Onassis's "ghost" Harasses The Inhabitants Of The Island - Alternative View

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Onassis's "ghost" Harasses The Inhabitants Of The Island - Alternative View
Onassis's "ghost" Harasses The Inhabitants Of The Island - Alternative View

Video: Onassis's "ghost" Harasses The Inhabitants Of The Island - Alternative View

Video: Onassis's
Video: 10 CREEPY MOMENTS ON TV 2024, October

The ghost of the legendary figure - Onassis, often visits his former home on Earth - the island of Skorpios, which pretty much spoils the nerves of others.

This is evidenced by the shocking confessions of a member of the security service Rybolovlev and a local fisherman from Nydri, according to the Greek newspaper Espresso.

An inexplicable mystery - why the restless spirit of Aristotle Onassis is so closely watching what is happening in his former domain. The ghost of the island of Scorpios causes attacks of uncontrollable horror among the staff of the villas and the fisherman, who with obvious superstition refer to the creepy figure hanging over the island - the shadow of "himself" Aristotle Onassis!

Reality or myth? Be that as it may, the difficult historical legacy of Fr. Skorpios, the curse imposed by the Greek Croesus on his inheritance, was unexpectedly intertwined with various supernatural phenomena that began to occur on the island, immediately after Rybolovlev's acquisition of it.

A ghost - a dense dark clot in the form of a figure with glasses on his nose (well, just the spitting image of Onassis!) Unexpectedly appeared near the famous Pink Villa and on the road leading to the vineyards, as evidenced by one of Dmitry Rybolovlev's security personnel, hired by him when Skorpios crossed into the hands of the Russian tycoon and his family members.

The words of the guard are confirmed by a certain fisherman from Nydri, who was once on the island and saw with his own eyes how "a figure dressed in black moves along the road leading from the Pink Villa to the vineyards", whose image was very reminiscent of the former owner of Scorpios - Aristotle Onassis!

The "curse" of Onassis

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Many are still convinced that when Athena Onassis in 2013 rented out Fr. Scorpios for $ 130 million, the "curse of the Onassis clan" will be ended. Whatever the will of her grandfather, the "curse" was one of the reasons why Athena was so eager to get rid of the inheritance. At first, she decided to sell the island altogether, but after the recommendations of lawyers, she rented it out for 99 years.

Article 9 of the will of Aristotle Onassis quite clearly says about the future of Scorpios, where it is indicated that the island will either remain in the Onassis family, or will be transferred to the Greek state, which completely ruled out the possibility of its sale and transfer into “wrong hands”. The Greek Croesus thus wanted to protect his most beloved acquisitions at all costs, with which it was so difficult for him to part.

Skorpios was more than just “one of the real estate assets” for Onassis, as, in his words, it was here that he experienced “the greatest joys in life” and “the greatest sorrow” - the death of his son Alexander.

The island's staff, who worked for Onassis, said that after the death of his son, Aristotle began to look "like a ghost." He walked every day from the Pink Villa to the cemetery and his bent figure, broken by violent emotions, resembled a shadow … The staff of the villa still remember his stopped gaze and the fact that the tycoon began to "melt right before our eyes", unable to cope with the loss of his son.

This aspect, oddly enough, was described by Rybolovlev's guard, an Asian who until that time knew little about the island's past. Indeed, after the story of the strange events that unfolded before his eyes, he was forced to leave the island, suspecting that he was "moved by reason"!

According to his testimony, the first meeting with the ghost occurred on his shift two years ago, when he was carrying out a post and inspecting the surroundings around the Pink Villa. Suddenly, he said, he saw a human figure ahead that he had never seen before. The description of the ghost and the drawing made clearly resembled the image of the former owner of the island, circulated on the Internet - a black suit, a cigar in one hand, and the other in a trouser pocket. When the guard approached to see who this man was and what he was doing in the villa at such a late hour, the figure walked away a little with a characteristic gait, and then completely melted into thin air.

When the security guard asked his colleagues if there were any visitors or guests in the villa, they answered him with a categorical refusal, which began to lead him to strange thoughts.

A similar incident happened again after a short period of time. This prompted a member of the security service to start inquiring about the island's "past".

When he saw numerous photographs of Onassis on the Internet, he realized that the male figure he saw was himself, in person! The guard was dumbfounded - it meant that he was face to face with the ghost of a Greek tycoon! Deep in thought, the security decided to keep their discovery to themselves.

However, after a while, he had to face another strange phenomenon. While on duty, he suddenly saw the light in the Pink Villa turn on and off. The guard immediately ran to the scene to see what was happening. But when he entered the house and thoroughly searched it, there was no one there (which excluded someone's joke or a practical joke) and there was absolute silence. The switches were all right, and apparently nobody had touched them.

However, the law enforcement officer decided to report the incident to his superiors. On an emergency basis, an electrician was called to the island, who carefully checked the wiring, sockets and switches, and then said that everything was in perfect order.

For the guard, this was the last straw that overflowed the glass. Concerned that he was apparently losing his mind, he reported everything to his superiors and asked to fire him in order to leave the damned island. Of course, the confessions of the security guards began to be intensively discussed, and one day they reached the ears of a local fisherman who decided to share his story.

He said that he also saw a figure in black, very similar to Onassis, who "walked" along the road from the Pink Villa to the vineyards. But he did not tell anyone about this, as he was afraid that he would be laughed at. But since there was someone who had already seen something similar, the fisherman decided to tell his truth.

Is Onassis satisfied with how the new owners are keeping the island?

Article 9 of the will of Onassis also emphasizes a certain condition. If the heirs are not able to cope with the maintenance of the island of Scorpios and Sparti (i.e. costs about $ 100,000 per year), then Skorpios will have to go to the state.

And Sparti Island will go to Olympic Airways and will be used by the staff as a summer resort and recreation area for children.

The will also states that this donation excludes 30 acres on Scorpios, the area where the chapel and the grave of his son Alexander are located. Subsequently, Aristotle Onassis himself and his daughter Christina were buried here.

Apparently, the late tycoon is not very pleased with what is happening on the island, since he is disturbing those who are still alive with his presence …


