THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View
THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

Video: THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

Video: THEY Leave With Annoying Wealth To The Shelters. What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View
Video: Old Captain America Watched the Avengers This ENTIRE Time 2024, September

The insider website Above Top Secret has periodically flashed this material in recent days:

They are going away. THEY transport their families and annoying wealth from earthlings, to shelters. THEY are preparing for the next cleansing of the planet from a virus called HUMAN. What kind of cleansing will it be? Cataclysms, Big War or Artificially Created Catastrophe? Never mind. The main thing is that they know … THIS PROCESS has begun and is coming to an end !!!

As John Kaminsky says: “We are humans, ourselves are the stinking, vile froth on the planet, sucking life out of it as quickly as we can, regardless of the damage we do. Seen from the perspective of the universe, humans are a completely useless form of life."

But who made us so? Who destroyed and changed our world and all our foundations? Who destroyed the memory of our ancestors? Who, with lies, sword and fire made us believe in invented alien gods? Who, with particular cunning cruelty, taught common mankind to worship the golden calf and who in general coined this term (Hebrew עגל הזהב).

We are not going to deal with these issues now. This is an alien species that has introduced its own rules and concepts for “ordinary Earthlings”. He turned us into something that even our Mother Earth wants to free ourselves from. Humanity cannot fight back - Mother begins to fight back. After all, it is INTELLIGENT, unlike many of its inhabitants.

We have already crossed the threshold of THIS! It has already begun. It's just that many people don't notice it!

But back to the news that shows that THOSE who were created to keep “common mankind” under control, and for the rams to slaughter, were afraid of what was coming. That THEM will sweep away and destroy the whole paradigm built by them.

We will not cite ALL examples of the so-called “world elite” going into shelters here. Let's pay attention only to the most important ones.

Promotional video:

It is already clear that for some reason they chose New Zealand.

But everything is in order. Let's start at the top.

Baruchs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the top of the British Israel Empire, represented by the entire royal court, headed by Elizabeth II … Billionaires and millionaires all rushed there.

For some reason, all of them have recently begun to pay special attention to New Zealand.

Remember how the Rothschilds bought up 12 thousand acres of land there in a remote area 2 years ago and began to build something underground. And the Baruchs, who bought 20 thousand acres there, started the construction of an underground shelter-city and caught up with a lot of equipment, which caused a real panic among the local inhabitants. The Queen of England also realized that something bad was approaching for THEM. Secret representatives of Queen Elizabeth bought up a huge area of land. They apparently decided to also become survivalists and built a huge underground city, where at the end of last year they began to bring all the national historical values.

Everything they came up with for ordinary earthlings:

“And the kings of the earth, and the nobles, and the rich, and the great leaders, and the strong, and every slave, and every free man, hid in a cave and in a valley of the mountains; And he said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of His wrath has come; and who can stand? “Revelation 6: 15-17 (KJV)

Imagine that people with almost infinite wealth suddenly begin to prepare for something that we only sometimes think about, that THIS would never happen, but THIS looks more and more likely every day, at least in the opinion of those who are with money, and who are willing to spend millions on all kinds of shelters, “houses of the future” and “cities” designed for survival.

And what are THEY preparing for?

Dave Hodges recently said THAT HUMANITY WAS BEGINNING! It's just that ordinary people don't understand this.

This is either the Great War or the Cataclysms.

“The elite and key intelligence officers who provide information to the elite have taken steps to protect themselves from what is to come.”

Many high-profile DHS and FEMA employees are retiring urgently and moving to New Zealand.

Something big is about to happen. There is so much talk about it that we can feel it in our nerves. This must be heeded.

How do I know? Some of my best insiders told me that it's time to stop warning people, it's too late, because the time has come when you have to think about your safety, as very bad events are on the way. My initial reaction was not to believe them, but there are too many reliable sources of information that tell me that we are living in a very dangerous time, which will bring great shock and mortal danger.

For example, a mass migration of high-ranking pensioners to underground shelters began. I even know one of these "refugees" personally and he said that "all hell is going to break free."

Earlier, I wrote an article about a friend of mine, a former FEMA leader, who with his family, as well as with like-minded people from DHS and FEMA, went to a closed safe enclave.

