Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

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Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View
Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Video: Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Video: Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View
Video: Through the Looking Glass 2024, September

Of all the interior items, one can hardly find more mysterious than mirrors, which at all times have been surrounded by an aura of mysticism and mystery. Until now, the most impressionable of us are trying with their help to communicate with the other world, predict the future and learn the secrets of the past. Some people do it …

More expensive than Raphael's paintings

The history of mirrors is lost in the mists of time. They were made in Ancient Sumer, India and Egypt. At first, mirrors were made from obsidian, bronze and silver. The first glass mirrors were learned to make in the XII century by Venetian masters who lived and worked on the island of Murano. Once the Murano glass blowers spread a sheet of tin on a smooth piece of marble and poured mercury on it. Tin dissolved in mercury, what is called an amalgam. A piece of glass was placed on top of it, and a silvery shiny film of amalgam as thick as tissue paper adhered to it tightly. The Venetians kept this secret for more than 200 years, and the mirrors they made were incredibly expensive. A mirror measuring 1.2 meters x 80 centimeters cost 2.5 times more than a canvas by Raphael!

Reflects or attracts?

Residents of the East installed mirrors in front of the entrance to the house, if a road passed nearby, believing that they reflect evil energies. In Europe, it was customary to insert mirrors into windows to reflect the bad thoughts of a bad neighbor or negativity emanating from nearby “harmful” buildings: hospitals, prisons. In Spain, many mirrors were sewn onto the baby's clothes - it was believed that their surface would avert the eyes of envious people.

In Russia, they were convinced that a mirror can "become infected" with damage and transmit it to anyone looking at it. Therefore, women were forbidden to look in mirrors during "unclean periods" - on the days of menstruation, pregnancy and the first weeks after childbirth.

The author of the famous utopia "City of the Sun" Italian philosopher Tom-maso Campanella (1568-1639) wrote: “Old women who no longer carry blood and who have foul-smelling discharge from their mouth and eyes, looking in the mirror, find that it is it became cloudy, because the drops of moisture from their heavy breathing stick to the cold and clear glass and condense."

In one of the acts of the Paris Academy of Sciences for 1739, you can read the following: “When one old woman approached a completely clean mirror and spent more time in front of it than necessary, the mirror sucked in a large amount of her bad juices, which were then collected and analyzed by scientists. Chemical studies have shown that they are very poisonous."

Doctor and killer

There is a story about how in the Middle Ages a rich merchant, having learned about his wife's betrayal, killed her and himself in front of a huge mirror. Subsequently, the house, along with the furnishings, was acquired by another man, whose wife, a few days later, was also found dead in front of the same mirror. Subsequently, the house with a mirror-killer pass from one the owners of others, and, as a rule, women who lived here, met his death in front of the mirror surface …

The medieval physician Paracelsus diagnosed patients on how to defog the mirror with their breath, and used a mirror to treatment. With the help of spells and magic formulas, Paracelsus "persuaded" the dark energies of the disease, absorbed by the patient, to go into the reflection of the patient, seated in front of a mirror surface. And now the mirror double was "sick" for a real person.

And nowadays, as in the old days …

Many scientists are convinced that the mirror, like any thing, is surrounded by a kind of invisible field. Some mirrors have positive energy, while others have negative energy, especially if “their eyes” have seen quarrels, violence, and even more so murder.

Try to operate the TV with the remote control, but not as usual - directly, but by pointing the remote control at the mirror. Programs will switch perfectly. But if the mirror surface reflects rays invisible to the eye, it means that it is able to reflect more subtle energies, for example, human feelings and emotions! That is why both scientists and psychics advise not to experiment with a mirror: not to guess with it, not to bewitch. After all, a "mirror hit" can damage our fragile energy.

A number of scientists are inclined to think that any thing has a certain "memory", and mirrors are no exception. Especially mirrors with amalgam of silver - an extremely information-intensive metal. They believe that under certain conditions, information once recorded by a mirror can be emitted by it, and therefore, affect a person.

Ghosts from the Other World

Raymond A. Moody, a scientist who studied posthumous conditions and the author of the acclaimed book Life After Death, decided to test the veracity of numerous stories about the appearance in the mirrors of the ghosts of the dead. The renowned psychiatrist equipped a "mirror room" in which he conducted a series of experiments. The results were overwhelming: five out of ten carefully selected volunteers saw deceased relatives in the mirror and even interacted with them. True, there were rather curious differences in this communication. Some claimed that they spoke telepathically with the messengers of the other world. Others heard the voices of their deceased loved ones. Some clearly felt their touch.

In our country, there are also professionals who risked plunging into this area of the unknown. One of them is Viktor Vetvin, a renowned psychotherapist from St. Petersburg. Today Dr. Vetvin has his own center with a special “mirror cabinet”. Working with mirrors is at a professional level. To increase the effectiveness of the "entrance to the Looking Glass", he uses special stereophonic music that synchronizes the work of the cerebral hemispheres.

The changes that occur with Vetvin's patients who have visited Through the Looking Glass are amazing. Here is a typical case from his practice. The young woman was in a long

severe depression due to the fact that her son died under a car. After a ten-minute session, she left the “mirror office” as a completely different person - for the first time in many months a smile appeared on the woman's face: “I saw him, I felt him absolutely real, I talked to him, he feels good there”.

Kozyrev's Mirrors

Experiments with the so-called "Kozyrev's mirrors" - a special system of concave aluminum mirrors - gave unexpected results. According to the hypothesis proposed by Professor N. A. Kozyrev, these mirrors should focus various types of radiation, including those from biological objects. The scientist's predictions were confirmed in experiments on distant interactions: clairvoyance, telepathy …

Such works, in particular, were carried out by Novosibirsk scientists. In the early 90s of the XX century, for the first time, they carried out two global multi-day experiments on transferring information between people thousands of kilometers away from each other and who do not use traditional technical means of communication. More than four and a half thousand participants from twelve countries of the world were involved in the experiments, and they proved not only the possibility of distant transmission and reception of mental images, but also the special stability of the reception if the subjects were in the focus of the concave "Kozyrev mirrors".

The following experiments showed that if the focuses of these mirrors are combined with great accuracy, then under certain conditions, small objects placed at this point hang in the air, as if they were not affected by the force of gravity. Another no less intriguing phenomenon is associated with temporal anomalies: in some experiments with "Kozyrev's mirrors", telepathic information was received by the perceptor several hours earlier (!) Than it was emitted by the inductor.

What is the coming day for us?

Apparently, the study of the mysterious properties of mirrors promises many more interesting things. Recently, for example, the media reported on the creation of a new generation of AIRES Mirror, capable of harmonizing the surrounding space and having a beneficial effect on living objects reflected in them.