The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View

The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View
The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View

Video: The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View

Video: The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View
Video: The True Story of Nikola Tesla [Pt.1] 2024, September

An intriguing conversation with the inventor, in which he says that "not a single person that existed died."

An intriguing interview with Nikola Tesla, in which he says: “Everything is Light. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in this great source of light, which we see as the sun. And remember: not a single person who existed died."

JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, you received the glory of a person who participated in cosmic processes. Who are you, Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: This is the right question, Mr. Smith, and I will try to give you the right answer.

JOURNALIST: Some say that you are from Croatia, from an area called Lika, where trees, rocks and a starry sky grow with people. It is said that your home village is named after mountain flowers and that the house where you were born is next to a forest and a church.

Tesla: Indeed, all this is true. I am proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian homeland.

JOURNALIST: Futurists say that the twenty and twenty-first centuries were born in the head of Nikola Tesla. In Nikola Tesla's laboratory, an atom is broken for the first time. A weapon has been created that causes earthquake vibrations. Discovered black cosmic rays. They will pray to him in the Temple of the Future, because people have learned a great secret that the elements of Empedocles can be watered with vital forces from the ethers.

Tesla: Yes, these are some of my most important discoveries. I am a defeated person. I haven't done what I could to the end.

Promotional video:

JOURNALIST: What, Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: I wanted to illuminate the entire earth. There is enough electricity to create a second sun.

Humanity is not ready for great and good things. In Colorado Springs, I energized the land. We can also use other energies such as positive psychic energy. They are found in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the depths of the Earth there is the energy of Joy, Peace and Love. Their expressions are the flower that grows from the Earth, the food we receive from it, and everything that creates the homeland of man. For many years I have been looking for how this energy can affect people. The beauty and scent of roses can be used as medicine and the sun's rays as food. Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty of scientists is to find them in any form of matter. There are three things to this. All I do is find them. I know I will not find them, but I will not give them up.

JOURNALIST: What are these things?

Tesla: The first is food. What is the earthly and unearthly energy to feed the hungry on earth? What wine to pour over their thirst so that they can understand that they are Gods?

Second: to destroy the power of evil and suffering in which human life passes! They sometimes occur like an epidemic in the depths of space. In this century, the disease has spread from Earth to the universe.

Third: is there excess Light in the Universe? I discovered a star that, according to all astronomical and mathematical laws, can disappear. This star is in this galaxy. Its light can occur at a density that fits into a sphere smaller than an apple, which is heavier than our solar system. Religions and philosophies teach that a person can become Christ, Buddha and Zoroaster. What I'm trying to prove is wilder and almost unattainable.

I know that gravity is all you need to fly, and I do not intend to create flying machines, but to teach people to restore consciousness on their wings … I am trying to awaken the energy contained in the air. There are main sources of energy. What is considered empty space is just a manifestation of matter that does not awaken. There is no empty space on this planet or in the universe. The black holes that astronomers talk about have the most powerful sources of energy and life.

JOURNALIST: Have you been married? It is unknown if you had love for a woman. Photos from your youth show that you were a beautiful person.

Tesla: No. Was not. There are two sides: when there is strong attachment or not at all. I chose loneliness.

JOURNALIST: Your fans are complaining that you are relative. Strange is your statement that matter has no energy. Everything is saturated with energy, where is it?

Tesla: First there was energy, then matter.

Matter is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as Light. He shone, and stars, planets, man and everything on Earth and in the universe appeared. Matter is an expression of infinite forms of Light, because energy is older than it.

JOURNALIST: You've talked a lot about the power of visualization.

Tesla: I might have to thank the visualization for everything I came up with. The events of my life and my inventions are real and visible with my eyes, both every event and object are visible. In my youth, I was scared that I do not know what it is, but later I learned to use this power as an exceptional talent and gift. I nurtured it and guarded it jealously. I also made adjustments by visualizing most of my inventions and finishing them this way, visualizing I mentally solving complex mathematical equations.

My vision and hearing are perfect and, dare I say, stronger than others. I hear thunder five hundred miles away, and I see colors in the sky that others cannot see. This is the expansion of vision and hearing I had as a child. Later I consciously evolved.

JOURNALIST: In your youth, you were seriously ill several times. Was this a requirement to adapt?

Tesla: Yes. This is often the result of fatigue or vitality, but often it is the cleansing of the mind and body of accumulated toxins. It is necessary for a person to suffer from time to time. The source of most diseases is the spirit. Therefore, the spirit can cure most diseases. As a student, I contracted cholera that was raging in the Liki area. I was healed because my father finally gave me permission to study the technology that was my life. Illusion for me was not a disease, but a mind capable of penetrating beyond the three dimensions of the Earth. I accepted them as all other phenomena around us. Once, as a child, I was walking along the river with my uncle and said: "A trout will emerge from the water, I will throw a stone and he will die." And so it happened. Frightened and amazed, my uncle exclaimed: "Satan!" … I was in Paris when I saw the death of my mother. In a sky full of light and musicwonderful creatures floated. One of them had the character of a mother who looked at me with infinite love. When the vision disappeared, I knew that my mother had died.

JOURNALIST: A question that could have been asked at the beginning of this conversation. What was electricity to you, dear Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: Everything is electricity. At first there was a light, infinite source from which material emanates and spreads it in all forms that represent the universe and the Earth with all aspects of life. Black is the true face of Light, only we don't see it. This is a wonderful grace to man and other beings. One of its particles has light, thermal, nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and unidentified energy. It is able to control the Earth in its orbit.

JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, you rely too much on electricity.

Tesla: I am electricity in human form. You are Electricity too, Mr. Smith, but you don't get it.

JOURNALIST: The hotel service says that during lightning, you isolate yourself in the room and talk to yourself.

Tesla: I speak with lightning and thunder.

JOURNALIST: With them? What language, Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: Mainly in my native language. It has suitable words and sounds.

JOURNALIST: Is your imagination more real for you than life itself?

Tesla: It gives birth to life. I have learned to control emotions, dreams and visions. I have spent my entire long life in ecstasy. This was the source of my happiness. It has helped me, during all these years, to do work that would be enough for five lifetimes. It is best to work at night when there is starlight and close connection.

JOURNALIST: What is cosmic pain?

Tesla: This is a disease, the existence of which the vast majority of people do not know. Consequently, about many other diseases, suffering, evil, poverty, war and everything else that makes a person's life absurd and terrible. This disease cannot be completely cured, but awareness should make it less difficult and dangerous. Whenever one of my close and dear people was injured, I felt physical pain. This is because our bodies are made of similar material, and our souls are bound by unbreakable threads. The incomprehensible sadness that overwhelms us from time to time means that somewhere, on the other side of this planet, a child or a good person has died. The disappearance of stars and the appearance of comets affect us more than we can imagine. The relationship between beings on Earth is even strongerour feelings and thoughts will make the flower even more beautiful. These are the truths we must learn in order to be healed.