In December, Jim Marrs and I discussed that some 800-900 top-tier bankers have gone into hiding and safe retreat with their families. Marrs told my listeners that elite families have created a network of shelters in New Zealand that only they have access to. Marrs warned that very bad events are impending, the world elites understand this and are preparing for the impending threat.

Subsequently, Jim Marrs shared his observation that what concerns the bankers happened at the same time that my friend from FEMA went into hiding in a protective enclave, and that all these actions are based on their knowledge of a dangerous time that will happen to us in 2018. …

Even those who are half asleep already understand that the "neocon bastards" want a third world war, they want extreme depopulation and they want the restructuring of the world economic and political system, hence the term - new world order.

These "bastards" choose leaders to carry out their agenda. And when these leaders don't follow through on their agenda, bad things start to happen. Elites in recent decades have been very consistent about their desire to cut the population by 90%.

Get ready. Hell opens the doors!”

Well, this is information from last year.

And here is fresh information: Billionaires go to shelters.


“The information raises questions as to why the elite are buying up land and building underground shelters in New Zealand?

This is starting to cause panic among the inhabitants …

Shouldn't “ELITE” prepare for the Apocalypse?.. They know something.

We read ANP: global disasters, banking or economic collapse, major nuclear war, or some kind of Catastrophe.


Very wealthy people, including many famous billionaires, think SOMETHING is approaching and they are gearing up for it, and New Zealand is one of their top picks.

The rich and the very rich try to hide their families in New Zealand.

Famous American billionaire William Foley, Tony Malkin President and CEO of Empire State Realty, along with his 18 New York-based CEOs, Hollywood director James Cameron with all his relatives and hedge fund billionaire Julian Robertson. These are only a few out of hundreds.

Nearly all of Silicon Valley's leading figures are preparing shelters for their families and loved ones as the terrible hour approaches.

Sam Altman, one of the most influential representatives of Silicon Valley, is ready for the approaching Apocalypse. He has an underground bunker ready, the whole family is assembled, a separate plane is always waiting for departure.

In recent months, there has been a wild influx of billionaires wanting to survive. They buy up real estate, land and start digging and building shelters.

As the Guardian emphasized, in recent months alone, the number of those wishing to try to survive in the approach of the Last Day has increased by 14% compared to last year.

And now the last observations:

Everyone suddenly wanted to become citizens of New Zealand. And even Donald Trump (since 2011) has this second or third citizenship. And Hillary Clinton. Everyone suddenly wants to become citizens of New Zealand.

By the way … In 2016, Joe Biden officially ordered the construction of a shelter, code-named "The Last" in New Zealand, with a capacity of 3 thousand people. Funding came from the “black budget”. Emergency construction was completed at the end of December 2017. At the moment, the check-in begins.

It seems that EVERYTHING WILL START IN MAY. Or the Great War or Yellowstone.


No one needs to be reminded that Yellowstone is at its limit. Residents of adjacent areas are recommended to evacuate until May.

Portland University geology professor Scott Burns said: “If you see swarms under a working volcano, it’s clear that magma is rising underneath. So soon”.

Michael Poland, a seismologist at the USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, said yesterday that we need to prepare.

WW3 is also inevitable.


It will be either North Korea, which the neocons-Zionists are pushing Trump to do, or they will push us against Iran. Or with Russia in Syria.

Or they themselves will jump, despicably attacking Syria and their Iranian allies. But the result will be the same - BIG WAR this year!

Hillary Clinton travels to New Zealand in May. Crypt Obama, along with his family, also gathered in New Zealand in May.

The Five Eyes Alliance, abbreviated as FVEY, is also stirring up something and building a shelter for their underground, as can be seen from the words and behavior of the former FBI Director James Comey, who was hanging out in New Zealand only a month before the end of the Obama mishpukh.

By the way, Snowden in 2013 described this Five Eyes alliance as the most knowledgeable on the planet.

The British, for example, argue that you need to look at the behavior of the "Five Eyes" in order to understand what will happen in the world.

“There is no doubt that these rich, famous and 'elite' are gearing up for something huge. They obviously know something that we don't."

They are going away! What do they know that we do not know?
