Slavic Calendar - Or Summer 7527? - Alternative View

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Slavic Calendar - Or Summer 7527? - Alternative View
Slavic Calendar - Or Summer 7527? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Calendar - Or Summer 7527? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Calendar - Or Summer 7527? - Alternative View
Video: Five Ancient and Alternative Calendars 2024, September

In this article we will try to figure out what is the Slavic calendar? Is the calendar really the "Gift of Caledus"? In March 2019, according to the Slavic calendar, the year of the Soaring Eagle awaits us, or rather the summer of 7527. What is this chronology and which calendar is worth believing?

Calendar reforms

The calendar is one of the oldest inventions of mankind. The easiest way to find confirmation in the sources for the facts that happened not so long ago. For example, only some three hundred years ago. Not much time has passed. The sources have not yet been fully destroyed and rewritten to suit a certain political situation.


The Tsar's decree was signed on December 19, according to Julian reckoning. "Creation of the World" is not a metaphor, as one might think. Peter the Great, in a very unpatriotic manner, deprived the Slavic people of several thousand years with one stroke of the pen:

An explanation of why Peter 1 went to reform the calendar was given right there. Convenience of communication with foreign neighbors for the sake of, in general.

In addition, it was not forbidden to indicate the date according to the previous calendar, according to the usual "from the creation of the world", but this is only "next" to the new "from the Nativity of Christ."

Promotional video:

Since the Gregorian calendar of the neighboring powers did not coincide with the Julian one, there was a difference of 10 days. Peter the First, who did not doubt the change of millennia, was embarrassed and did not change the dates of Caesar's calendar. In Russia, the decree was signed on December 19, and in Europe it was on the 29th.

The "lagging calendar" was tolerated until the next shock of the country and the change of power. After the October Revolution, the "old" style was changed to the "new" one and in memory of this we received a favorite national holiday - Old New Year.

Attempts to "introduce" the new style have been made several times. For example, in 1830 the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences spoke about the need to change the calendar. However, the minister of public education of that time - Prince K. A. Lieven was against it, which he spoke about in his report to the tsar. Nicholas I had to agree with the prince, and not with the Academy of Sciences.

The next attempts to "shift" the calculation by 10-13 days were made in 1864 and 1899, but they were fiercely "fought back" by the bodies of the royal authorities and representatives of the Synod (church).

Why, as a result, did the calendar move not by 10 days, as it was in 1700, but by 13?

The fact is that there are 365 days and 6 hours in a year (we have rounded up minutes and seconds here).

In the process of development of the calendar system, humanity stopped at the fact that every four years comes a leap year, added, as you remember, on February 29th.

That is, quite a few copies were broken, and as a result we have not the most perfect calendar. The current calendar has 365 days (plus one leap calendar with 366 days), 12 months, 30/31 days a month, 24 hours a day.


Agree, it's good that the draft of the Soviet calendar was never adopted?

And what about our ancestors? How did they solve the problem of "extra" hours, if, of course, they knew about it?

Ancestor calendar of the Slavs

Wikipedia claims that the origin of the word "calendar" has Latin roots. "Calendar" is the first day of the month. Earlier, on calendars, the due date for debts came. Therefore, as we are told, "ledgers" gradually became a calendar in the modern sense.

Another opinion is that the origin of the word is from "Kalyada dar" and then it spread throughout the world and "came down" to Ancient Rome. In favor of this opinion, the following conclusions: in Latin, "debt" - "debitum". Do you recognize the familiar "debit"? The book is in Latin - "libra" or "libellus". A note - "note", "album" or "litera". The ancient Romans also had a separate word to denote the concept of a loan - "faeneror". Why, then, did the notes on the debt, which was recorded and required to be returned, be called precisely on the first day of the month - "calenda"? It turns out that "calendar" and loans are a rather illogical explanation of the origin of the word "calendar" in its subsequent understanding.

More logical seems to be the origin from the gift of Kalyada. Consider this statement.

Chisloboga's round is another name for Kalyada dara, based on the 9 and 16 numerical system of counting. Also for the Slavs, the sacred number is 3.

For tens of millennia of Kalyada Dar "did not run" ahead and "did not lag behind" even a day! The reason for Circled's accuracy is that it is based on a mathiacal model of the universe. It takes into account the galactic place of the Earth and its axial centralization.


