You Can Kill Yourself And Others With A Word - Alternative View

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You Can Kill Yourself And Others With A Word - Alternative View
You Can Kill Yourself And Others With A Word - Alternative View

Video: You Can Kill Yourself And Others With A Word - Alternative View

Video: You Can Kill Yourself And Others With A Word - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, September

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you will not catch it. This old proverb, unfortunately, states the irreversible effect of words on the world around us. For hours chatting on the phone, discussing neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances, we are unaware of the power of the impact of our words on these people even behind their backs. Even if they don't hear them. Sometimes we wonder where our illnesses, misfortunes and troubles come from, as if they arise out of the blue. The blame for everything is a careless word that someone may have said in our address. Or maybe we ourselves said it, without thinking about the consequences.

“In the beginning was the Word,” is written in the Gospel of John. We often hear this phrase used to prove the great power of the word. But few people remember the continuation of the phrase. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It is this continuation that indicates the divine, magical power of every kind word we uttered. At the moment of speaking, we become like the one who created this world and rules it with the help of his word. Cyril and Methodius defined the Word as Logos. And the Logos (Greek concept) meant the law of world development, and a certain Higher Power that controls the world.

The word contains a message, desire, a deep inner motive of a person, and it has such a force that many do not even suspect, literally throwing words to the wind.

How do we throw words to the wind?

• Parents, raising their child, often program him with their thoughtless and careless words, calling him a bungler, a bum, a bore, an inept, a whiner, etc. They want to do what is best, that is, to achieve the opposite effect, so that their child is not lazy and muddled. But it turns out the other way around. Seal. And the label remains for the rest of your life.

• People, evaluating the efforts of another person, often say: "You will never succeed", "You always lose", "You will never cope with this problem", "You will never understand (you will not do it, you will not be able to) …" etc. etc. Never say never"! But we hear such sentences almost every day. Moreover, we pronounce them ourselves, evaluating our own activities. What for? Throwing these words, we write our own and others' lives.

• In a moment of anger, pain, fear, excitement, defending ourselves or expressing protest, we often, in a state of passion or in our hearts, say terrible words: “So that you feel empty!”, “So that you are dead!”, “Damn you!”, "May your tongue dry out!" Without hesitation, we wish our neighbor to fail somewhere, and he fails. Then our anger passes, we have already forgotten about our prophetic words, and the one on whom our curse was directed lies in the hospital with a plaster cast. And this is at best. Three minutes of anger can destroy years of friendship and love. Fear the anger that can't keep your mouth shut.

Promotional video:

The most interesting thing is that the negative word spoken by us affects not only the one at whom it is directed. But also on ourselves. It's like we are releasing our own strength.

Buddhists consider human speech to be the main source of energy loss.

In Christianity, it has long been believed that it is not what goes into the mouth that matters, but what comes out of the mouth, that is, what a person says, says. It is no coincidence that we have always had hermits who retired in remote, deserted places in order to pray and not spend spiritual strength in empty conversations, but to accumulate and strengthen themselves and their spirit.

Chatter is the main obstacle to our development. Sage Patanjali, a master of yoga and oriental practitioners, believes that there is a close connection between the human mind, speech, body and soul. Errors in a person's speech are not accidental, they speak of some serious disorders in the psyche, emotional development, communication. Therefore, stuttering, stammering, slurred speech is an indicator of some kind of internal problems of a person.

The word is a manifestation of prana - the energy of the universe

Ayurveda says that a word is a manifestation of prana. And prana is the force of life, the energy of the Universe. The more prana a person has, the healthier, more successful and harmonious he is. Charismatic people literally radiate prana and at the same time receive it from others, because by giving love, they get back sympathy and benevolence.

“One day a disciple went to the master and asked:

- You advise to live with an open mind and an open heart. But then all the mind and all the goodness can fly away?

- You just shut your mouth tight. And everything will be fine, - the master answered."

Universal energy is spent when a person says something condemning, criticizes, strains the space with claims, discontent, compares and condemns, when a person uses mat. It is estimated that 90% of fights between people occur because people say bad words to each other. They hurt, humiliate, criticize, annoy, get angry …

The Bhagavad-Gita claims that true austerity of speech (austerity - self-restraint, self-denial, exercise, the result of which should be enlightenment, the achievement of spiritual goals) is the ability to speak the truth with good, pleasant words for a person.

On the other hand, we ourselves, sometimes without hesitation, litter our speech with slang, rough words, swearing, slang and other disharmonious manifestations, thereby violating the harmony of our existence. This rubbish pollutes not only our speech, but also our life. And we are still wondering where our problems come from, why we fail, why we are unlucky, etc.

