Mayan Calendar Interpretation Error: A New Era Will Begin On December 21, 2020 - Alternative View

Mayan Calendar Interpretation Error: A New Era Will Begin On December 21, 2020 - Alternative View
Mayan Calendar Interpretation Error: A New Era Will Begin On December 21, 2020 - Alternative View

Video: Mayan Calendar Interpretation Error: A New Era Will Begin On December 21, 2020 - Alternative View

Video: Mayan Calendar Interpretation Error: A New Era Will Begin On December 21, 2020 - Alternative View
Video: Maya Cosmology & the Real 2012: Mary Lou Ridinger at TEDxSanMigueldeAllende 2024, September

In 2011-2012, the world was ruled by hysteria about the supposedly approaching end of the world on December 21, 2012. The reason was the end of one of the most accurate calendars of mankind - the Mayan calendar. But December 21 passed, and nothing happened to the world. Although even at that time this date caused bewilderment among astrologers: what is so special about it? December 21 is the usual date of the winter solstice, after which the Earth begins to turn its northern hemisphere towards the Sun - the boundary of the climatic season. This phenomenon occurs every year and has never been associated with cataclysms. On December 21, there was no parade of planets, no great cross, not even a solar eclipse - there was nothing that could tell astrologers the end of the world, except for the Mayan calendar. But the end of the world did not come, what prevented it?

To answer this question, let's turn to Mayan astronomy. The Mayan calendar is built on the basis of many fundamental astronomical (planetary) cycles. The dates of its "beginning" and "end" simply have to coincide with some important astronomical events. On the other hand, it should be noted that when in the 15th century the Spaniards conquered Latin America, they zealously destroyed any carriers of Indian culture, considering them devilish creatures. As a result, only 4 books from the entire Mayan culture have survived to this day. The Mayan calendar was so peculiar that experts could not figure it out for a long time. Having understood its structure, disputes arose between scientists about the correlation of years with the years of the European Gregorian calendar. A radiocarbon study of the wood of the door frames of the doorways of Tikal's temples prompted most scientists to consider the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson hypothesis correct, but it does not answer all the questions. Thus, even now there is no reliable confidence in the correct correspondence of the Mayan calendar dates with the European calendar!


At the same time, all experts note that many cosmic cycles are built into the Mayan calendar, it takes into account the cycles of planetary motion, and this calendar in the culture of the peoples of Latin America served as a reliable astrological tool. According to their calendar, the Indians not only predicted the time of the onset of agricultural seasons, but also determined the fate of each born.

Hence the conclusion arises: the key dates of the Mayan calendar must coincide with the key planetary cycles!

Now let's get back to the European tradition. Since the days of Antiquity, astrologers have noticed a 20-year socio-political-economic cycle. Every 20 years or so, the civilized world underwent some kind of change: rulers, orders, eras of war and prosperity changed. Sometimes such changes were not very noticeable, and sometimes, on the contrary, during these years there were whole changes of eras, the way of life changed, important socially significant upheavals occurred. The 20-year cycle has a solid astronomical basis - this is the cycle of the pair of planets Jupiter-Saturn: the period between two adjacent conjunctions (or, as they are called in astrology, conjunctions).

This cycle has its own interesting feature: for about 200 years, these successive connections (conjunctions) occur in the signs of one element (fire, earth, air or water). After that, these compounds pass into a sign of another element. This is due to the fact that the orbits of the planets are not circles, but ellipses, so the cycles are not always strictly equal to each other in time. The transition of compounds into a sign of another element in astrology is called the Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation) and is always associated with a change of eras, with a change in socio-economic relations, a change in the way of life, and sometimes in general a global restructuring of society.

And now, interestingly: the nearest Great Conjunction will take place on December 21, 2020! Jupiter and Saturn will unite at 0 ° 29 'Aquarius. Could this Great Conjunction serve as a milestone for the Mayan calendar ?! After all, it is curious that the conjunction itself occurs precisely in the first (!) Degree of Aquarius. The sun on this day is at the point of the winter solstice, and the moon is at 0 ° Aries, at the vernal equinox.

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Perhaps the researchers made a mistake: the Mayan calendar did not point to 2012, but to 2020? And if so, what can humanity expect in 2020? Cataclysm?

Not! All Mayan researchers speak of the “end of times” not as a global planetary catastrophe, but as the beginning of a new space era, the beginning of a new world order. It is the arrival of a new world order that traditional Western astrology predicts.

In 2020, the Great Conjunction begins in the sign of the air element, which will mark the beginning of the Air era. The usual materialistic way of life, characteristic of the earthly era, will become a thing of the past, the world will be transformed.

