Mer-Ka-Ba - Alternative View

Mer-Ka-Ba - Alternative View
Mer-Ka-Ba - Alternative View

Video: Mer-Ka-Ba - Alternative View

Video: Mer-Ka-Ba - Alternative View
Video: Африканский МОЛОТОБОЕЦ - Буйвол в Деле! Буйвол против львов, носорогов, слонов и даже туристов! 2024, September

In the ancient Egyptian language, the word Mer-Ka-Ba consists of three words: Mer, Ka and Ba. In other cultures, it can be found as merkabah, merkaba and merkavah. "Mer" was considered in Ancient Egypt as two fields of Light, spindle-shaped rotating in the opposite direction relative to each other in the same space. "Ka" refers to the individual human spirit. "Ba" is the "interpretation of reality" associated with the human body. Mer-Ka-Ba meant in Egypt - “union of Spirit and Soul”.

The Mer-Ka-Ba has the same meaning in different languages. In historical documents, the Mer-Ka-Ba is mentioned mainly as a means of transportation that allows you to move to the higher or lower worlds.

The Bible contains references to Ezekiel, which mentions the wheels - the Mer-Ka-Ba, through which Ezekiel ascended to heaven. In the Torah, in the Hebrew language (Hebrew), this word sounds like Mer-Ka-Wah and has two meanings: "the throne of God" and a chariot - a means for moving the human body and spirit from one place to another. In ancient Egypt, Mer-Ka-Ba means “revolving light that carried the spirit and body from one world to another”.

A Zulu shaman and elder, Credo Mutwa said that his people came to Earth from space on the Mer-Ka-Ba. Cuneiform tablets of the Sumerians speak of NAM-LU-U - the first people in Mesopotamia who were in contact with the gods, were about four meters tall, possessed telepathy and the ability to move through space through the Mer-Ka-Ba. The ancients believed that the Mer-Ka-Ba field could be “triggered” with the help of certain meditation techniques.


Some scientists believe that the Mer-Ka-Ba is the main engine of the UFO, transporting ships from one dimension to another. The view of the Mer-Ka-Ba is identical to the infrared thermal envelope of the Galaxy - the shape of a "flying saucer".


In three dimensions, the Mer-Ka-Ba are two interpenetrating tetrahedrons that fit exactly into a cube. The Mer-Ka-Ba field includes five Platonic solids, it is also called the "volumetric Star of David".

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In Leonardo da Vinci's drawing "Vitruvian Man", the tetrahedron facing up to the Sun is masculine, facing down to the Earth - feminine.

The male tetrahedron is called "solar", the female - "earthly." Two intersecting tetrahedrons symbolize ideally balanced masculine and feminine energies and make up the "Star Tetrahedron".

The ancient mystics knew that the world consists of ten dimensions. Based on the latest scientific research, the multidimensional universe consists not of three, but of ten dimensions, interacting with each other like vibrating strings. But all the extra dimensions are tightly twisted and hidden in the folded microstructure of space.


According to string theory, all the fundamental components of any substance, as well as all the forces acting in the Universe, such as gravity, exist at a sub-quantum level. These components resemble tiny rubber bands or strings that make up quarks (quantum particles) and, in turn, electrons, atoms, cells, etc. What kind of substance is obtained from these strings and how it behaves depends on the vibration of these strings … It is from such small strings that our entire Universe was created in this way. And according to string theory, this composition is inherent in 11 separate dimensions.


Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya