How The "gri" Kidnapped And Cured A Disabled Togliatti Man - Alternative View

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How The "gri" Kidnapped And Cured A Disabled Togliatti Man - Alternative View
How The "gri" Kidnapped And Cured A Disabled Togliatti Man - Alternative View

Laboratory called "Earth"

After the amazing stories that unlucky Togliatti residents fall into (and, moreover, earthlings, since there is not a single people whose representatives would not have had such experience), I would like to recall the Strugatsky brothers - or, maybe, they were still right when they said, that humanity has gazed into distant space, but sees nothing under its nose? And before looking in the direction of other planets, you need to carefully look around - is there someone else walking next to us, having his own goals and doing his own thing, while we diligently convince ourselves that man is the crown of creation, and nothing more perfect Nature has not created …

There is every reason to think so.

1991, autumn, evening. The corridor of the VAZ Palace of Culture and Technology

The next meeting of inquisitive Togliatti residents has just ended - they gathered, as usual, about 50 people that evening. It was filled with stories of encounters with the so-called "Grays" both under normal conditions and aboard UFOs.

True, at that time only foreign sources of such information were available to us. Most researchers who belonged to post-Soviet ufology believed that abduction and gray-skinned creatures with almond-shaped eyes are a purely "Western" phenomenon, a product of the local mass culture. History has shown that this is both true and not true.

But that evening we were called aside by a stylishly dressed young man with the correct speech and, it was felt, a good education. Under the strictest confidence - and without even giving his name at first - he told his story. Then it produced an effect close to shock. After all, the general conviction was that, they say, it was somewhere in the West that all sorts of "plates" had proliferated and the newcomers roam about, almost without hiding … we have this close by! And when - in 1977!

Promotional video:

Country road from the Central District to the village of Vasilyevka

The direct participant in this story is Dmitry AV, then sixteen years old. Shortly before the anomalous incident, a very real emergency happened to him - while hunting for ducks, he was wounded by an accidental shot in the sacral region. Then he underwent several operations, but one leg remained paralyzed. Restoring her motor activity, Dima tightly attached her to one pedal of the bicycle, and rode, twisting the pedals with his good leg. So he drove from village to city and back (at that time the road was country, deaf and quite calm).

“ Gray ” took the Togliatti to cure
“ Gray ” took the Togliatti to cure

“ Gray ” took the Togliatti to cure

Once, on the road behind the factory, his bicycle seemed to run into an obstacle that was not visible to the eyes (by the way, about the same incident happened in the fifties of the twentieth century, when a peasant - a resident of the village of Askuly, on Samarskaya Luka - was forced to return home, and never having managed to bypass an invisible wall).

Only after the young man got off the bike, he saw that at some distance from him above the grass was hanging a metal object in the shape of a ball about 10 meters in diameter. The object had a hatch open, showing three figures in skin-tight spacesuits. The ball landed, and the young man, not understanding how he did it with a paralyzed leg, went in the direction of him.

The next thing he remembers is how he is lying on the ground on a thin film the color of grass. When I got up, the film disappeared almost instantly - as if it had dissolved into thin air. The leg moved completely freely, and the fact that its functions were restored was then confirmed by the doctors. For the sake of objectivity, it should be said that the restoration of functions was not absolute, he still uses a cane. But after all, he walks on his own.

It turned out that a period of seven days fell out of Dmitry's memory - all this time, his mother, living in Togliatti, thought that he was with his grandmother in the village, and his grandmother thought that he was in the city.

Over the following years, he repeatedly saw UFOs far from himself, and even in sufficient proximity - for example, once a huge cigar-shaped object hovering in the 80s above the St. Petersburg "arrow" caused a stir among passers-by near the university where Dmitry was then studying (at he really turned out to be a very good education). What for? Of course, we have assumptions on this score, but about them - not now.

Dmitry still has vague memories that he was taken somewhere “there” more than once, but he doesn’t remember the exact details of these events - all that remained was the feeling of not being at home, the memory of a large and brightly lit “operating room” and doing something with him "people". And this is not surprising. It seems that gentlemen aliens are actively using such technologies that our hypnotists and even brainwashers from MK-Ultra and other similar projects still have to learn and learn …

Planet Earth - You Can't Be Safe Anywhere

The image of the “grays” is really not so unambiguous. Most readers, for sure, share the point of view, which became especially popular after the series "The X-Files", that small gray-skinned creatures with slanting black eyes are extraterrestrial beings whose purpose is to conduct medical experiments on humans or use them in some other utilitarian (consumer) purposes. It has now become clear that the phenomenon of abductions (rotational abductions) has been confirmed by numerous eyewitness testimonies. Among them there is also cross-testimony if the abduction suddenly had an independent witness. This unusual term - abduction - means a serious problem of abduction of people by the inhabitants of those objects that are commonly called UFOs, with a goal … But the goal is just unknown.

The Hill couple are the first abductors to report their abduction
The Hill couple are the first abductors to report their abduction

The Hill couple are the first abductors to report their abduction

The modern epic of "abductions" with the mention of the appearance of gray-skinned creatures - "grays" - officially began with the famous story of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961.

There is no need to tell it again. However, dozens of abduction stories investigated by ufologists from all countries made it possible to establish that the earliest modern abductions date back to an even earlier period - the late forties - early fifties of the twentieth century.

And the evidence stored in the historical memory of different peoples makes it possible to assert that such meetings are an attribute of the entire human history. And they - these meetings - are even imprinted on the objects of ancient art.