On January 26, 1842, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurred in the sign of Capricorn: it was the Great Conjunction - for the first time in almost 800 years, the conjunctions of these planets began to occur in the signs of the earth element. What did the era of the elements of the earth give us? Abundance of goods! It was from the second half of the 19th century that industrial production was actively developing, our life was being transformed. Human labor was replaced by machines, our life became noticeably more comfortable, many devices and gadgets appeared. At the same time, the financial system began to have a great influence. We found ourselves in the captivity of stock prices, exchange rates, stock indices, loans and borrowings. The world has become mercantile. The earthly era provokes the development of a consumer society.

On February 19, 1961, the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place, again in the sign of Capricorn (25 ° 12 '). And 1961, as one would expect, was another turning point in the history of mankind: the space era began with the famous flight into space of the Russian pilot Yuri Gagarin. According to general principles, in 1981 the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn should have occurred in the sign of Virgo. But because of the ellipticity of the orbits, the following happened: in October 1980, Saturn did not allow itself to catch up, Jupiter, which had slowed down due to the passage of the perihelion (the point farthest from the Sun), and passed into the sign of Libra. Their meeting took place on January 1, 1981 at 9 ° 30 'Libra. Then, due to the laws of celestial mechanics, both planets became retrograde, and met again in April 1981, with their opposition to the Sun. And finally completed the three meetings on July 24, 1981 at 4 ° 56 'Libra. It could be assumed that this was the Great Conjunction, and from 1981 the aerial era began. But it was not there! The next meeting of these planets took place on May 28, 2000 at 20 hours 04 minutes Moscow time … at 22 ° 43 'Taurus! The conjunctions of the Jupiter-Saturn pair returned to the earth element again. An energy loop has formed!

The meeting place of Jupiter and Saturn on May 28, 2000 happened near a very important point (1 ° from the Ascendant) of the national horoscope of Russia. And this gives every reason to believe that this energy loop has swept over Russia …

Let's consider this situation in more detail. On July 24, 1981, conjunction occurs at 4 ° 56 'Libra, at a point that forms exact favorable configurations (aspects) - a trigone and a sextile with the axis of nodes in the national chart. The axis of the nodes is an indicator of karma, in this case the karma of the country, the people. This means that in 1981 the conjunction forced the Russian people to move along their karmic path, pushed them towards development. What do we see in this era? USSR: absolutism and totalitarianism reached their peak. The country has reached an extreme point. And the structure of the country begins to change - perestroika. The country has embarked on the path of democracy and the development of civil society. The process of progress has begun.

It is now generally accepted that the perestroika of the 1980s and the "dashing" 1990s are negative experiences. But from the point of view of astrology, this is absolutely not the case! It was then, after 1981, that our country first embarked on its true path, went the right path. The sign of Leo (the patron saint of the Russian plain) and Venus, the planet of prosperity, ascended over Moscow at the time of conjunction. And if Russia had not turned away from the democratic path, it would have already become an advanced state in the world, de facto, and not only in political slogans. The path of karma is never easy - difficulties have arisen in the social environment. But they were called difficulties by people with conservative thinking, those who were born and raised under the harsh dogmas of the earthly elements. Not everyone was ready for progress and development, not everyone was ready for new realities. That is why karmic changes were received with hostility by the majority of the population. Any psychologist will confirm that solving a problem is necessarily associated with leaving the comfort zone. And here the regression of conjunctions back into the earthly element was played out like bad luck. Sly politicians played on the reluctance of most people to go forward and develop. This is how Putin managed to build the USSR-2.

The return of the conjunction to the earthly element has become a REGRESS for our country, a fatal step back! The noose of a totalitarian society was again thrown around the neck of the Russian people. The Russian people were again deprived of rights. It should be noted that Moscow time, the conjunction took place at 20 04 minutes in the evening: the path drawn by the conjunction of 2000 did not go for the good of the people. On the contrary, at this time the sign of Scorpio ascended over the capital of Russia, which foreshadowed the loss of previously conquered values and a fall into the economic abyss (Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, symbolizes in astrology a cut in the income of the population).

Thus, the entire Russian policy pursued today is the path of REGRESS and destruction (Rising Scorpio) of the country! And this is confirmed by economists that the Russian economy is already in its death throes. The era of the earth is fading into oblivion, and with it, its main features will "sink into oblivion": nationalism, the struggle for resources, mercantile views, consumerist attitude to the world, giving way to progressive ideas, humanism and contacts, which inevitably burst into our life together with inexorably approaching air age.

Last time, in 1186, 1206 and 1226, the planets also created an energy loop. What is typical for the transition from the era of the earth to the era of air. The most fundamental event in the world history of the past of a similar period is the Magna Carta - the first democratic document signed by the English king John the Landless on June 15-19, 1215, during the period when he came out of the loop. John himself tried to violate the Charter, but all subsequent monarchs recognized it. At the turn of the epochs, as it should be, an epochal ruler dies: on August 25, 1227, Genghis Khan, the founder of the great Mongol empire, of which Russia was a part at that time, died.

