Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View

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Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View
Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View

Video: Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View

Video: Sanity Techniques - Countering Hostile NLP - Alternative View
Video: NLP Anchoring - A POWERFUL Guide To Master The NLP Anchor Method 2024, September


Developing feelings of guilt is a powerful lever for manipulating and making you dependent. This is a form of psychological slavery.

The guilty person realizes that he must compensate for the harm caused to him, and that in compensation for this harm the injured party has the right to take something from him, deprive him of something, force him to do something, pay, etc.

The natural feeling of guilt itself is a good feeling, a voice of conscience, and must be followed.

But along with this there is also an imposed feeling of guilt. It differs from the normal one in that the allegedly "injured" party tries to keep you in a state of guilt indefinitely. To do this, they constantly remind you of your guilt, or put forward new and new accusations, periodically demonstrate their own unhappiness and suffering.

Countermeasure method

You should never make excuses.

You need a constant awareness of yourself as the cause of all your actions, taking responsibility for all actions that come from you. You cannot say “circumstances forced me to do this”, instead one should think differently: “in view of such and such circumstances, I DECIDED to do this”.

Promotional video:

The difference is very big.

When you blame external circumstances for everything, you make excuses, automatically assuming the role of the guilty one. You transfer control of the situation to the one to whom you said it. At the same time, such an excuse does not deprive you of a sense of your own guilt, which means that from now on you can be controlled, and now you depend on whoever heard your excuse. Now he decides what to do for you and what to do with you.

When your actions are conditioned by YOUR own decision, you know the motives of the decision, its logic, and you, if you wish, can explain this to the “injured” party by offering help to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen. Help, not slavish duty. Help is provided voluntarily, and only to those who do something themselves.


The sense of duty can also be both natural and artificially sustained.

A sense of duty instilled in a person motivates him to voluntarily perform actions that he does not need, while remaining in the confidence that he is doing the right thing. Moreover, a person can spread this feeling to those around him. At the same time, the essence and reason of the debt, as a rule, is not discussed, it is considered “understandable even to a child”.

By cultivating a sense of duty in people, you can make them give you values, work hard, fight and die for you, as well as bring new people to you, instilling in them a sense of duty to you on your own.

The apotheosis of manipulation is the notion of “unpaid debt” - that is, a debt of a lifetime, not discussed, absolute, inherited through generations, eternal.

Meanwhile, a natural sense of duty exists only in one case: when you borrowed what you needed, agreeing to return it. This feeling disappears simultaneously with the repayment of the debt.

In all other cases, there is a feeling of NECESSITY or GRATITUDE, but not duty. Necessity comes from human nature. Gratitude is a voluntary response with good to the good done to you. Gratitude comes from the joy you experience from the acquisition of this good.

We do not feel debt but gratitude to our parents, for the fact that they helped us to incarnate on Earth.

We feel not a duty but a need for our children, since they are the continuers of our Family on Earth.

We feel not duty but gratitude to our Motherland, for the fact that it has arranged the space around for our convenience, and the need for it if we want it to continue to exist.

We feel not a debt, but gratitude to the Gods for the creation of the World as it is, for taking care of our development, for the possibilities of incarnations in this World.

We only owe the Earth, since we took part of its substance for our body for a while. And we always pay back this debt at the time of death.

Unpaid debts do not exist in this universe principle.

Always, when it comes to some kind of debt, obligation, you should always clarify TO WHOM you owe and WHY. What did you borrow, when and from whom, and when should you pay it back. It is always necessary to understand this. The key phrase in the analysis is “I don’t remember borrowing this from anyone”.


Taboo is an unconditional, absolute and non-negotiable ban on trying to find out some information.

Those who are trying to find out taboo information are trying to convince them, reproach them for violating the rules, norms of decency, and subordination, they are ridiculed, criticized, isolated.

All existing taboos are artificially created rules in order to restrict the dissemination of true information.

There is no natural, natural taboo on clarifying any questions. Everything can be recognized, understood, comprehended. The only existing natural limitation on information is the level of the person's own development.

The method of counteraction is obvious - to continue clarifying taboo information in spite of the taboo. If you are developed enough to be able to receive and "digest" this knowledge, you will receive it. The discovery of this information, as a rule, significantly changes the perception of the world - at least, of the one who discovered it. You should also find out who and why this information was taboo, for a deeper understanding of the processes taking place in society.

