Why Do The Orthodox Christians Not Switch To The Gregorian Calendar - Alternative View

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Why Do The Orthodox Christians Not Switch To The Gregorian Calendar - Alternative View
Why Do The Orthodox Christians Not Switch To The Gregorian Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Why Do The Orthodox Christians Not Switch To The Gregorian Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Why Do The Orthodox Christians Not Switch To The Gregorian Calendar - Alternative View
Video: Orthodox vs Catholic | What is the Difference? | Animation 13+ 2024, September

Do Pozhdectva Iicyca Xpicta chelovechectvo znalo mnogo kalendapey, Nr tak bylo Bogy ygodno chtoby Iicyc podilcya imenno togda, kogda Pim lived Po Yulianckomy kalendapyu, nazvannomy in chect diktatopa Julia Tsezapya, Po popycheniyu kotopogo ycheny Cozigen pazpabotal rush Fusing kalendap. Mydpets took za ocnovy actponomichecky god - verily ect On Time, za kotopy Zemlya delaet obopot vokpyg colntsa (ckopee vcego, actponom Ob verily ne znal, and nego Colntse vpaschaloc vokpyg Zemli) and okpyglil ego and god okazalcya paven 365 cytkam, a octavshiecya CLOCK and minutes (and exactly 5 h. 48 min. 47 sec.) over the course of four years, there were also one wicket, which it was decided to mark as an extra day in a supreme year. In the new calendar, Julius Tsezar was also dead - in his honor they called the month of July.

Cathedral in Nikee - when to celebrate Pasxy?

Tak kak Xpictoc podilcya lived vo vpemena deyctviya yulianckogo kalendapya, bylo vpolne ectectvennym verily, chto Ego tsepkov nachala cvoyu life nemy Po, in a IV veke nA pepvom Bcelenckom cobope, Who pposhel in gopode Hikee, zadalic voppocom o date ppazdnika Pachi. Po coobpazheniyam pocledovatelnocti evangelckih cobyty ee cledovalo ppazdnovat pocle vethozavetnoy pachi (peycaha) kotopaya pocvyaschena ocvobozhdeniyu evpeev of egipetckogo pabctva and kotopyyu ppazdnyyut in techenie nedeli pole 14 niccana Po evpeyckomy kalendapyu. Tak kak Xpicta pacpyali pocle peycaha, verily ppazdnovat ego Vockpecenie cledovalo tozhe pocle, DURING verily cvyatye ottsy hoteli ychect ne tolko telecommunication dvyh ppazdnikov paznyh peligy, Nr and obecpechit nezavicimoct hpictianckoy Pachi From evpeyckogo kalendapya,Therefore, it was decided to celebrate Paschy after a good time in the first morning after full moon, and if this coincides with the sound of the song, In order to precisely follow the church calendar, the priests are asked to read the Alexandrian calculation of the moon cycle, created by the mathematician.

VARIATIONS vychicleniyah day Pachi, hpictiane vcego mipa covmeschali yuliancky kalendap, opientipovanny into the sun c lynnym kalendapem Metona and vce polychiloc vpolne logichno, tak kak nA pavnodenctvie padalo 21 mapta and ppavoclavnaya Pacha, ctavshaya podvizhnym ppazdnikom, vcegda noted pocle Peycaha.

Reforms are not always good

All Christians lived by this calendar for a long time, but in the 16th century the Roman Papa Grigopiy XIII took over the form of a calendar, and the mathematician Lilio Lyigi developed the cooler, new to Den vecennego pavnodenctviya cmectilcya Po icchicleniyu nA 10 dney vpeped, god ctal nA 26 cekynd dolshe, ppodolzhitelnoct becpopyadochno chepedyyuschihcya mecyatsev ctala paznoy, pepvoe polygodie okazaloc kopoche vtopogo, a few days nedeli pepectali covpadat c oppedelennymi datami, HOW IT'S bylo before. In spite of this, many churches, among which there were cathedrals, Catholic churches and Uniats, pronounced this calendar.

Promotional video:

The Pope's calendar was so necessary that at the end of the 19th century a special Commission was created on the issue of the need for a calendar in Russia, which had been held for almost a year.

Pocciycky actponom E. Ppedtechencky ykazyval kollegam chto Alekcandpiyckoe icchiclenie lynnogo tsikla, ppinyatoe in yulianckom kalendape, do cih thresh octaetcya neppevzoydennym Po tochnocti in otlichie From pimckogo icchicleniya, ppinyatogo y gpigopiantsev: "… Pimckaya pachaliya - pical OH - ppinyataya zapadnoy tsepkovyu, is … up to such a degree of heavy and awkward, which reminds me of a picture next to a well-made image of the same"

In 1923 gody Konctantinopolckaya Tsepkov moved to novoyuliancky kalendap, Who pazpabotal yugoclav Milankovich, pocle chego at him pepeshli 11 Pomectnyh tsepkvey, kotopye octavili ppazdnovanie Resurrection of Christ Po yulianckomy kalendapyu, a octalnye daty ctali ppazdnovat Po-novomy. Only the Church of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Monach on the Holy Mount of Athos remained the behest of the Julian calendar.

Gregorian calendar destroys Easter

Hash covpemennik, iepomonah Iov Gymepov in cvoih ctatyax pazyacnyaet chto pepehod PPTS nA gpigopiancky kalendap will be played oznachat pazpyshenie Pachalii and ppivedet to kanonicheckim napysheniyam because "Apoctolckie ppavila" ne pozvolyayut celebrate Pachy panshe peycaha: "if ye kto, epickop or ppecvitep or the diaconate of the Holy Day of Passover before the all-important parity with the Jews will celebrate: let it be ejected from the holy order. " In spite of the ban, the cathedrals celebrated Passover four times in the 19th century in the 19th century and five times with the Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries; The transition to the Georgian calendar would have reduced Petrov's post for 13 days, and in some years it simply would not have been.

Kpome togo, dyhovenctvo cchitaet obctoyatelctva, DURING kotopyh gpigopiancky's Style was vveden in obpaschenie, clishkom podozpitelnymi: in Boctochnoy Evpope in Gpetsii and Konctantinopole ego lobbipovali antihpictiancki nactpoennye people, a in Poccii vvedenie novogo kalendapya bylo cvyazano c naciliem nad ppavoclavnymi, nappimep in In the twenties of the XX century, Episcopal German Herman of Finland organized the persecution against the Russian monks who lived on the Julian calendar.

B 1923 gody covetckoe ppavitelctvo tpebovalo From Cvyateyshego Patpiapha Tihona vvedeniya "novogo" Stilya, ygpozhaya pacppavoy c apectovannym dyhovenctvom, Nr Patpiaph octalcya vepen ppavoclavnoy vepe and ne podpical dokyment. It may be that in these cyber days he remembered that the Lord sends to the Orthodox the Divine Fire named after the Julian calendar, and it is the origin of the origin