Pleasant Surprises Of Destiny - Alternative View

Pleasant Surprises Of Destiny - Alternative View
Pleasant Surprises Of Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Pleasant Surprises Of Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Pleasant Surprises Of Destiny - Alternative View
Video: 🔴 ОБАЛДЕТЬ !!! 🔴 Марс делает транзит 👍👍👍 2024, September

We often complain that only negative surprises come from the Universe. In fact, there are many positive moments, it's just that the brain works like this: we remember bad and traumatic events longer. I will not give out trivial advice, which is already full on the Internet about the "setting for happiness." I can only say one thing: try to notice the positive moments more often, and you will be surprised - there are no less of them than negative ones.

It is almost impossible to master the technique of simoron without proper preparation and complete breaking of consciousness. Optimism is great, but until the first failure. Itself like this: every morning I tune in that I will attract only positive emotions, and in the evening I understand that nothing came of this idea. And all why? Because the main thing is to "catch the wave", to tune the mind to the frequency of pleasant surprises. If you succeed, consider that the day was not in vain!

Just the other day, a very funny story happened to me, which finally convinced me that by tuning in to joyful vibrations, miracles can be done.

Middle of the day, everything is redone, the tenth cup of coffee is drunk. I want something like that. Well, you know how it happens: suddenly you realize that if you don't eat a piece of cake or an eclair this minute, the day will be wasted! But laziness, you understand that too! Too lazy to get dressed and go to the store (I work from home). Too lazy to get up from the computer and disrupt the peaceful course of the day. God bless him, with the eclair, I thought at that moment, I will survive. But the thought of a delicious custard cake sprinkled with biscuit crumbs took root in my mind. It seemed to me that even a taste of this wonderful delicacy appeared in my mouth.

A couple of hours later, a friend calls me and orders me to immediately go to the bus stop. She is coming home from work and there is a surprise for me. I'm going out. A friend is already at the entrance, on a bench there is a branded package of a pastry shop baking breathtaking desserts.

A friend recently successfully passed the first qualifying exam in the course, and thus wanted to "put down". I open the package with trembling hands. However, I didn't even need to clarify what was in it. Have you already guessed? Of course, those same eclairs "from childhood": with magic cream and biscuit sprinkles.

A friend said that as soon as she entered the pastry shop, she immediately decided that she would buy cakes. What prompted her to buy eclairs, she does not know. But I'm sure - it was me who at a distance inspired the idea of this delicacy. And I think that my desire to devour a harmful, but tasty dessert went straight to the World Information Store. There, the idea took shape in a specific application, and the girlfriend only had to receive this application in time. Of course, the cakes are not taken from "nowhere", they are bought for real money, in a particular store. Someone or Someone will not deliver them to your doorstep, ring the doorbell and run away. An order made in accordance with all the rules will be brought by a specific person. However, this is no longer your problem, who exactly will fulfill the request, the main thing is to really want to get something. It seems that I can explain it clearly.

In fact, it is very difficult to explain the mechanism of "delivery of desires". Much should coincide here: both the strength of your intention and the reality of your goals.

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The advanced "Simoronians" say correctly: the more specific the task and the simpler the desire, the faster it will be delivered to the doorstep. In my case, these were the simplest eclairs.

But, friends, the story did not end there. While I was formulating a request for cakes in the afternoon, in addition to work, I managed to do a lot of chores around the house. At the same time, playfully, I prepared a huge pot of stuffed peppers. My friend has no time to cook, so I periodically toss her something for dinner. That same evening, in exchange for a package from a branded pastry shop, I handed her my present. That she did not specifically say in the tray, they say, you come home and see for yourself.

Imagine my surprise when Natasha called me and happily informed me that she had been thinking about stuffed peppers all day today. I even imagined how they looked and how they tasted. The dinner I prepared was completely in line with her wishes. When asked how I managed to find out what exactly she dreamed about, there is only one answer. Her request to the universe was as clear and clear as mine.

And you say that Fate throws only troubles. Yes, I myself say so often that it is a sin to be honest. By the way, it is precisely because of clearly formulated requests that troubles often come into our lives. Irony aside, we ourselves program ourselves for failure, loss and problems. Our ancestors said correctly: "to call trouble." Do not say bad thoughts out loud: dark entities will gladly embody them in reality, because they feed on negative emotions.

Remember the parable about the woman who drives home from work and tediously lists what kind of boor her boss is, naughty children and a lazy husband. At this moment, the angel behind her shoulder painstakingly writes everything down in a notebook. She rereads it and sighs: “I don’t understand why this is all to her. But if he wants, he will have to do it, nothing can be done about it”!

Of course, the parable exaggerates the true state of affairs, many events do not depend on us in any way, and you have to turn to specialists for help in resolving difficult situations. But the main message is clear - do not say nasty things out loud, do not litter the airwaves with negativity, there is already enough of it. We cannot heal from a disease just by thinking about recovery, for this we need to see a doctor. Money will not rain on your head, you have to work hard and so on. But we can take at least a little bit of joy from the common cauldron of Happiness. To do this, you do not have to be a wizard or a magician, just clearly formulate a good idea and send it to "free swimming" on the radio waves of the Cosmos. At some point, the thought will find someone who will be able to bring it to life. And then by evening tea you will have a coveted cake or pastries. Now I'm training with small goals. Who knows, maybe I'll learn to attract global positive changes into my life. I really want a country house with all the amenities!