The calendar is displayed in Runes. The forties is a month of forty days. The Fortieth - the first in a row was designated by one Rune, and the subsequent ones - by a combination of the Rune of the first Fortieth with the second Rune, which denoted part of the rotation of the Earth around Yarila (the Sun).

One cycle of the Earth's rotation around Yarila was Summer. If we multiply 40 (days) by 9 (months), we get 360 days. The week consisted of nine - 9 days.

"Leto" has many concepts in Russian. “How old are you?”, Not “years”. And also: chronicle, chronology, in years (middle-aged), in his youth, sink into oblivion …

"Years" - to fly without support, and "o" - a circle, "summer" - to fly in a circle.

Dates in the Chronicles were written in letters, not numbers, as Peter the Great ordered.

So, this is how the years were calculated (at the time of the introduction of the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, i.e. 1700):

Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple;

12708 from the Great Cold;

44244 from the Creation of the Great Colo Russenia;

106478 from the Founding of Asgard of Irian;

111813 from the Great Migration from Daariya;

And further, until Summer 604 074 from the Time of the Three Suns …

Let us recall that this is as of 1700, i.e. we add to these dates the 319 years that have passed since the Petrine reform.

In March 2019, the 7527th summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple begins.

What does S. M. Z. Kh. - Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

Some historians believe that the Creation of the World should be understood as the conclusion of peace in the great battle of two peoples. The Great Race (Slavic-Aryans) defeated the Great Dragon (Chinese or Arimami).

Another opinion is that an unusual phenomenon of the stars was observed that year, which was called the Creation of the World. Due to the fact that the letters in the Russian alphabet were changed, the word "peace" began to be understood only as a consequence of victory, and before that "peace" had a different meaning - "device", "order".

It consisted in the fact that the center of the ecliptic, the axis of rotation of the Earth and the brightest star of the northern hemisphere Arcturus were lined up on one line. The uniqueness of the phenomenon and the calculations by years can be viewed by the link to the work of the scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Tyunyaev.

Star map of 5508 BC
Star map of 5508 BC

Star map of 5508 BC

Mosaic "Creation of the World", 12th century, Cathedral of Monreale
Mosaic "Creation of the World", 12th century, Cathedral of Monreale

Mosaic "Creation of the World", 12th century, Cathedral of Monreale.

Creation of the world, 13th century
Creation of the world, 13th century

Creation of the world, 13th century

Thus, according to Tyunyaev, the astronomical event became the starting point of the Slavic calendar. Then, knowledge of astronomy was gradually lost. Priests who knew astronomy were destroyed by foreigners, and knowledge was distorted and passed on in a religious way or as myths.

In addition, the very date from the Creation of the World is 5508 BC. taken by historians on the basis of the "Byzantine" version of the chronology. But there were still other options: Jewish, Jewish, Alexandrian, according to Theophilus, according to Augustine and many others. There are quite a few chronicles that have come down to us, and they all point to different years of the Creation of the World.

Russian folk calendar

What was the situation with chronology in the not so distant past - in our era? Starting with baptism in the 10th century according to the familiar Gregorian calendar?


In Russia, the calendar was called a month. This is an agrarian or folk calendar. Along with it, the ecclesiastical and civil ones existed and were used. All three calendars were somewhat similar, but in some ways very different. Therefore, confusion arose quite often. The folk calendar indicated events related to the life of the peasants - when to carry out certain works. This is a kind of encyclopedia of folk life - a diary of everyday life and holidays, customs and culture of that time.

After the adoption of Christianity, many popular holidays became banned by the church as pagan. The people could not just give up their customs and rituals, so the church skillfully changed the names of the holidays, renamed the saints and changed the interpretation to Christian.

At the time of the baptism of Russia, the Julian calendar was introduced. It was not accepted by the people, because the names of the months were incomprehensible - the numbers were in Latin, the months themselves were 3 more, and the beginning of the year was in autumn, not spring. The clergy came up with a way out - they began to call the months in Slavic: chill, serpen, etc. Then the names of the months stuck, but the folk calendar continued to be used along with the church calendar. Indeed, in the church one could only see church dates, but in life completely different ones were required - when to carry out certain works, when to celebrate the day of Kupala or Maslenitsa-Marena.

