Yellowstone: The USA Is Preparing For A Large-scale Evacuation Of People - Alternative View

Yellowstone: The USA Is Preparing For A Large-scale Evacuation Of People - Alternative View
Yellowstone: The USA Is Preparing For A Large-scale Evacuation Of People - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone: The USA Is Preparing For A Large-scale Evacuation Of People - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone: The USA Is Preparing For A Large-scale Evacuation Of People - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson - Is The Super Volcano Under Yellowstone Going To Erupt? 2024, September

Three years ago, Dr. Henry Heasler (Henry Giesler), who is considered the most respected scientist of Yellowstone Park, predicted that the explosion of a supervolcano would be preceded by the following events:

- earthquake of at least 4.5 points on the Richter scale. This has already happened on July 15 this year;

- the activity of all geysers in the park will increase. Today this is observed not only by all sorts of Yellowstone researchers, but even by ordinary people. For example, the most famous and popular Old Faithful geyser exhibits a violation of the hot water release schedule that has never happened before. Moreover, the Giant Geyser, the second largest in the world, has awakened in the volcano's caldera;

- a massive exodus of animals from the park will begin, as they feel the approach of a disaster. Today, a huge number of moose, bison and other animals are fleeing this dangerous territory, which is already confirmed even by the leadership of Yellowstone Park. Many local residents also leave their land holdings, who, watching the flight of animals, also fear for their lives.


The federal government long ago developed a plan for a massive evacuation of the population in the event of a worst-case scenario, but if it was previously kept secret, it has now become the property of many persons responsible for the overdue evacuation. In the event of a supervolcano erupting, millions of US citizens are expected to be deployed to Argentina and Brazil, countries that have already received $ 10 billion each to provide accommodation and accommodation for North American refugees.


There was a massive sinkhole near the Yellowstone Caldera last week, FEMA officials say, and the Federal Government is even considering using a so-called "misguided strategy" to release the pressure of the growing magma by detonating a dome at Sour Creek (the weakest point in the Yellowstone caldera) low-power nuclear device …

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