But even more interesting, the figures of humanoid creatures with pear-shaped heads and almond-shaped eyes are represented in the cave art of the European Paleolithic (Stone Age), in the rock art of Bushmen from South Africa and elsewhere. And this suggests that humanity has been faced with this phenomenon for at least 15-20 thousand years.

Fresco depicting "Grey", Ancient Egypt
Fresco depicting "Grey", Ancient Egypt

Fresco depicting "Grey", Ancient Egypt

Stories about the facts of abductions are not frequent, primarily because the abduction technology itself is built in such a way as to prevent us, humans, from confirming the physical reality of the phenomenon. Someone recalls the abduction by aliens as a bad dream, someone completely forgets, and only visits to a psychotherapist about some vague inexplicable anxiety help to reveal the details of the event, deeply hidden in memory … Someone cannot tell about their experiences because it was simply "forgotten to return to its place." Should I mention how lucky those who were brought back were?

Clinical studies have shown that people abducted by UFOs do not have any serious mental disorders that could explain this syndrome. Testing of 223 abductees by the Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1993 found "no signs of psychopathology" in the abducted individuals. In other words, people who have experienced abduction are not crazy or liars. All of them went through a traumatic situation, as a result of which some remained with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress, most characteristic of soldiers returning from the battlefield (this opinion belongs to Professor McNally and was published in 2003 in the Journal of Psychological Science).

Often abduction attempts even take place in their own apartment.

Togliatti, 4th quarter of Avtozavodsky district, Dzerzhinsky street

This is only one of the stories of a resident of the city of Togliatti - let's call her Alla: “Of course, I was interested in anomalous phenomena, but in moderation. Sometimes I read articles in newspapers, sometimes they show something on TV. Such a case made me think more seriously. In September 1991, my husband and I took a train to Nizhny Novgorod. And shortly before the trip, I was lying on the bed in my own apartment. Suddenly the window "disappeared" into the bluish-white illumination. The light was coming from outside, it looked like it had a spherical shape. Behind the windowsill stood as if children, only strange ones: gray-skinned, dressed in covered overalls, with holes instead of a nose and huge dark tonsils of eyes. They called me: “Come here!” I raised myself above the bed and seemed to have already headed towards them. But she got scared and screamed: “Petya! Hold me! “(Husband slept next to me). The gray ones made a soothing gesture with their hands - they say, okay, okay … - and it was all over.

Do you recognize this characteristic image? Gray skin, slanted black eyes … It arose in Alla's mind spontaneously and in that period of our time, when this image was still practically unknown to an ordinary person (it was 1991) - the series "The X-Files" had not yet been shown, the collapse of the Soviet Union was still ahead, there were still coupons and queues for sausage. In general, an ordinary Soviet person was not up to the "grays".

The Legend of the Men in Black was born for a reason
The Legend of the Men in Black was born for a reason

The Legend of the Men in Black was born for a reason

As for the reliability of the stories about the experience of UFO abductions, then, oddly enough, the stories of young children are the most reliable. At the age of five or seven, children DO NOT fantasize THAT. They simply do not have real life experience from which to draw details for fantasy. You will learn more about this.

But here's another interesting detail. American ufologists have noticed a curious addiction of newcomers to brand new, brand new suits and to the use of cars for their own purposes - mostly black ones. It is not for nothing that the legend of "men in black" was born on black cars in a slightly retro style - it is based on real facts. But who can say with confidence that such a civilized "outfit" from the gentlemen of the newcomers only overseas? If someone says so, it will be wrong. And here are some examples of this statement.

The beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century, places near Ryazan

An accidental late traveler witnessed a strange incident. I will cite it from memory, so some details can be changed, but this does not affect the essence of the event. Noticing a UFO in the sky, he hid behind a green landing to avoid problems. A spherical luminous UFO landed on the ground, two people emerged from it - they looked like typical people. One even seemed to be wearing a plaid shirt, the fashion of the time. UFO … transformed into a car of the then common brand. These two hugged each other, one said to the other: "Well, see you in … year" (a specific figure was named in the foreseeable future). The one with whom we were saying goodbye got into the car and drove away (there was a country road nearby). The observer did not notice where the one who said goodbye went.

And here is another example from Togliatti places.

Samara river. Reconstruction from the words of an eyewitness
Samara river. Reconstruction from the words of an eyewitness

Samara river. Reconstruction from the words of an eyewitness

Fairway of the Samara River

In June 1989, an emergency happened on the pipeline at the Togliatti-Novokuibyshevsk section - a breakthrough in the middle of the Samara river fairway. An eyewitness to this event saw a large dark disc-shaped body descend from the clouds to this area, pass over the water, leaving a strip of fog or liquefied gas behind, and then, reaching the highway, turned into a large black car and disappeared.

So aren't these creatures with superpowers who are the scriptwriters and directors of fantastic detective stories that happen to people who have been influenced by the UFO Phenomenon? Maybe if we compare the storylines of different contacts, we will get a description of the worldview that is offered to us? After all, there is every reason to assume that some new worldview, a new understanding of the world and a new way of being in this world are being introduced into human society.

We see that in these contacts, parapsychic abilities are also fully involved, and real events and events occurring in altered states of consciousness are connected into a single picture. Therefore, now is the time to pay attention to such a specific type of influence of the UFO Phenomenon on a person, which is based mainly on the extraordinary abilities of a person.

Tatiana Makarova
