stalin's coming to power and the mystery of his death. The role of tsarist officers in the creation of the military power of the USSR and secret assistance to the Red Army to the Reichswehr. The GULAG and "sharashek" system for scientific and technical workers. Struggle for the Ahnenerbe archives and the secret weapon of the Third Reich. Unjustified transfer of Crimea by Khrushchev to the list of the Ukrainian SSR and the lobby of the national republics in the Kremlin. "Party money" and the influence of the underground economy on the corrupt leadership of the CPSU. All these topics have been banned for many years, even for those specialists who have access to the "special guard". Instead of the inconvenient truth, ideologically trained journalists told ordinary people romantic stories about the Chekist revolutionaries, about the exploits of SMERSH employees against the SS during the Second World War, about the struggle between the KGB and the CIA on an invisible front.

The weaknesses of the Soviet system and its counter-propaganda were exploited by Western intelligence services. They bribed many traitors and weak-willed people. Among them was a secret agent of military intelligence V. B. Rezun, who wrote the best-selling novel Icebreaker about the secrets of the GRU. The defector, adopting the pseudonym Suvorov (why not Napoleon?), Began to publish one after another sensational books based on Western sources and declassified data. He was given the task of rewriting from a Russophobic point of view the history of the Second World War, and more broadly the USSR. It took many years for reciprocal monographs to appear in Russia exposing the schemer Rezun.

The war of intelligence organizations can be compared to an iceberg, since its visible top is only a small part of a huge ice floe submerged deep under water. The secret operations of the special services of various countries are just one of the elements of large-scale conspiracy scenarios written by the architects of the world behind the scenes. This is a tactic within the general strategy. And in order to see the forest behind the trees, you need to rise above the global battlefield and look at it from above, to comprehend the whole set of factors in the events taking place.


In the post-Soviet era, a new discovery of conspiracy theories took place in Russia, which has never stopped developing in the West. After all, it was there that many collections of original documents, memoirs, secret and closed studies about the revolution, the Second World War, about the era of Stalinism, the nomenclature of the CPSU were preserved. However, the first conspiracy publications were most often of an amateur nature, focusing on the Jewish question and Russophobia. With the advent of the Internet, the information space was filled with exotic theories of the world behind the scenes such as: "World International of Heresies", "Women's Order", "Conspiracy of the Eurasians", etc.

The development of the science of conspiracies and secret organizations at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries went in three main directions: 1) the reprint of the Russian classics of the genre, whom we mentioned at the beginning of the article; 2) translation and comments by Western authors; 3) new research by scientists on controversial issues of history and modernity.

After the collapse of the USSR, there were publications of Mikhail Viktorovich Nazarov, who returned to his homeland from Germany, "Conspiracy against Russia" (1993), "Triumph of the world behind the scenes" (1996); Academician Yuri Konstantinovich Begunov "Secret Forces in the History of Russia" (published several times in 1995-2016, including under the title "The Secret History of Freemasonry"); as well as the fundamental works of Doctor of Economics Oleg Anatolyevich Platonov, published with the blessing of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John in the series "The Crown of Thorns of Russia" (The Secret of Lawlessness: Judaism and Freemasonry against Christian Civilization "(1998); The Secret History of Freemasonry. Documents and Materials. Volume 1.2 (2000); The Masonic conspiracy in Russia. From the archives of the Masonic lodges, the police and the KGB (2011) and many others, supplemented and expanded in later years.

When our contemporary authors found that the topic of the world behind the scenes was well researched, both in Russia and abroad, they began to specialize in specific topics. Analysis of this large volume of literature requires special attention.

On the whole, Russian conspiracy theories have undergone a great evolution over the past century: from the Black Hundred manifestos against the "Zhidomason" to completely objective studies of latent power structures.

It turns out that the very ideological paradigm depends, first of all, on the worldview of the subject, offering this or that conspiracy model. So, for Orthodox fundamentalists, the worst enemies are not only “Jews who crucified Christ”, but also Masons, atheists and pagans who do not accept the Christian faith. For the communists, the "world behind the scenes" is personified by "oligarchs and capitalists", that is, the rich of all countries. And for these rich people, among whom there are both the aristocrats of the "white bone" and the nouveau riche of different tribes, the world evil lies precisely in the communists and internationalists, who demand a revolutionary upheaval of the centuries-old foundations of life.

Jews did take an active part in the revolutions of the twentieth century and, as a result, occupied many leading positions in democratic states. The existence of Zionism as an international movement with a religious and ideological basis in Israel cannot be denied. However, it often happened that the Jews used other forces for their political purposes, and they themselves became victims of conspiracies.

National separatists of various ethnic origins play a special role in the strategy of the world behind the scenes. Their political will serves as a battering ram to fuel conflict with other nations. Poles and Ukrainians are confronted with Russians, Russians with Germans and other Europeans, Chinese and other Asians with Americans, and so on.

Thanks to conspiracy research, inquiring minds around the world learn the truth about world power, its history and structure, achievements and crimes. They understand that behind-the-scenes puppeteers, regardless of ethnicity, use all the means of classic, "cold" and "hybrid" war for the purpose of domination. The method of "controlled conflict ", long known to politicians as the Roman principle of divide et impera ("divide and rule"), NATO has repeatedly applied not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Today it was used to destroy the USSR and Yugoslavia.

We, free Russian people, study the experience of our opponents not only in order to express our attitude towards them, but also to learn. Having carefully studied the enemy, his methods and means of struggle, we will more firmly assert our values, our peace, our Victory.

The unification of the world forces of Good against the universal Evil, hiding behind the idea of a "New World Order", should not be chaotic, not impulsive, but logical, well thought out. It must be built on scientific methodology and theory, around a healthy core of educated and well-trained leaders.

Continuing the traditions of our ancestors, we must take into account all previous victories and defeats, avoid old mistakes, including the extremes of Nazism, biological racism and Hitlerism. This is a task for a whole generation of researchers, heads of military departments and special services, politicians and public figures.

Pavel Vladimirovich Tulaev