Eastern sages believe that in order to preserve and increase prana, each person should become

• a doctor who heals (maintains) his body;

• a grammar and spelling expert who monitors his speech;

• a philosopher who clears his consciousness of negativity and comprehends the absolute truth and laws of the Universe.

Our speech is to blame for everything!

Scientists have long been studying the effect of human speech on living organisms. Not simple sounds, mooing and unintelligible mumbling, but meaningful words that carry information.

It turned out that the spoken word, speech, is a structurally stable solitary wave that propagates in a nonlinear medium. Scientists have discovered the so-called mysterious solitons - waves that have the properties of particles that can penetrate into the surrounding world and affect it. They behave like intelligent beings. They change us and the world around us. In essence, a word is a soliton, an independently living unit that affects others, regardless of distance and time of pronunciation. It is no coincidence that close people sometimes hear the voices of their relatives at a very distant distance, as if guessing their wishes and words.

It's great if these words are good. With the help of kind and wonderful words, we are able to change our planet, make it a blooming garden where everyone will live happily and happily. But a word can kill! And create absolutely unbearable conditions, promote violence, wars, etc. “With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead the shelves. The word can be sold, and betrayed, and bought, the word can be poured into blasting lead,”wrote Vadim Shefner.

The researchers conducted an experiment with wheat germ. Some of them were put in a room where people said only good pleasant words to each other, where they often smiled and joked. And the plants themselves were called affectionate words. Other sprouts were placed in a room with conflicting people. And plants were also treated with harsh words and curses. It may seem surprising, but you yourself already guessed where the shoots looked better and developed more actively. Of course, where they were told affectionate words!

Imagine how our world, people around, ourselves will flourish, if a good, sincere and kind word enters our habit. After all, we can save our planet only by stopping speaking harsh words and watching our speech! It's that simple!

But why is all this so difficult to accomplish?

• A bad word leaves the mouth more easily.

• It is not necessary to think about the wrong, erroneous and rude speech, it does not require mental and mental efforts.

• Negative discussion of others elevates us in our own eyes. Console our pride. That is, they play on our weaknesses.

Careful with words

Psychologists have noticed that most often we criticize and condemn those shortcomings that are inherent in ourselves. Moreover, when discussing the qualities of people, we involuntarily sort out or try on these qualities for ourselves. That is, we become like the people we are discussing. So maybe you should talk about good people in order to become better yourself?

• And it is better not to discuss or criticize anyone at all. Have you tried it? Try it, you will be surprised to notice that every day and every hour you want to make some critical remark about something and someone. Don't do it! Cleanse criticism of yourself and others. And your speech will become clearer. And life is better!

It is also noticed that the one who criticizes gives part of the positive karma to the one he criticizes. That is, it is useful for the criticized, but for the one who opens his mouth to him, it is very harmful, because he loses his energy.

• Second rule: avoid extremes. God is in the little things, Satan is in the extremes. Do not go to extremes, and if you do, then keep your tongue on a leash. Try not to utter words during moments of critical emotional outbursts. That's when you can say too much. What can you do so that words do not fly out of you in moments of anger, resentment and pain? Try to count to ten. Pause your harsh conversation. Better think first, and then say, if you really can't wait. But the most optimal thing at such moments is to remain silent.

• The third rule: try to get rid of claims to people and the world. And learn to be grateful. Gratitude is the main way to say good words. Giving the blessing of the word to others, you gain reciprocal gratitude and do not lose anything. As a rule, we do not know how and do not like to be grateful neither towards our loved ones, nor, even more so, towards strangers. But without gratitude, our soul will be filled only with claims and bad words.

In this regard, I recall the lines of I. Brodsky, better than whom, perhaps, you cannot say:

“I entered a cage instead of a wild beast, burned his term and klikuhu with a nail in the barracks, lived by the sea, played roulette, the devil knows with whom in a tailcoat.

From the height of the glacier, I looked around half the world, he sank three times, was ripped twice.

I left the country that nurtured me.

From those who forgot me, you can make a city.

I wandered in the steppes, remembering the cries of the Hun, put on what is back in fashion, sowed rye, covered the threshing floor with black roofing paper

and did not drink only dry water.

I let the blued pupil of the convoy into my dreams

ate the bread of exile without leaving a crust.

Allowed his vocal cords to make all sounds except howling;

switched to a whisper. Now I'm forty.

What can you tell me about life? Which turned out to be long.

Only with grief do I feel solidarity.

But until my mouth was filled with clay, from it only gratitude will be distributed."
