The Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

The Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View
The Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View
Video: You will never speak bad words again after watching this! The Power of Words are HUGE 2024, September

Obscene language, even despite recent attempts to limit its amount by law, is the norm for many people, even quite cultured ones. Maybe there is nothing terrible in foul language, mate? Meanwhile, it is no coincidence that officially obscene expressions are taboo. It turns out that this has been the custom in Russia since ancient times …

Disputes about the origin of the Russian mat have been going on for a long time. For a long time it was believed that the mate came from the Tatar-Mongols. But not so long ago, on the territory of Russia, a piece of birch bark was found, which served in ancient times for writing. On it were scribbled with writing … obscene expressions. Thus, it was proved that it was not the Tatar-Mongol conquerors who taught us to swear at all, this is our own, birthright …

There is a version that mate is a special language in which our ancestors communicated with dark forces that require amulets and spells - devils, devil, water …


In Russia, mate was originally called black language. Ethnographers claim that obscene words were addressed to a person in order to curse the "victim". It was a sacrifice to Satan. It was considered a terrible sin to curse a child or a pregnant woman. During pagan times, it was strictly forbidden to use foul language in the house and even in the barn (so as not to jinx the cattle).

Scientists have found out that our distant ancestors used "black" language, swearing to convert sexual energy into physical strength during spring plowing, on Shrovetide, on their wedding night … And they swore only a few days a year. Moreover, only men were allowed to use foul language.

At the time of Ivan the Terrible or Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, it was impossible to hear obscenities on the street. According to the cathedral code, the use of the mat was severely punished, up to the death penalty …

In order to stop the spread of mat throughout the country, in Russia its use was severely punished. In the Middle Ages, tongues were pierced for obscenities with a red-hot ramrod, they were imprisoned, they were put at the pillory, and in more enlightened times they were fined, shamed, forced to rinse their mouths with soapy water in public …

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And after the revolution, the Russian philosopher Sergei Bulgakov called the victory of the Bolsheviks, who in their anthem called themselves "branded curse", "the victory of swearing."

However, analogs of the Russian mat are available in many languages. By the way, Muslims have the most offensive word "pig". The Chinese take a heavy insult by calling someone a "green turtle" or a "hare."


Insults referring to the realities of the sexual sphere are known in many European countries. "Name-calling" are considered unbearably offensive, the meaning of which involves prostitution, the status of "cuckold", accusations of homosexuality … In the United States, the expression "ay fak" - "I had" is very common. The French have a biting expression "dable merde" - "double shit" …

Maybe we should borrow a foreign language to avoid accusations of vulgarity? Foreign terms, as a rule, are not associated with their true meaning. Perhaps for this reason, representatives of the near and far abroad so willingly resort to Russian swearing.

After all, cultured and sober-minded people have long been ashamed of the mat and tried to find a substitute for it in the form of softer expressions - euphemisms such as "edrena bump", "japanese mother", "Japanese policeman", "tak-razetak", "badge fly", "fool the heels "," An eccentric with the letter "m", "fleas bit his ulcer."

The great verbal scholar V. I. Dal cites sayings on the verge of decency: "The nightingale is on the birdless and the priest," "Eggs interfere with the bad dancer," and so on … And recently such a humorous definition has been born: "An intellectual is one who is able to swear in a letter without grammatical errors."

Today, alas, many do not hesitate to use swearing in front of women and children, and the weaker sex, along with the younger generation, often do not shy away from swearing … Who in our days will think about the original meaning of swearing? More and more often we hear about the benefits of the mat. They say that mate quickly helps to get rid of stress, relieves troubles. And it's more fun to use obscenities …

But, as some studies have shown, swearing people age faster, and those who avoid mating, on the contrary, live longer … Anyway, it turns out that it is better to avoid mating, at least in everyday life. Even discharging in a stressful situation. Just in case…