Suggestion Of Thoughts At A Distance And The Power Of Impact - Alternative View

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Suggestion Of Thoughts At A Distance And The Power Of Impact - Alternative View
Suggestion Of Thoughts At A Distance And The Power Of Impact - Alternative View

Video: Suggestion Of Thoughts At A Distance And The Power Of Impact - Alternative View

Video: Suggestion Of Thoughts At A Distance And The Power Of Impact - Alternative View
Video: The $5,200,000,000,000 Trick Killing More Than Covid, w Stephen Fry. 2024, September

The power of suggestion is a completely unexplored phenomenon. There is a version that our thoughts work like radio waves, and if you learn to control these radio waves and direct them in the right direction, you can learn to inspire your thoughts and desires in other people. Today we will try to figure out how to learn how to inspire your thoughts and desires, and to make those around you fulfill your desires.

How to learn to inspire thoughts

To be able to control others, you need to learn to control yourself. Look at yourself from the outside. How do you handle stressful situations? How organized are you? Do you know how to achieve your goals? Physical condition also plays an important role, for we all know that a healthy mind is in a healthy body! If all this is not about you, then you can skip reading. This also applies to drug and alcohol lovers.

Learn to concentrate your attention on some inanimate object, thinking that it is performing some action at this time. For example, place a box of matches in front of you and think that it is about to catch fire. Of course, the box will not light up, but it will teach you to direct your thoughts in the right direction. Do this exercise once a day, increasing the time daily. It is important to achieve such an effect that you have a really burning box in front of you! As soon as you learn to concentrate your thoughts on one object for at least one hour, you can proceed to the next stage.

It is better to start with your loved ones: husband, wife, brother. The easiest way to instill thoughts is during a conversation. Try to come up with a compelling story so that the listener is fully in your attention. At the same time, you need to concentrate all your attention on the victim, as on a box of matches. You should start simple. For example, when telling your beloved wife about a funny incident at work, direct all your thoughts to the fact that she invited you to drink a cup of tea. Think constantly about this tea, about how your wife brews it, mixes it, offers it to you - all this should be before your eyes, as in reality. Happened? Then you can gradually complicate tasks and switch to other people. And then everything will go by itself.

The zack who inspired desires. Eyewitness Anatoly

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This happened to me in 1997. It so happened that I was a family man with a good job and was sentenced to fifteen days of arrest for a drunken trick. I just returned from prison a month later. Or rather, my wife took me from the prison hospital.

Strange events unfolded in a prison cell among convicts like me. In the cell, a silent with a piercing look, a prisoner named Walrus, was winding his term. It all started with a demonstration of tricks. The Walrus had a habit, before demonstrating his superpowers, to ask permission from inmates to show tricks. Usually, having received permission, he took action.

One morning, when the warder was taking all the convicts out of the cell to work, the Walrus asked if anyone wanted to smoke? Of course, this question was met with derision:

- Is there something to treat?

The short answer followed:

- Yes.

In the meantime, the overseer took us all to the yard, built and took us to work. On the way, he stopped everyone at the store and bought several packs of cigarettes and silently treated everyone. Just as silently, we all smoked. Only Walrus did not smoke. How he forced the warden to buy cigarettes for the prisoners remained a mystery …

The next incident happened on a hot Sunday afternoon when there was no need to go to work. Addressing the inmates, Walrus asked if we would like to have a cold beer. It goes without saying that it was the dream of all the prisoners. As before, the Walrus was lost in thought. About forty minutes later, the policeman on duty came, silently, opened the cell door and, just as silently, put a box of cold beer on the floor.

When Walrus offered his mystical services for the third time, the inmates agreed without hesitation, this offer looked extremely tempting. The walrus offered to look directly in the cell at a naked girl! This time, sitting in his place, he plunged deeply into his thoughts for a long time. Suddenly the cell door swung open. A policeman on duty appeared on the doorstep, who brought with him a very young girl, he brought her from the women's cell. He, silently, let the girl in to the men and left. And the guest, not noticing the seated men, began to undress slowly and calmly.

At that moment, I somehow managed to shake off a strange numbness. Until that moment, some unknown force forced me to sit silently and aloof, looking at what was happening in the prison cell. All the prisoners sat in the cell, as if in a half-forgotten state. The girl undressing was also half asleep. Only the Walrus was sitting on his bunk with brightly burning eyes. It was his will that dominated the minds of everyone in the cell! The walrus looked at me, and immediately realized that I had freed myself from his control. He hissed menacingly:

- Stop interfering!

And I asked him to stop mocking people. Apparently, this took a lot of energy from the Walrus. His control over others weakened, inmates began to come to their senses. A girl screamed in a wild voice, finding herself completely naked among the men. A policeman came running to her cry, who brought her to the cell. But the policeman did not understand where the girl had come from in the men's cell; in complete bewilderment, he took her to the women's cell.

Meanwhile, the argument continued between me and Walrus, which turned into a fight. I managed to give him a couple of bruises and smash his lip. For this I was transferred to a punishment cell.

In an empty punishment cell, wild and insane thoughts suddenly took possession of my mind. “What am I living for? - asked unknown whose voice in my head. - You need to end this all! Get rid of the uselessness and aimlessness of existence! " Then in my head spun: “Hang yourself? Not on anything. Open the veins? There is nothing! I have to smash my head on the ledge of the wall!"

It is not known how all this would have ended if the warden had not heard the knocking. With a broken head, I was taken to the prison hospital. The head wounds healed quickly. But the mental state did not return to normal soon. The doctors diagnosed me with severe depression. I was discharged from the prison hospital after urgent requests from my wife. However, by that time my term had long since ended. Nevertheless, I was under medical supervision for a long time.

This, it turns out, is what a strong person is capable of. Who was the Walrus? An energetic vampire, a sorcerer, a hypnotist? Unknown! But the fact that he could inspire those around him even at a great distance his desires is a fact!
