What A Catholic Needs To Do To Convert To Orthodoxy - Alternative View

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What A Catholic Needs To Do To Convert To Orthodoxy - Alternative View
What A Catholic Needs To Do To Convert To Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: What A Catholic Needs To Do To Convert To Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: What A Catholic Needs To Do To Convert To Orthodoxy - Alternative View
Video: Should We Become Eastern Orthodox? W/ Trent Horn 2024, September

The Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches have certain differences between themselves, consisting in their views on issues of fundamental importance from the point of view of religion. Most often people encounter them when entering into mixed marriages, for example, when a Catholic by religion is going to marry an Orthodox Christian, or vice versa.

In addition, it often happens that a believer may feel that his faith is not as close to him as another. So what does a Catholic need to do to convert to Orthodoxy?

About the change of faith

A change of faith is a rather serious issue that is of great importance for any believer. Many churches consider it not just a process, but a kind of sin, that is, a betrayal of the native Church to which a person belongs. At the same time, such a possibility is not excluded. But before you take such a radical step, you should think carefully about everything and in no case make a hot head decision. It must be remembered that Catholics are not prohibited from visiting Orthodox churches and praying in them. But they cannot take part in the Sacraments, for example, to baptize a child in such a church.

If you still intend to change your faith, then you can talk about this with the priest in the church that you usually attend. He will be able to discuss this issue with you and find out why exactly you are going to take such a step. If any points in your faith seem unacceptable or wrong to you, then he could discuss them with you.

How can a Catholic become Orthodox?

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To do this, you need to visit an Orthodox church and talk with the minister in it sacred about your intention. In order to accept the Orthodox faith, you will need to go through the order of accession. The fact is that Catholics are accepted into the Orthodox Church without re-baptism. This happens in two ways - through confession and communion or through chrismation, depending on the circumstances.

Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, those Catholics who were baptized in childhood, but did not undergo confirmation (in the Catholic Church, it takes place at the age of twelve) can be admitted to the Orthodox Church. In this case, you will also need to confess to an Orthodox priest. Those who have already received the Sacrament of Baptism and confirmation in the Catholic Church can accept the Orthodox faith by confessing in an Orthodox church and having Communion at the liturgy of the holy sacraments.