In general, the period after 1226 is called by historians the end of the Dark Middle Ages [in Europe] and the beginning of the Renaissance! At this time, trade was actively developing, sciences began to develop - Universities were formed. There is a process of globalization and democratization. There is a transition from subsistence farming to handicraft workshops and merchant guilds, construction artels and other associations of people. Those who were able to organize a larger workshop / guild start to win. The merging processes are in progress. The means of business communication and communication are developing. In Genoa, Venice, Florence is flourishing culture. By the end of this era, 1385, serfdom completely disappeared in Europe. In 1380 Russia becomes independent from the Mongol Empire. Empires generally fail.

Today's energy loop has linked the present with the period before the collapse of the USSR. 2016 is now somewhat equivalent to 1986. And many of the events that took place in 1986-1990 may be lost in 2016-2020. This period turned out to be equal to 30 years, and it also has its own astronomical basis - this is approximately 1 revolution of Saturn around the Sun (29.5 years). The economic, social and political crisis of the USSR gained power in 1988, when the transit Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn, where it is located on the national map of Russia (and on October 18, 1988, Saturn united with Uranus, the planet of revolutions and progress at the points of crises of the national map Russia). The incipient crisis of the political and economic system existing in Russia will also gain strength by 2018 (on September 1, 2018, the planets will enter the last phase of the cycle,which began in 1988: the demand phase by invoices). Russia will survive the unlearned lesson of the late 1980s.

And from 2021 the era of democratization and globalization will begin.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the outstanding scientist Nikola Tesla came up with a way to obtain energy from the Earth's magnetosphere. But then, in the era of the earth, resources were the main financial value. The idea of free energy was anti-commercial and therefore had no right to exist. The genius of Nikola Tesla was exactly 100 years ahead of his time. Now scientists from Israel, Canada and the United States are working in this direction. Therefore, we can expect that somewhere in the early 2020s a way to obtain free energy will be discovered according to the principles of Nikola Tesla. This discovery will be able to radically change the world energy system, and in fact, completely change our entire world! This discovery will be akin to the invention of the wheel! Even the theory of relativity of A. Einstein pales in comparison with it. A world full of unlimited free energy is not the world we live in now,it is a fundamentally different world. Perhaps this discovery was predicted by the legendary Mayan calendar ?!

In the new world, oil will be devalued. And the economies of countries tied to oil exports are dead. Oil exporting countries will no longer be able to put pressure on the world community. The way of the world will change dramatically. Natural resources will no longer play a key role in the economy and geopolitics. Ideas and technologies will take their place (it's not for nothing that the Great Conjunction will occur at 0 ° 29 ′ Aquarius)!

Although oil prices will rise strongly in the fall of 2017. But after 2020-2023, it will cease to be an important resource. If in the era of "earth" wealth was in the possession of natural resources, then in the era of "air" wealth will be created by the possession of technology!

Soon, any nationalist ideas will fail! But the darkest is the night before dawn! Nationalists will lose their influence. Cosmopolitans will take the palm! Processes of world integration and globalization will actively go, communications and information space will expand. The current banking system will cease to be relevant, and a crisis awaits many banks. Extraction of natural resources will cease to be a key factor in enrichment. Wealth and power will come from technology! Inventors will win, mining companies will lose, and poorly modernized production (such as the Russian car industry).

People with a consumer mindset (thinking about how best to celebrate the upcoming Friday, or where to "grab" something, buy "cheaply") will also lose out, as well as those who are not ready for intellectual development, who are not ready to realize their creativity and / or intellectual potential. Low-skilled labor will be paid even cheaper.

In the new era, inventors will benefit, those who have new, original ideas in any branch of the economy: be it high technology or just consumer services. Everyone who will be focused on communication, psychology, contacts, uniting people will win. Higher education will again gain great prestige. The world is also waiting for amazing scientific discoveries. The era of air will patronize those who travel a lot, who make international connections and contacts. Anyone who will travel a lot around the world and provide his services in all countries, and not only in a separate town, will be "on horseback". The future belongs to international companies, internationalists and cosmopolitans. In the new era, new means of communication will be invented.

The people of this era will be those who are focused on communication, contacts, democracy, and philanthropy.

If in the epoch of the Earth it was fashionable to divide people into "such" and "not such". In many countries there were slogans not to serve certain social groups of blacks / Jews / Russians [as, for example, in Kazakhstan] / red-haired / poor / representatives of sexual minorities, etc., then in the era of Air in the political and economic planet, those who to be the first to address such a previously suppressed, denied rights, social group. Politicians may come to power on slogans about protecting the rights of the "humiliated and insulted." The wealthy will be those who will be guided by the needs of previously oppressed groups, who will be the first to decide to create some comfortable conditions for them that they never dreamed of before.

After 2021, a new financial system will be created in the world.

Alexey Kulkov, astronomer and astrologer, researcher of astrological techniques, author of books that have become bestsellers, member of the League of Independent Astrologers, expert consultant at the St. Petersburg astrological center "Business Astrologer", senior lecturer at the Siberian Academy of Astrology "Babylon".