In addition, there was confusion about the coverage of events. Russian chroniclers pointed to the date from S. M. Z. Kh. given that the beginning of the year was in the spring. Greek invited chroniclers - date from S. M. from the beginning of the year in the fall. There was a 1 year difference if the date was, for example, March 1. Ivan the Third issued a decree, according to which the beginning of the year began to be celebrated from March 1, 6856 from S. M. Z. Kh. The people responded to the ban on using the "old" calendar with riots and reprisals against "God" people. Ivan the Third was forced to allow the use of two calendars. One - church - was considered official, and the second - national.

By the summer of 7000, the mood of the "end of the world" began. After the date came, making sure that the apocalypse had not come, the Church decided to postpone the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1.

In 7090, the calendar of Pope Gregory XII was adopted by the Catholic Church. We call it Gregorian. And the calculation according to the Gregorian calendar began to be conducted from the Nativity of Christ.

It is further known that Peter I introduced the Gregorian calendar in 7208 and began on January 1, 1700.


Pagan holidays were, if possible, "reshaped" for Christian ones: the Day of God Veles became the day of Blasius. The Day of God Kupala is the day of Ion the Baptist. The day of God Perun is the day of Elijah the Prophet.

Gradually, the folk calendar became twofold - folk customs, pagan and Christian holidays were intertwined in it.

Popular calculus, be that as it may, is strongly associated with the changing seasons. Spiridony's day is the day of the winter solstice (December 21) and it was postponed to the 25th - for Christmas. And Maslenitsa - the beginning of the brace (in modern terms) - from March 21 according to the Christian calendar is timed to Easter and began to have a floating date.

As a result, we have observed a kind of fusion of Orthodoxy and Christianity in the calendar. The coexistence of folk and church dates and holidays at the present time is no longer possible to somehow separate, it is a whole system. Alive, changing and evolving. The folk calendar depends on the situation in the country, reflecting and absorbing all the most important and significant.

Why is it difficult to restore the Slavic calendar?

Have you also noticed that if 40 days are multiplied by 9 months we get 360 days, this is not 365? Where have 5-6 days a year gone if historians claim that the Slavic chronology was so accurate that even for several millennia no errors have accumulated, and not that we have leap years every four years? The fact is that in the fortieth century there could be 40 or 41 days.

The day was 16 hours for 144 parts. 1 hour (about 90 minutes) was 1296 Stakes (about 37.56 seconds). There are 72 moments in the Share, each moment is 760 moments. One instant was equal to 160 Sig, and Sig - 14 thousand Santigues.

Another question is how and who finds and explains the sources. Scientists are people too. In 1988, the oldest human site was discovered in the Diring-Yuryakh area. This is Yakutia. The estimated age of the site is about 2.5 million years. But according to the generally accepted theory, life began to spread from Africa. (Not to mention the monkey). In the Chelyabinsk region, a settlement was found from the 20th century - 2 BC. - Arkaim. Excavations prove that man at that time was even very culturally developed, again, not to mention other aspects of development. The disputes between historians and the labeling of "pseudoscientists" and "esoterics" do not stop. The very scatter of dating of the buildings of Arkaim is indicative - from the 20th to the 2nd century BC.

The Achinsk rod (calendar) is about 18 thousand years old. The same unanswered questions.

It turns out that it is not enough to find a "trace", you still need to interpret it.

Legends reach us not only through stones and settlements. Another direction is oral folk art. This is where there is a fantasy roaming! As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. If some important event happened, it will definitely be reflected. The tale of that important event, overgrown with details, will be passed on from generation to generation. And through fairy tales, where "a lie is a lesson for good fellows," you can catch the thread of knowledge accumulated long ago.

But this is a completely different story … As a result of creativity, we can give an example of the Slavic totem calendar.


Starting to answer the question: what is the gift of the Kaleda or the Slavic calendar, we received even more questions. Of course, it would be nice to write: here it is, such an accurate and beautiful calendar. Use like our ancestors thousands of years ago. But unfortunately, so few sources have reached us that could provide comprehensive answers. Imagine that again (?) There will be a flood (change the poles, etc.) and sweep away all the achievements of civilization. Only boulders will remain here and there. No books, no computers. Our distant descendants in three or four thousand years will find burials and will judge the development of our civilization by their decorations. Well, and, of course, study the rock paintings, the same ones that we are now studying ourselves. And stone calendars.

I'd be glad if my research made you think about seemingly mundane things. Sometimes asking a question is much more important than getting an answer.