Mystical Photograph - Alternative View

Mystical Photograph - Alternative View
Mystical Photograph - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Photograph - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Photograph - Alternative View
Video: Magical Photography - Great Creative Ideas #2 2024, September

It is not for nothing that they say that mirrors and photographs have mystical properties, since they store the energy of a person looking into a reflective glass or a camera lens. No wonder wise people advise: be afraid to be photographed.

By the way, the photograph saves all information about the person captured on it, and therefore sorcerers and magicians can easily determine from the photograph whether a person is alive or not, and the most powerful of them - even when and how a person died, for example, who killed him and where there is still not found the body of the missing person. But sometimes such pictures themselves become connecting threads with the afterlife. Here is one of the many examples of this.

A resident of Kemerovo Olga Demchuk, as a student, met with a young man named Igor. She had a strange trait for a young and beautiful girl: Olga did not like to be photographed. Well, I didn't love at all, it’s not even clear why. Because of this, Igor was constantly offended and complained that they did not have a single joint picture. Finally Olya gave up and agreed to a single shared photo. The resulting photograph, which she did not like at all, she gave to Igor and immediately forgot about it. And two months later, the guy died in a car accident.

For a long time Olya could not come to her senses, but the days passed - and the grief gradually receded, dissolved, dissipated in the stream of everyday life. Deep sadness receded, only good and bright memories of their short-lived happiness remained …

Once, while sitting at home, Olya took out old photo albums and began to look through the pictures taken with “soap dishes”. Suddenly, the girl saw the same photo in which she was with Igor and which she immediately gave to him! But how could it end up in their family archive if the guy had never been to her house and could not return the picture even secretly?.. And why would he do it?


However, the photo once again reminded of the deceased Igor, but so painfully that the girl almost burst into tears. Without realizing how this picture ended up here, Olya decided to hide it far away, so as not to reopen the old mental wound …

A mystical photo begins to haunt the girl

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A few days later, returning from the institute, the girl found her mother with the same mystical photograph in her hands. The woman explained that she had found a picture under the table, and here Olga really felt uncomfortable. She said something to her mother, answered some questions, and herself thought: how and why does this photo persist in her, Olya's, life? Immediately she remembered that for some reason she stubbornly did not want to act with Igor, although now, when he was gone in her life, she lost this addiction of fear of the camera …


This time Olya decided to play it safe. Taking the picture, the girl bent the mysterious picture so that she was on one side, and Igor on the other. Then the girl put the photo in the small pocket of her old bag, zipped both zippers on it and put the bag in the farthest corner of the closet …

… On that momentous morning, the doorbell rang when Olga was sitting over her notes. It turned out that their neighbor had brought a registered letter for Olya's parents. Thanking her, the girl returned to the table and saw some piece of paper on her notebook. With trembling hands Olga turned it over: it was a half of a mystical photograph with her own image …

Olga opened the pantry, pulled out an old bag and rummaged through it several times, but she could not find the second half of the picture, from which a living and happy Igor was looking at her until recently …

Daniil Myslinsky