Separately, it should be said about such a widespread taboo code as the word "no". In reality, it has many shades: impossible, prohibited, not recommended, fraught, dangerous, useless, etc. The difference between these shades is very significant, and you need to act in accordance with this in completely different ways. You should always explain why it is impossible. There are no "just impossible at all" - there is no, there is always a specific meaning that everyone is able to understand.


Very often we are convinced of the need for some actions, material benefits, a certain way of life. They try to talk about this as often as possible, so that the grafted idea becomes a habit, and begins to seem like a real necessity, a natural need.

We are told about the need for money, while what is really needed is not the money itself, but only some of what we are used to buying for it.

We are told about the need for work, while what is really needed is not work as such, but some of the benefits that we can obtain as a result of labor, and the experience gained.

We are told about the need to fight for a place under the sun, while in reality there is enough of it for everyone in abundance.

Necessity, as mentioned earlier, comes from the nature of man, as a living being, as an embodied soul, as a particle of the Divine mind. Everything that is really necessary is always connected with the vital activity of our body, the continuation of our Kin, the development of our Spirit.

We should be clearly aware of what exactly we need for this, the other and the third. The proposed ways to achieve this are not the only ones, and they are not always correct. We can always get what we need in a way that is convenient for us.


Fear is the most important tool for building power, subordinating people and making them dependent.

By cultivating constant fear in people, you get the opportunity to make any changes in their lives, presenting them as a means of getting rid of fear, and yourself as a savior, while most of people will accept these changes readily.

Most people are capable of experiencing an unaccountable deliberate fear of a threat that has never been seen. Also, most are willing to sacrifice a lot to get rid of this fear. Most of the methods of managing people are based on this.

The only natural reason for feelings of fear is the fear of premature death and the termination of your Family.

Precisely premature death, since all living beings, including humans, who have realized the logical end of their life path, leave life without any fear, calmly and meaningfully.

All other fears come from this.

Threats are direct, occurring to us here and now, and theoretical, the so-called "impending", which is not known whether they exist, will happen to us, but "in principle" - they can.

People are usually controlled using the second kind of threat. We are constantly, around the clock, frightened, reporting in full detail about the troubles that happen to other people. And as a way to get rid of fear, then they offer us to make changes in our lives that we really don't need at all, but are needed only by those who propose them to gain money and power over us.

We are scared of the possibility of contracting the flu by the same people who then offer a vaccine against it.

We are frightened by the possibility of terrorist attacks by the same individuals who then offer us their “helping hand” in exchange for recognizing their authority.

We are frightened by the possibility of dying in poverty by the same persons who then offer to work for them and borrow money from them at interest.

We are frightened by the possibility of becoming an outcast by the same individuals who then offer us the means that "help" us to become like everyone else.


Method of counteraction - it is necessary to independently analyze EVERY threat for its reality and scale each time.

Details of the most invented threats and their discussion are generally taboo.


The more attentive, aware and “eating” a person, the more consciously he lives, the more difficult it is to deceive him, make him dependent and impose changes that he does not need.

To combat this “problem”, many stakeholders:

- urge you not to pay attention to something,

- urge to pay attention to one - "main" - problem, ignoring the rest, as unimportant, - give too simple answers to complex questions, explaining that, supposedly, there is no truth in the complex, and when we doubt, they convince us that we simply do not have enough wisdom to understand them.

- they throw at us too simple, lying on the surface, explanations for events of interest to us.

- introduce into the masses standard judgments that most people use instead of independent reflection.

- they are introducing into the masses the cult of authorities and experts, as well as codes like “the doctor knows best because he is a doctor”.

- purposefully reduce the overall depth of knowledge disseminated through educational institutions and the media.

And, what is unpleasant, this is abused not only by parasites, but also by quite friendly "forces of good": try, for example, to talk with an educated Tibetan monk about the structure of the Universe - instead of a meaningful conversation, you will get a bunch of primitive ones developed for the "European mind" stamps.

The method of struggle is the only one: DECORATION in comprehending everything. Dig as deep as you can.

To be continued